Several options for keeping green onions for a long time

foto15077-1Green onions are rich in nutrients that remain in them when stored properly.

There are several ways to preserve the harvest, so choosing the right option is not difficult.

This article will show you how to keep green onions fresh, dried, frozen for the winter at home.

Preparing for winter storage at home

foto15077-2For long-term storage, select healthy vegetables that are not damaged... For most harvesting methods, greens do not need to be washed - it is enough to shake off the feathers and clean off the clods of earth with a dry cloth.

Before being sent for storage, the crop must be sorted out. A damaged vegetable can be used first.

If, according to the harvesting technology, it is necessary for the vegetables to be clean (for example, for freezing), the onions are washed in a basin and then dried in the air.

Choice of containers

Depending on the conditions in which you plan to store the onion, a suitable container is selected:

  • for the refrigerator - glass jars, paper and cellophane bags;
  • for the freezer - containers and bags resistant to low temperatures;
  • for the basement and balcony - boxes, bags, etc.
If, according to the packaging technology, it is necessary to use paper, then one is chosen that does not sour from moisture. Waxed is not suitable, as well as newspaper, on which there is printing ink.

Cellophane bags are often used to store vegetables.... At temperatures from 0 ° C and above, any packaging intended for food products will do. But when freezing, it is advisable to use containers designed for freezers.

The ways

Green onions are a demanding vegetable. The ambient temperature and the quality of the greens themselves directly affect how long they can be stored, while maintaining their useful qualities.

Fresh at room temperature

At room temperature, green onions retain their properties for only a few days (maximum - 3-5). Adequate moisture must be provided to prevent leaf wiltingby choosing one of the ways:

WayStorage Option ImplementationNote
In waterWater is collected in a glass or jar, into which the roots are dipped.Add water as needed.
Wrap in a damp cloth
  • moisten the roots with water;
  • connect feathers into a bunch;
  • wrap with a damp cloth;
  • cover with paper.
Sprinkle the onion heads periodically with water.
Packaging in paper
  • rinse the vegetable;
  • dry;
  • wrap in paper;
  • sprinkle the bundle with water;
  • put away in a closet or closet.
The paper should not be newsprint or waxed. Better - packaging, kraft paper. And you need to make sure that the bundle does not dry out completely.

At home, greens should not be placed near heat sources or in direct sunlight.

In fridge

foto15077-3Fresh green onions can be stored in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment. Before placing the product in the cold, it should not be washed.

If the vegetables are too dirty, you can clean them from the soil with a dry cloth.

The temperature regime in the refrigerator is optimal to preserve the product for up to 2 months:

  • at + 3 ° C the storage time is up to 20 days;
  • at 0 ° C - up to 60 days.

There are several techniques such storage is just on the shelf of the refrigerator:

  • in a glass jar (up to 30 days);
  • in a plastic bag (up to 45 days);
  • in paper (14-20 days);
  • in a bag with a damp cloth (up to 30 days).
Wet feathers should be dried by spreading them out on paper or a towel before placing them in the refrigerator.

For more information on storing chives in the refrigerator, see here.

In the freezer

A well-prepared and frozen vegetable can be stored until the next harvest, many months. But at the same time, defrosting and re-freezing of the vegetable should be excluded.

foto15077-4To freeze, follow these steps:

  1. Rinse the onion well.
  2. Dry.
  3. Cut in small pieces.
  4. Place the workpiece in containers or special bags.

Regular bags can fail as they become brittle at low temperatures

The video will tell you how to freeze green onions for the winter:

In the basement

In the cellar, green onions can remain fresh for up to a month. This option is suitable for a freshly dug vegetable that has juicy feathers without damage.

Peeling off the ground from the bow, for storage you can choose one of the following options:

  1. Separate the onion feathers in bunches and store in plastic bags, which are laid out on the shelves.
  2. Cover plastic trellis or wooden boxes with foil and fold the crop.
  3. Fill wooden boxes with high sides with prepared vegetables in bags so that the bulbs are at the bottom and the feathers are at the top.
Failure to pick vegetables before placing them in the basement can result in the loss of the entire crop.

