Valuable advice on how and how to smooth leather goods

foto3151-1Genuine leather clothes are always in trend. Styles and models are changing, but this material does not give up its positions.

If leather items are not properly stored between seasons, they can wrinkle. Wrinkled skin looks messy and needs to be smoothed out.

You can carry it out at home using available tools. Read about how and how to smooth leather things in the article.

Method selection for natural material

The elasticity and softness of natural leather help to preserve the appearance of the thing. But if it is folded or squeezed for a long time, leather clothing can easily wrinkle.

It is possible to regain shape and beautiful appearance for such things in several ways:

  1. foto3151-2Applying household appliances.
  2. Using folk methods.
  3. Using purchased household chemicals.
  4. By hanging things under their own weight for several days. However, this option may not work for severe wrinkles in rough skin.

When ironing, it is important to make sure the item is clean... Pre-check pockets, remove all foreign objects from them.

The choice of smoothing method depends on personal preference, the quality of the skin and the condition of the item.

Smoothing with household appliances

If a thing made of genuine leather is not dented, then you should not expose it to heat unnecessarily.

The soft skin of a trouser, jacket or skirt can even smooth out under the weight of the garment itself if left hanging for several days.

Can wrinkled leather items be ironed with an iron?

You can iron wrinkled leather clothes with a regular iron. But it is necessary to take into account all the features of natural leather.

How to use the iron:

  1. foto3151-3It is recommended to iron products from the inside out.
  2. Smoothing is performed through an additional fabric with an unexpressed texture. Otherwise, the pattern from this fabric may be imprinted on the skin when using the iron.
  3. The steam function must be disabled on the iron.
  4. Set the temperature on the iron to a minimum, position "silk".
  5. The area that has just been ironed must be allowed to cool before proceeding to the next.
  6. The ironed item should be hung in a free state for 30-60 minutes so that the shape is fixed and the item cools down.
  7. When ironing, the presence of overhead and decorative elements should be taken into account. Care must be taken that, for example, the fringe of a leather jacket does not come under the influence of an iron, etc.
Do not allow direct contact of genuine leather with a heated iron!

How to iron natural and artificial leather with an iron, the video will tell you:

Steaming at home

In order to steam a leather product, it must be placed vertically... This requirement applies not only to raincoats and jackets, but also dresses, trousers, and skirts.

Jackets, raincoats, dresses, vests and jackets are worn on hangers. Trousers, shorts and skirts are fixed on special trembles so that the thing hangs freely.

The process of steaming depends on the density of the skin and how much and in what places it is creased.

Appliances that can be used for steaming:

  • steam generator;
  • steamer;
  • iron with vertical steam function.

Features of processing leather clothing with steam:

  1. foto3151-4It is possible to use steam to treat only jammed areas or the whole thing.
  2. They start processing with small parts, gradually moving on to large ones.
  3. A jet of steam cannot be held in one place for a long time - no more than a couple of seconds.
  4. The distance from which steaming is carried out should not be less than 15-20 cm.
  5. The intensity of exposure should take into account the density of natural leather. Excessive exposure can damage delicate material.
  6. Steaming is best done from the inside out.

How to steam natural leather, video tips:

Folk ways

An alternative option for smoothing crumpled things is folk methods. They are based on the properties of the skin - its pliability and plasticity. But the use of brute force is unacceptable, as it can lead to damage to the thing.

Steam bath

One of the simple, but at the same time effective ways of smoothing natural leather - exposure to steam.

For those who cannot use the steaming function on household appliances, the bathroom steaming option is suitable.

How is steaming carried out:

  1. foto3151-5Hot water, or even boiling water, is poured into a tub or large basin.
  2. A leather item is freely hung over this container on a trempel.
  3. Closing the bathroom door.
  4. Withstand the jacket for an hour and a half. Longer exposure to steam can cause the item to become significantly wet, which can lead to deterioration of leather clothing.
  5. Wipe off excess moisture from the garment with a soft towel.
  6. Leave the processed product in a dry place to hang until completely dry.

The steam bath is the most gentle treatmentAlso suitable for suede, eco-leather and many other materials.


