Simple tricks, or how you can iron a T-shirt without an iron

foto3664-1The T-shirt has long been a basic item. Therefore, it is difficult to find a person who does not have T-shirts in his wardrobe. Different fabrics are used for their manufacture, many of them require ironing.

What if there is no iron? How to iron a T-shirt without an iron?

There are some clever ways to smooth out a wrinkled T-shirt without using this household appliance.

How to smooth quickly?

People in all ages have tried to make things more neat. And since the iron was invented only in the 17th century, before that fabrics were ironed in very interesting ways. But in the future, the number of life hacks only increased.

There are many ways to iron T-shirts without an iron. Such methods can help out if the iron suddenly breaks down, come in handy when traveling and are definitely in demand among students.

Most of the life hacks presented below do not require any fancy gadgets or outside help. Let's take a closer look at the most popular ones.


foto3664-2This method is suitable for those who have a spare time.... To "iron" with steam, you need to take a bath of boiling water and hang the necessary T-shirts over it using a hanger.

After a short time, usually 20 minutes is enough, because of the steam they will be smoothed out. After that, you need to let the T-shirts dry, you can move them to a more ventilated area.

Leave clothes to dry directly on the hanger so they don't wrinkle again. The method is best used at night., and in the morning you can put on a neat T-shirt.

Life hack with a kettle

Everything is simple here. The principle works in the same way as an oven iron that was heated over a fire.

To tidy up a T-shirt, fill the kettle with hot water and iron it upside down. The fabric will expand under the weight and temperature effect.

If there is no ordinary kettle in the house, you can use a metal mug, ladle or small bowl.

How to iron a T-shirt without an iron, the video will tell you:

Solution with unique action

For this method of ironing a T-shirt without an iron, you need to prepare a special cocktail. For him you will need:

  • foto3664-3vinegar 9%;
  • water;
  • fabric softener;
  • spray.

All ingredients of the "potion" should be taken in equal parts, and then thoroughly mixed in a spray bottle.

Sprinkle the T-shirt hung on a hanger with a generous amount of mixture and let it dry. Such a tool does not leave stains and quickly straightens creases on things..

If you don't have the right ingredients, you can just use water. It is better to dry a wetted T-shirt with a hairdryer.

Gravity to help

A fairly simple trick with a heavy object will help smooth out the creases on the shirt. You need to level the thing, put it on a flat surface and press it with something heavy. You can even sit neatly on top.

Enough about 20 minutes of such exposureand the T-shirt will be ready to go. For a more lasting effect, you can press the item down overnight.

To smooth out the creases faster and better, it is recommended to slightly moisten the thing before leveling. Better to use a spray bottle.

In order to put on a neat T-shirt in the morning, you can straighten it and put it under the mattress at night... Under the weight, it will straighten and be even. This method is not suitable for beds with slats and, moreover, armor beds.

Boiling water

foto3664-4This method works on the same principle as the first one. The thing takes on a neat appearance due to steam treatment. But this method requires much less water consumption.

It can be quite useful when traveling. and it is very easy to implement it at home in no time.

In order to iron a T-shirt, you need to boil water in a kettle. Then take it and, directing steam from the spout to the thing, smooth out the clothes. Fast and easy.

Wet towel

This method is recommended for knitted items.but it can be applied to T-shirts too. You need to put the thing on top of a towel dampened with water, and carefully straighten it.

Allow time for all wrinkles to disappear and hang the clothes on a hanger. Leave it to dry.

Use a terry towel and do not wet it unnecessarily. A towel that is too wet will also work, but ironing and drying will take much longer.

Wet hands

If the shirt is thin and the creases are light, you can iron it with wet hands. Need:

  1. hang a thing
  2. wet your hands
  3. Iron the fabric on both sides.

Hands must be clean otherwise dirty stains will remain.

Curling iron

foto3664-5If there is a girl in the house who loves straight hair, then her curling iron can be used for other purposes.

The hair iron is suitable for emergency ironing of clothes... It needs to be heated and clamped in a hall on a T-shirt between the plates.

For such ironing, it is better to choose the minimum curling iron temperature. You need to pinch the fabric for literally a few seconds so as not to burn it out and ruin the thing. It is better to degrease the plates first.

Do not try to smooth out a thing that is already on you.... While this can save you time, there is no need to risk it.

Curling iron burns are very painful and take a long time to heal. So it's better to take off the shirt, iron it and put it back on.


A very simple and quick method that does a great job with small folds. When pulled, the fabrics are well smoothed, the wrinkled fibers take on their original appearance. So this technique is also suitable for small creases.

You need to slightly moisten the T-shirt, preferably from a spray bottle and gently pull in all directions until the desired result is achieved... The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the thing.

Tips and bans

foto3664-6In order not to destroy your favorite T-shirt when ironing without an iron, you need to carefully introduce new methods.

If, for example, a mug of boiling water did not help, then it is better to use some kind of gentle method... For example, with steam.

Thus, after a fairly aggressive effect on the fabric, you minimize the chances of ruining your clothes.

If you need a T-shirt now, then it is best to use express methods, such as stretching or ironing with a curling iron. But still try not to rush and handle the thing carefully. Because if the T-shirt goes bad, you will have to pick up another outfit even faster.

The above methods do not have strict prohibitions. But still, it will not be superfluous to study the composition of the T-shirt fabric.So, using a hot kettle or curling iron can damage the polyester.

It is also better to iron white things in other ways, as both the curling iron and the kettle can leave marks. The method with a solution is also not suitable here, it is still better not to risk it.


Ironing a T-shirt without an iron is pretty easy. All methods do not require any special equipment or skills... It is enough to use what is in every home.



