In the wardrobe of every person there is at least one thing with a stain, which cannot be removed with the help of ordinary powder. It is for this kind of pollution that Vanish was developed.
This tool allows you not only to deal with stubborn old stains, but also makes the fabrics snow-white. To achieve the best effect, you need to know some of the nuances of its use.
What stains does Vanish stain remover remove, how to use it correctly to remove stubborn stain, how much does it cost? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.
What stains on clothes does it help to deal with?
Vanish allows you to cope with stains that have a different nature of origin. This remedy is effective against types of dirt such as:
medicines: brilliant green, iodine, potassium permanganate;
- cosmetics: lipstick, mascara, deodorants;
- motor oils and lubricants;
- food and drinks: coffee, juices, sauces, wine, fat, tomato paste, orange juice, tea leaves, berries, etc.;
- paint;
- grass stains;
- biological fluids: blood and sweat;
- street dirt, clay, earth.
Treats minor and stubborn stains... It can be used to remove dirt from white and colored clothing.
There is no chlorine in Vanish, so it does not spoil things. It is often used for cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture.
Release forms
Vanish has several forms of release. Each tool has certain characteristics:
- Powder stain removers. They are suitable for economical use. A box of powder lasts for a long time, and its cost is lower compared to liquid products.
Liquid concentrate... These stain removers are easy to use. You can also purchase 2-in-1 products that combine stain remover with bleach.
- Gels of the Gold series... Their main feature is the speed of stain removal. Products from this series help to deal with dirt in half a minute.
- Stain remover spray... It works at all temperatures. The spray is convenient to apply, as it is poured into spray bottles.
Depending on the form of release, the bleach can be packaged in cardboard boxes, plastic jars with screw caps, or in rigid bags. Gels and concentrates are bottled. A disposable stain remover can be found commercially.
For white linen
For safe and effective care of white clothes, you can purchase Vanish products from a special line.
These include:
- Vanish Gold Oxi Action: crystal white powder - the advantage of this product is its combination with bleach, the price is about 600 rubles per package weighing 0.5 kg;
- Vanish Gold Oxi Action: crystal white gel, the cost of 0.45 l is about 300 rubles;
- Vanish Oxy Action liquid for fabrics, stain remover and bleach, the cost of a 0.45 liter bleach is 145 rubles.
Read more here.
For colored things
Suitable for the care of colored fabrics are such products as:
- Vanish Oxi Action liquid concentrate for colored fabrics, cost of 1 liter - 350 rubles;
- Vanish Oxi Action powder for 500 g you will need to pay about 450 rubles;
- Vanish Oxi Action spray for colored laundry, for 0.5 liters you will have to pay 450 rubles.
Read more here.
Vanish Gold Series
You can purchase products from this series in both liquid and powder form. There are stain removers for the care of white and colored fabrics.
Among them:
- Vanish Gold Oxi Action: crystal white (powder) for white lingerie, the cost of a can containing 0.5 kg of funds is 600 rubles;
- Vanish Gold Oxi Action for colored laundry (powder), for a 0.5 kg package, you will have to pay about 480 rubles;
- Vanish Gold Oxi Action liquid for colored laundry, a 0.45 liter bottle costs about 230 rubles.
Read more here.
Which one to choose for different types of washing?
To achieve maximum effect, you need to choose the right stain remover.
Features to consider:
To get rid of the grayness of things, products containing bleach are suitable. These packages have the inscription "crystal white".
These stain removers contain active ingredients that make fabrics several shades whiter.
- To remove stubborn stains, for example, from the ground, vegetable oil, grass, it is recommended to use products from the "Gold" series.
Their reinforced formula allows you to gently and quickly remove even the most difficult to remove stains.
- To get rid of stains containing a protein component (ice cream, milk, sebum, chicken eggs, etc.), it is recommended to use the Vanish spray. Such dirt should only be washed in cold water.
High temperatures will cause stains to change their chemical formula, making them harder to remove. Spray Vanish allows you to get rid of dirt even at low temperatures.
