How to remove black mold from the walls yourself and with the help of professionals?

foto835-1It appears easily, difficult to get rid of - a hallmark of black mold. This is a species of higher fungi of the mold family.

They live on the walls of residential and non-residential premises, in corners, at the joints of slabs. They pose a threat to life for humans and animals.

It provokes severe diseases of the lungs and bronchi. Especially for people with weakened immunity, prone to respiratory diseases, children.

It reproduces by spores, by air, it is difficult to remove it. How to remove mold? There are a number of ways that will cope with the problem, both in the initial stage and in advanced cases.

Folk recipes for home use

foto835-2How to remove black mold from walls in rooms?

If a problem has arisen, you can start an immediate fight with the available tools available in every home.

Folk remedies have several advantages:

  1. Efficiency... Especially in the early stages of mold.
  2. Cheapness... The cost of each tool is within 100 rubles.
  3. Is in every home... Every housewife has at least one of the listed funds below.


Apply the concentrate (undiluted) to the surface affected by mold in any convenient way - a sponge, a brush. Leave the composition to dry completely. If one treatment is not enough - repeat.

Pay close attention to particularly contaminated areas. Go white to unaffected parts to prevent spread.

Be sure to use protective rubberized gloves, a respirator... The room must be well ventilated as chlorine fumes are hazardous to health. The method is suitable for the initial stage of infection.

How to get rid of wall mold with whiteness:

Soda and washing powder

For one glass of boiling water (in a ratio of 1: 2), dilute soda and washing powder... The prepared hot mixture is treated with the infected surface using a brush.

It should be left to dry completely. The method has proven itself well in the fight against mold at the joints of tiles, skirting boards. This composition is recommended for infections with fungal spores at the initial stages.


Apply undiluted with a soft brush, sponge. Leave to dry completely.

If the problem is not solved during the first application, repeat the treatment until the mold completely disappears from the wall. Be sure to use protective equipment.

The method is suitable for processing:

  • walls,
  • stone,
  • tile.

Hydrogen peroxide

How to clean at home with peroxide?

  1. foto835-3Spray the bottle undiluted onto the wall.
  2. Clean the affected area with a stiff brush and a washcloth.
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes. for exposure.
  4. Next, dilute with 9% acetic acid in a 1: 1 ratio and repeat the treatment of the desired area.
  5. Wait until it dries completely.

The method is convenient in that it does not require rinsing, does not leave traces... Use only on hard surfaces.

Tea tree oil

Processing is carried out using a spray. The proportion of the composition is 1 liter. dilute 25 ml of warm water. tea tree oil.

For minor lesions, spot application is acceptable undiluted with a cotton swab, brush.

The tea tree fights in the early stages of infection. The method requires rinsing with water as it can stain the surface.

After removal, the area where there was mold must be treated with any chemical composition from black mold so that the fungus does not return to this place.


foto835-4Prepare a composition of 1 part borax (200g.) And 4 liters. water... Apply to previously cleaned surface.

Using a stiff brush, rub the mixture into the wall. Blot the treated area dry with a cloth. Leave to dry completely.

If the mold has not disappeared, repeat the procedure. The method is suitable for closed and poorly ventilated rooms... The use of gloves is mandatory.

Copper sulfate

In the fight against home black mold, copper sulfate is also used. The drug should be applied in a concentrated form to the wall with a sponge or soft brush. Leave to dry completely. It is aggressive and often does not require reapplication.

It is better not to use this method for renovated premises, since vitriol leaves indelible marks on the surface to be cleaned.

How to remove fungus in an apartment with specialized means

Depending on the area of ​​the lesion and the complexity of the surface to be treated, the market offers professional methods for dealing with black mold. The most popular are imported products.

Senezh Effeo

foto835-6Good for porous materials, tiles and other hard surfaces... The liquid is economical in consumption.

Does not leave stains, self-neutralizes, suitable for processing food containers. On delicate materials, it is recommended to dilute the product in a 1: 1 ratio.