On the balcony

foto15077-5You can store onions on the balcony only when the temperature outside has not dropped below 0 ° C.

The containers usually used are boxes covered with polyethylene. The shelf life is determined by weather conditions - until frost.

At a slight negative air temperature, the boxes can be covered with old blankets on top or arrange other insulation. Periodically, it will be necessary to sort out the stock, since rotting is possible. With good insulation, the bow can lie on the balcony even down to -10 ° C.

Chopped vegetable

If chives are chopped, their shelf life is significantly reduced. At room temperature - up to two hours, in cellophane in the refrigerator - up to 12 hours.

You can extend the storage time in this way:

  1. Pour chopped greens into a glass jar.
  2. Cover with vegetable oil.
  3. Place in the refrigerator.
With this storage method, it will be possible to use both onions and oil, which is saturated with the onion aroma, and can be used as a dressing.

The best option is to use the product soon or freeze it for the winter. If there are not many onions, then you can freeze them in small trays, for example, intended for ice. In this case, the product will be divided into single portions.

Drying: all options

foto15077-6Dried green onions retain a significant portion of their beneficial properties. The advantages of this processing:

  • compact storage;
  • preservation of the product for two years;
  • Ease of use;
  • preservation of useful qualities;
  • not exactingness to storage conditions.

Drying green onions can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. Using an electric dryer.
  2. In the oven.
  3. On open air.

To implement any drying method, you must:

  1. Go through the greens. If there are damaged areas, they need to be cut off.
  2. Rinse.
  3. Air dry.
  4. Cut in small pieces.

You can store dried vegetables in different containers:

  • glass jars;
  • plastic containers;
  • canvas bags, etc.
When properly dried, up to 80% of nutrients are retained in the dried product.

On open air

foto15077-7This method is one of the simplest options for harvesting green onions for future use. To dry, you need white paper without graphics and text.

It is spread in the shade. Prepared greens are laid out in one layer.

It is convenient to carry out drying by covering the sieve with paper... With this option, there will be no fears that the drying onions will scatter around the house from the slightest draft and good ventilation will remain. From above it is necessary to cover the drying greens with gauze to protect against insects and dust.

Thick onion stalks are not suitable for air drying, as they do not dry well and may even deteriorate.

In the oven

Drying green onions in the oven is not difficult. The temperature is set low - about + 50 ° С. The onions are poured onto a baking sheet in a thin layer. In 2-3 hours, depending on the thickness of the shoots, it will dry out completely.

If there is no experience in using this method, then the drying process must be controlled, and the onions must be mixed periodically.

How to dry green onions for the winter, video recipe:

In an electric dryer

Depending on the thickness of the onion pieces, the temperature at which drying is carried out is determined. In this case, it should be monitored so that the temperature is not higher than + 70 ° C, since at higher rates, useful substances will be destroyed.

9 recommendations

Save scallions these tips will help:

  1. foto15077-8A frozen or dried vegetable will save time in the cooking process, as it is completely ready for use - washed and cut.
  2. The most compact way of storage is dried. Onions will take up 10 times less space than fresh ones.
  3. When stored in a cellar, on a balcony or in a refrigerator, the greens should be sorted frequently, removing rotten or dried feathers.
  4. Sharp temperature fluctuations significantly reduce the shelf life of the vegetable.
  5. For storage, you should not mix green and onions or other types of onions, as they require different conditions.
  6. The frozen product retains its characteristic bright green hue, but is inferior to the dried product in its aroma.
  7. The onions can be blanched before freezing. After that, it must be cooled, dried, and only then placed in the freezer.
  8. When storing whole green onions, the feathers should not be compressed, bent, or trimmed.
  9. An alternative way to use green onions is to pickle and pickle.

For important information on onion storage, see given section.


Green onions are a useful product that serves as a means of preventing viral diseases and enriches the taste of a large number of dishes. With a good organization of the storage process, greens can be on the table for a long time.

To do this, it is necessary to take into account the existing conditions, and not to violate the processing technology of green onions intended for long-term storage.