- Liquid products in the form of gels should be used to wash delicate items. Such stain removers are used to care for wool, silk, linen, etc. For cleaning other fabrics, a powdery agent is suitable.
Instructions for use
How to use Vanish to remove a stain? To completely get rid of stains, you must follow the correct procedure.
General instructions for using Vanish:
Humidify pollution. Use cool or warm water depending on the type of stain.
- Apply a small amount of the product to the stained area of the fabric. For a basic powder stain remover, the amount is 15 g.
- Rub the cleaner over the laundry to absorb into the fibers of the fabric.
- To wash the thing, taking into account the information on its label.
If the stain was minor, or the fabric cannot be washed, then simply rinse it out.
Stubborn, stubborn or stubborn dirt must be soaked beforehand. In this case, the sequence of actions changes:
- Moisten the problematic area of the fabric (if a liquid product is used, then it is applied to the stain without preliminary moistening).
- Grind the powder for contamination.
- Leave the product on white items for up to 6 hours, and on colored items for an hour.
- After the specified time has elapsed, the contaminated area is rubbed manually. These manipulations must be performed carefully so as not to damage the thing.
- Wash the product according to the available recommendations.
Simply add Vanish to the powder compartment. If the stains are serious, then 60 g of the base product are covered. For common stains, the dosage is reduced by half. For hand washing, powder is consumed at the rate of 30 g for every 10 liters of water.
For safe and high-quality cleaning of things with Vanish, you need to take precautions:
If there is any doubt that Vanish can spoil the quality of the thing, you need to test it from the back of the product, in the most inconspicuous place.
- It is necessary to ensure that the stain remover does not get on the metal parts of the thing. This applies to buttons, rivets, zippers, etc.
- Keep the product out of the reach of children.
- Do not allow Vanish to get into the eyes. If this happens, they need to be rinsed with plenty of water and a doctor's visit.
- You can not combine Vanish with other products containing chlorine.
- It is recommended to use gloves during work. If the product comes in contact with the skin, rinse it with plenty of water.
- The fabric, with the composition applied to it, should be in a dark place. Do not expose the damp spot to sunlight or leave the product near heat sources.
- Keep the stain remover container closed.
Tips & Tricks
Here are some important tips to improve the cleaning process of fabric stains:
- Powdered vanish should not be used to remove stains from leather, wool, suede and silk. Failure to follow this recommendation may result in damage to the product.
The smaller the stain remover package, the cheaper the product cost. However, it will not be possible to save in this way.
In terms of saving money, it is more profitable to buy a large pack.
- To remove texture stains such as clay or earth, let them dry and then brush off stains and dirt with a brush.
Sometimes a thing needs to be cleaned from the inside. When the opportunity arises, resort to bleach.
- It is better to remove oily stains with hot water, but only on condition that there is no protein component in them.
- The sooner you start treating the stain with Vanish, the faster you can get rid of it. Old dirt is more strongly eaten into the fibers.
- Before you start cleaning, you need to read the information on caring for the thing. It is available on special tags that are attached to its seamy side.
The choice of stain remover will depend on this. For example, some fabrics cannot be machine washed and others cannot be processed in hot water.
Price and where to buy
The cost of the product varies in a wide range... It depends on the formula of the stain remover, its variety and dosage. The price starts from 145 rubles and ends with 1200 - 1300 rubles.
The original powder has high-quality bright packaging. The labels are printed clearly, they contain complete information about the composition of the product and how to use it. The lid closes tightly.
Before buying, you need to read the expiration date... It is always indicated on the packaging. An expired product should not be used.
The opinions of people who have used Vanish stain removers are divided. Some people like it, others consider it insufficiently effective.
Some women find that liquid concentrates and gels work better with stains. There are housewives who, on the contrary, prefer Vanish in powder.
Many users report a good whitening effect when using a product from the "crystal white" series.
Vanish managed to establish himself among users as a fairly effective and not very expensive tool for removing stains and whitening things.
It is used to get rid of stubborn and common stains, and is also added to the powder for classic washing.... If you choose and apply the right product, you will be able to achieve the desired result.