In other cases, the drug is applied to the area affected by the fungus with a sponge or brush. On vertical surfaces, processing is carried out from the bottom up.

Action Senezh Effeo, takes place the first 2-3 hours... Then the surface is dried in a natural way. If necessary, the processing is repeated until the problem is completely eliminated.

If the area to be treated is set aside for painting, the manufacturer recommends washing off the composition after a day, or waiting 10 days and painting.

Depending on the volume, the price is as follows:

  • 5 kg - about 500 rubles;
  • 10 kg - about 900 rubles.

Fongifluid (ALPA)

Suitable for use on external and internal areas of infection with fungal spores. The nominal volume is 2 liters. Economical to use.

Suitable for porous and smooth surfaces. When used on paint and varnish surfaces, it increases their resistance to moisture. Leaves no residue. Does not have a pungent odor, which gives an advantage for indoor use.

Surface preparation is carried out before application. The areas are cleaned with a spatula, a metal brush, and if necessary washed with water.


  • foto835-7apply the composition with a roller or brush,
  • leave for activation for 4-6 days,
  • after the allotted time, remove the remnants of the product with a stiff brush, rinse off the surface with water,
  • let the treated area dry.

The manufacturer guarantees protection against fungus for 2 years.

Available in volumes:

  • 0.5 l. - about 500 rubles,
  • 2 p. - about 830 rubles.,
  • 5 l. - about 1650 rubles.

Homeenpoisto (TIKKURILA)

The most aggressive of the drugs presented... Processing should be carried out only with a respirator, goggles and rubber gloves.

Not used on glass, aluminum surfaces and other delicate areas. Strongly incompatible with detergents.

Before processing unpainted wood surfaces, a primer is carried out with any antiseptic. The Finnish manufacturer recommends Valtti Pohjuste.

Further dilute the concentrate with water 1: 3 and apply for 30 minutes. sponge or brush... If the result is not satisfactory, the treatment is not stopped until the fungus has completely disappeared.

All this time, the surface is kept moist by means of the product. Upon completion of the application, the surface is thoroughly washed with water from top to bottom. The price will be for 1 liter. about 550 rubles.

Contacting cleaning companies

foto835-8If it was not possible to overcome the problem on your own and the black "guest" visits the premises again, it is worth contacting professionals.

Mechanical cleaning with cliners varies from 60 to 500 rubles. per m2.

At the same time, the minimum processing area to which the specialists will leave will be 5 m2 + the price for applying the chemical composition from 350 rubles. per m2.

Getting rid of mold with the help of specialists from the Mold Stop company costs an average of 3 thousand. rub.

All available innovative technologies will be involved... Namely - diagnostics, surface cleaning, quartzing the room from spores. If necessary and at the request of clients, recommendations are made regarding the maintenance of the declared effect.

You need to entrust the work only to trusted cleaning companies. It is worth checking the recommendations, reading the reviews. This will save you from frustration in the end result and loss of money.


It is recommended to take such preventive measures against the appearance of fungus:

  1. foto835-9Check air ducts, hoods, ventilation regularly.
  2. Make it a rule to remove excess moisture immediately, and not wait "until it dries itself."
  3. Ventilate and heat living quarters.
  4. Monitor the level of humidity in the house, do not create "greenhouse conditions" - a high level of moisture and heat.
  5. Once a week, treat suspected mold sites with special chemicals or folk methods. Especially if measures were taken to get rid of the fungus.

These simple tips will help protect your home from an intruder and keep everyone in your family healthy.


Mold is a fungus that grows by spores and is found in the air. If preventive measures are not followed or the root cause of the appearance of black mold is not eliminated, then all the work done can be down the drain.

  1. Yuri

    At one time, I was able to remove mold from my mother in the apartment using the insecticidal checker "FOMOR-anti-mold". Thanks to this smoke treatment, the mold disappeared in just a week.

    • Olga

      Can you tell me where you can buy such a checker?

      • Nikolay

        Try to look here. If it does not find it, press the "Find" button again.