Skin that is soft in structure can be straightened with a press. The role of a weighting agent can be played by objects with a flat surface, smooth, which will not damage the material and will not leave unnecessary prints. This could be, for example, an encyclopedia volume.

The press can be used for leather items with a soft texture. And with minor creases.

Work order:

  1. The leather item is laid out on a flat surface. This can be a table, ironing board, or floor.
  2. A fabric without a pronounced texture is placed on top.
  3. Impose a load.
  4. The thing will have to be kept in this position for at least a day.

Purchased funds

Natural leather can be easily smoothed using commercial products. This can be cheap Vaseline or an expensive imported spray. Such treatment makes the skin more pliable and softer.

If there is any doubt about the possibility of using a certain remedy, it is better to conduct preliminary testing by applying it to an inconspicuous area from the inside out.

Petroleum jelly, vegetable oil, glycerin

Very good results can be obtained using walnut oil, glycerin or petroleum jelly. These funds help to soften the surface of leather items, due to which straightening occurs.

Smoothing tips:

  1. foto3151-6It is convenient to handle a leather item when it is flat on a horizontal surface.
  2. For areas such as sleeves or trouser legs, it is advisable to use dense rollers that are placed inward.
  3. Do not use excessive force when applying the product, much less pull the thing with your hands.
  4. The prepared product is distributed over the skin area with a clean napkin or sponge (if the area is very small).
  5. The preparation selected for treatment is applied with rubbing movements. There should not be a lot of funds, as this will form stains and streaks.
  6. After processing one area, it is necessary to withstand a quarter of an hour, and only after that move to a new place.
  7. After the end of the work, the leather thing is suspended with a trempel, and they give enough time to absorb and air.
Softening the skin not only helps to eliminate creases, but also makes the item softer and more pleasant to the touch.

The process of processing things is very laborious and takes a lot of time.

Household chemicals

Purchased household chemicals contain a completely ready-to-use composition... Many of them are designed as spray bottles for easy application.

The main purpose of such funds is to provide softening of the skin, give it shine, and straighten wrinkled areas.

Application procedure:

  1. A leather item is hung on a trempel.
  2. The selected product is evenly distributed over the skin.
  3. Distribute and rub the preparation with a dry clean napkin.
  4. For better absorption, the thing is left to ventilate while on the trempel.

Popular remedies include:

NameManufacturer countryBottle volume, mlAction takenprice, rub.
UnicumRussia500Cleaning, softening, improving the appearance, giving shine200
Balm "Renapur"Germany250Softening, giving shine, adding shine, refreshing color900
HG 4-in-1 Skin CareNetherlands250Nourishing natural leather, softening the surface, protecting from the sun and other external influences800
Collonil Carbon Leather CareGermany150Delicate care, softening and protection1 000


foto3151-7Artificial leather is very often chosen as a material for sewing clothes.

How to smooth it depends on the characteristics of the material and the method of its manufacture. Many methods that work with natural leather work with artificial leather as well.

Processing should start by studying the information on the label., including the composition and rules of care. Artificial material can be ironed from the inside out, at the minimum temperature regime, by steaming.

Artificial material is less plastic, has the worst air permeability, and is rougher. Clothes made of artificial leather serve less and lose their appearance faster.

At the same time, the requirements for storage conditions for these clothes are the same as for natural leather.

Useful Tips

To achieve the best smoothing result on leather items, we recommend using the following tips:

  1. foto3151-8If the applied smoothing agent does not help, you can repeat the smoothing again or use another method after a while.
  2. For a thing made of genuine leather that serves for years, periodic processing with walnut oil will increase the elasticity of the material and reduce the likelihood of wrinkling and creasing.
  3. It is impossible to allow exposure to excessively high temperatures during ironing or to increase the duration of the procedure.
  4. None of the smoothing methods provide guaranteed skin smoothing.
If a high-quality leather item is stored correctly, then ironing is not an obligatory procedure for it.


A thing made of genuine leather, which is properly cared for, can serve for many years without losing its appearance.

Smoothing wrinkled leather clothing must be done carefullywithout trying to use more processing agents and higher temperatures.



