Little tricks on how to iron and fold elastic sheets

foto3483-1Keeping a neat appearance of the sleeping place, a beautiful and practical sheet with an elastic band has firmly taken the leading position in popularity among housewives.

But along with ease of use, there are some ironing and folding features that complicate the process of caring for bed linen.

What tips will help you quickly iron a sheet with an elastic band and fold it correctly after ironing?

Preparation for the process

To make the ironing process go quickly and please with the quality of the result, some recommendations must be followed:

  • foto3483-2after washing, the sheets are immediately taken out (prolonged exposure to wet clothes in the washing machine can cause creases, which are very difficult to get rid of);
  • before hanging the laundry on the dryer, shake it well, carefully straighten the edges and corners;
  • for ironing, do not dry the cold slightly (a slightly damp cloth is smoothed better);
  • before ironing, it is necessary to sew up all small holes (they can increase under the influence of high temperatures);
  • the ironing board is set at a comfortable height (helps to avoid back pain problems) in a well-lit place;
  • in order to avoid damage to the fabric, you do not need to iron the same place many times, and also place the iron flat on the fabric.
Particular attention should be paid to the temperature regime of ironing. Each type of fabric has a maximum heating temperature for the iron. As a rule, it is indicated by the manufacturer on the product tag.

If such information is absent or the tag is torn off, it is worth remembering the temperature readings for certain types of fabric:

  • silk - no more than 80 ° С;
  • cotton - up to 180C;
  • linen - 200C.

If the manufacturer has indicated a crossed-out iron on the tag, ironing with an elastic band is not recommended.

Ironing process

Iron the sheet quickly you can, adhering to a certain algorithm of actions:

  1. The linen is straightened, one corner is inserted into the other.
  2. One hand holds the folded corner, with the free hand folds the corner below. The resulting rectangle is shaken well and laid out on the ironing board.
  3. After heating the iron to the required temperature, the fabric is ironed on both sides. Elasticated edges are also ironed.

There are several more ways, the use of which can greatly facilitate the process. ironing bed linen.

Four fold method

foto3483-3This is the fastest and, most importantly, the easiest way to iron bed linen. on an elastic band. You can save time on ironing if you first fold the sheet in half, and then again in half.

The resulting small rectangle is ironed on both sides. The indisputable advantage of this method is the ironing speed.

In the process of folding the sheet, care must be taken to avoid creases and folds. Smoothed with an iron, it is very difficult to get rid of them in the future.

Method from the center in a circle to the edges

This technique is also called "ironing for the lazy"... It got this name because, in fact, only the middle is smoothed, and the edges remain unsmoothed.

As the sheet is pulled over the mattress, the folds around the edges are naturally smoothed out.

Pulling on the mattress

foto3483-4A creative method that quickly removes creases in bedding fabric.

The secret lies in the fact that the sheet is first pulled over the mattress, and only then ironed with an iron.

The only unpleasant moment that may arise during the ironing process is the insufficient length of the iron cord... An extension cord will help solve the problem.

How to iron and roll an elasticized sheet, video tutorial:

Is it possible to do without ironing?

Many do without ironing, explaining that the linen is smoothed by itself when pulled on the mattress.

But you should always remember that ironing the sheets not only helps to create a beautiful, tidy appearance of the bed, but also disinfects the laundry by destroying bacteria.

How to fold it so it doesn't wrinkle?

Correctly folded ironed laundry does not take up much space on the shelf and keeps a neat look... It is not easy to fold a cold with an elastic band. The thing is that the edges of the sheet gathered with an elastic band, when folded, bulge and wrinkle.

A clear algorithm of actions will help to neatly and quickly fold the ironed sheet:

  1. foto3483-5The ironed sheet is turned in such a position that the short edge is located on the right and left sides.
  2. Turning the sheet with its back to you, palms are pushed into the corners, like into pockets. The result of such actions: the sheet is held on the hands, while its longer side is placed between the palms.
  3. We pass one end to the other. As a result, both upper corners are added together.
  4. The sheet is turned over, the hands are again threaded into the free lower corners.
  5. One corner is put on the other (actions are similar to the upper corners).
  6. The result of the manipulations: the sheet with an elastic band is folded in half (the corners are nested into each other).

The resulting even rectangle is ironed again with your hands, correcting small creases, and sent to storage in the closet.

A pillowcase will help you keep a set of linen in one place. All the elements are simply added to it.

It is best not to use plastic containers or plastic bags to store sheets, pillowcases, or duvet covers. Lack of air circulation can cause mold, unpleasant musty smell on the bed.

It is also recommended to take an inventory of the contents of the closet once a year and ruthlessly send used bedding to the scrap.

Tips and bans

Experienced housewives' little secrets to ease the tedious ironing processhelping to achieve the perfect result:

  • foto3483-6it is possible to avoid deformation (often from a rectangle, sheets with an elastic band are stretched to the state of a trapezoid curve) if, during ironing, you slightly pull the fabric by the ends, aligning it in the desired direction;
  • when ironing a sheet folded four times, do not touch the folds with the iron;
  • after ironing, never put the sheet in the cupboard immediately (the fabrics must be cooled).

It is strictly forbidden to iron terry sheets are not elastic, as after high temperature processing, the terry loses its absorbent properties.


So now you know how to iron a sheet with an elastic band. Using the described methods of ironing and folding the sheet with an elastic band in practice will help to avoid the difficulties associated with caring for this type of bedding.



