A question of time: how long is sauerkraut stored?
Sauerkraut is not only tasty, but also a healthy product. Despite the presence of natural preservatives, this winter preparation is suitable for eating only for a certain time.
Its shelf life depends on the storage conditions. To add it, we recommend following a few tips.
In this article, we will tell you how much sauerkraut is stored in the cellar, refrigerator, on the balcony, how to extend the shelf life of the product.
What is the shelf life of the product?
After salting, the vegetable is allowed to be stored in a room where a low positive temperature is maintained.
Suitable for this purpose:
In some cases, jars of sauerkraut are kept directly in the kitchen or room.
At temperatures from -1 to +4 degrees, the cruciferous vegetable in a closed container is stored for up to eight months... When stored without a refrigerator and the temperature rises to +10 degrees, the shelf life is reduced to 5-6 days.
This parameter also depends on the capacity. Under the condition of coolness, the maximum shelf life is observed in oak tubs - more than six months, in glass jars - up to 15 days, in plastic containers - no more than 10 days.
What determines the storage period?
The shelf life mainly depends on two factors: correct salting technology and maintaining optimal storage conditions.
The most important ones are:
Cleanliness of preparation of raw materials and utensils for salting.
- Selection of mid- or late-ripening cabbage varieties.
- Accuracy of calculating salt, sugar and total brine strength.
- The material from which the containers are made.
- Rules for caring for cabbage in the first days after cooking.
- Adding sour berries (lingonberries, cranberries).
- Indoor temperaturewhere the product is stored.
It is advisable to put sauerkraut in glass, enamel or wooden containers. Plastic containers are also suitable for storage, but the product tastes worse and the shelf life is shorter.
Can I freeze?
Sauerkraut is often frozen. At the same time, its shelf life is significantly increased. In this state, she is able to "hold out" for more than eight months.
The thawed product is somewhat inferior in taste, but retains most of its useful properties... After thawing, the product must be stored according to standard rules (at a low positive temperature).
The vegetable cannot be re-frozen, since this not only loses a large amount of biologically active substances, but also noticeably worsens organoleptic properties.
Tips on the topic of the article
To keep sauerkraut edible throughout storage, it is helpful to follow some advice from professional chefs and microbiologists.
A vegetable product in which fermentation processes take place is stored longer if used when salting spices... Cumin is suitable for sauerkraut.
It is equally important to properly care for the vegetable preparation in the first 8-10 days after salting. Not only the taste, but also the quality of the product directly depends on this. The vegetable needs to be pierced twice a day to the bottom in several places with a stick. This helps the gases escape.
Throughout the "critical" period, until the cabbage is fermented, it is necessary to regularly remove foam and mold from the brine surface.
All the most important things about storing sauerkraut can be found in this section.
Cabbage, fermented according to a proven recipe, can be stored for up to eight months. To do this, you must keep it in a room with a temperature of about zero degrees.
To extend the shelf life, it is advisable to use a wooden container with a tight-fitting lid.... In this case, the vegetable will retain all its qualities and taste.