Tips from experienced pastry chefs: how to store apple marshmallow at home
Apple pastila is a delicious natural and healthy dessert. In order for a product to retain all its qualities for a long time, it must be properly stored.
At home, this can be done in several ways.
Read about how to properly store apple marshmallows at home in the article.
Ways to organize the storage of apple dessert
Subject to all the necessary conditions, apple marshmallow can be stored for a long time. When cooked well, it should not get your hands dirty, although it may feel slightly damp to the touch.
Glass containers
Storing in glass jars is the most common and simplest option and is very suitable for home use. Difficulty can only be with a large amount of apple marshmallow, since in this case you will need a lot of cans.
For storage in a glass jar, follow these steps:
- The pastila is pre-cut into strips and rolls are formed. Or cut into squares.
- Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
- The resulting pieces are placed in a dry container, shifting the layers with parchment.
- Cover with a plastic lid.
Apple candy, unlike a product made from other fruits, for example, plums, can have a high density and low plasticity, so it is often more convenient to cut it into squares rather than roll it into a roll.
Wooden boxes
Wood boxes can also be used as storage locations for apple marshmallows. Prepared containers are cleaned, ventilated, dried and lined with parchment, which should cover the bottom and walls of the box. After that, the product is laid, shifting all the layers with parchment sheets.
The disadvantages of this storage method include:
- the need for serious processing of the box itself;
- bulkiness of the container;
- lack of reliability and tightness of such packaging;
- best suited for high volume workpieces.
Canvas bags
To store a dessert product just in a bag, you need to prepare it. Only a bag made of linen or cotton fading can be used for contact with the product.
Before placing apple marshmallow in it, the bag should be held in a concentrated saline solution and dried without rinsing.
The marshmallow itself, as in the previous storage methods, should be shifted with parchment paper. You can store the sweetness directly in such a bag, or by placing it in a tin can.
Disadvantages of the organization:
- the need for additional processing of the bag itself;
- difficulty in laying parchment between rows due to the lack of a rigid form;
- lack of complete tightness.
Pretreating the bag with saline will help protect the product from insect infestation.
Plastic containers
Apple candy can be stored in hermetically sealed containers for more than a month. Laying out the product in layers, you should not forget to separate them with parchment.... The containers are compact and take up little space, which is very convenient for home storage.
Carton boxes
Cardboard boxes are suitable for storing large quantities of food. If there are few products, then instead of a box, it is better to use glass jars or special containers.
The inside of the carton is lined with parchment, and the layers are separated in the same way as when organizing storage in another container.
If, before placing the pastila, the boxes were used for products with a pronounced odor (for example, oranges, tangerines, smoked meats, etc.), you should not use them. Moreover, such packaging does not provide complete protection against insects.
It is impossible to allow the product to be tamped and its too dense, so as not to provoke deformation and damage to the marshmallow.
Features of freezing the product
In a freezer, unlike a conventional refrigerating chamber, at a constantly low temperature, marshmallow can be stored for a long time - up to a year. This method allows the product to retain useful substances and not lose its consistency.
If, after freezing, the apple marshmallow needs to be thawed, then this must be done gradually and in stages:
- Transfer from the freezer to the shelf of the refrigerator compartment.
- Withstand several hours (about two to three).
- Transfer to the table for complete defrosting.
Temperature and timing
To keep the natural product for a long time, it is necessary to organize suitable conditions for him:
- humidity - up to 60%;
- air temperature - about + 14ºС.
Apple sweetness should be stored in dry conditions:
- Cut into pieces, it can be kept in a glass container for up to 1.5 months, if the required temperature regime is observed.
- In a frozen state - a year.
- Outdoors - no longer than 1-1.5 weeks, as it dries quickly.
During long-term storage, periodically, the pastille must be taken out, dried in the oven, and after cooling down, placed again in storage containers, shifting with fresh parchment. This technique will increase the shelf life.
Prohibitions and features of the process
Only proper storage allows the pastille not to deteriorate, and to maintain its consistency.
The features of the organization of the process include the following points:
- If the pastille is not packed for storage, but is in the open air, it dries quickly and becomes hard.
Simply placed in a plastic bag and in the refrigerator - the applesauce becomes sticky, viscous and can disappear.
- Do not store pastille in a wet container.
- You cannot store the product in a container that has traces of other products in it and has retained extraneous odors - the pastille will be saturated with them and become tasteless. For the same reason, you should not store it in a poorly ventilated room.
- Storing in the open sun is a way to quickly dry the product and acquire uncharacteristic hardness.
- Do not store apple candy in foil or cling film - the product will deteriorate.
If you want to know more about storing apples, take a look here.
Despite the production of natural homemade apple candy without the addition of preservatives, this product can be stored for a long time.
The main thing is to comply with all the necessary conditions - maintaining the required humidity and constant temperature... If you follow all the storage rules, marshmallow will become a delicious and healthy dessert for the whole family and guests.