All the most important about storing carrots for the winter in sawdust

foto16508-1Carrots are a common vegetable that, when stored properly, can last for many months. One of the methods for preserving the crop is in sawdust.

To do this, you need to choose the right storage location, container and choose the sawdust themselves.

We will tell you in the article about whether it is possible to store and how to properly organize storage of the carrot crop for the winter in sawdust.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Storing carrots in sawdust - a long-practiced method that ensures a long-term vegetable maturation.

foto16508-2The advantages of this method:

  • long-term storage;
  • reliable protection of root crops from diseases and infections;
  • easy cleaning of carrots from sawdust after storage;
  • ease of organization.

In addition to the indisputable advantages, the technique also has disadvantages:

  • the need to have a lot of sawdust;
  • it is required to pour each layer, which can be laborious for large volumes of blanks;
  • sawdust tend to dust;
  • sawdust can provoke allergies.
If the disadvantages of storing carrots in sawdust are not scary, then this method can be regarded as one of the best. In addition, even if there are no ready-made sawdust, you can make them yourself.


Proper storage of carrots in sawdust requires compliance with all prerequisites:

  1. Creating conditions in the store.
  2. Selection of containers.
  3. Choice of sawdust.
  4. Proper cultivation and processing of carrots before laying.

Choice of containers

The duration of lying largely depends on the choice of capacity. The best option is a box designed for no more than 20 kg (better for 15-18 kg), and equipped with a lid. Wooden or cardboard is suitable, which does not have significant gaps so that sawdust does not spill through them.

foto16508-3When planning the placement of the crop in the winter, the following conditions must be observed:

  • containers should not be placed directly on the cellar floor - only on wooden podiums or on shelves;
  • the container should not move close to the walls of the cellar - it is necessary to leave a free space of at least 10 cm.

Sometimes a method is used to store carrots directly on the shelves, without containers. In this case, sawdust will be poured directly onto the shelves.This option is less preferable and accurate, besides, the sawdust will be required much more than for laying in boxes.

Wood species for sawdust

Sawdust for preserving carrots is not suitable for any - conifers are needed, it is they that prevent the development of fungus and damage to the crop with diseases.

If the sawdust is wet, it should be dried before use. The allowed chip moisture content is up to 12%.

High-quality storage of a vegetable is due to the phytoncides contained in wood chips.


A convenient room for storing large quantities of carrots in sawdust is an equipped cellar. Previously, the remains of last year's harvest should be removed from it and disinfected.

Suitable conditions for finding a root crop are as follows:

  • humidity - up to 95%;
  • air temperature - in the range from -2 ° C to + 2 ° C.

If there are no racks or podiums for installing stock boxes, these must be done in advance. Read more about the storage temperature of carrots. here.

How to prepare a vegetable?

For bookmarking in the winter select healthy ripe roots, preferably late-ripening varietiesadapted to the climatic conditions of the growing region.

From the entire volume of the harvested vegetable, damaged, uneven structure and other defects are rejected.

foto16508-4Before sending carrots for long-term storage, it needs to be prepared:

  1. Shake off the ground.
  2. Cut off the tops so that unnecessary greens do not draw on useful substances.
  3. Cut off the remaining head (10 mm) to avoid germination later.
  4. Trim the ponytails.
  5. Dry for three days.

It is better to give preference to carrots of medium size, canonical shape. Read how to prepare carrots for storage. here.

How to store?

The order of laying vegetables:

  1. Place the box in a designated place.
  2. Pour sawdust in a layer of 20-50 mm.
  3. Put the carrots on the formed "pillow" so that the vegetables do not touch each other.
  4. Add a layer of sawdust to completely cover all the carrots in the bottom row.
  5. Repeat the alternation of layers of carrots and sawdust to the top of the box.
  6. Cover the container with a lid.
Duration of storage of carrots in sawdust, if properly organized, can be until the next harvest.

Possible problems

If all the organizational points are taken into account, the carrots meet all quality requirements and the appropriate sawdust is selected, storage should take place without problems.

Problems with the laying of the workpiece may arise as follows:

ProblemCause of the problemSolutions
FreezingThe room temperature dropped below -2 ° CCreate additional insulation by covering the boxes, for example, with felt
Fungus and decayExcess moisture in the soil in which the carrots grewFor storage, leave carrots grown in favorable conditions
Fungus and decayUse of sawdust from diseased trees, use of wet sawdust.Choose high quality dry sawdust
Sprouting carrotsImproper preparation of the root crops themselves for laying, too active air circulationThe air duct should not be excessive, and the carrots must be prepared according to all the rules

Storage should also consider the compatibility of the crops being stored. Carrots, for example, can be stored near beets, but preferably in more than one container. And from apples and cabbage it should be separated, since such a neighborhood negatively affects the keeping quality of vegetables.

You can learn about storing carrots and beets in the cellar here, at home - here.

Alternative ways

In addition to sawdust, other methods can be used to store carrots. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Is it possible in polyethylene?

foto16508-5In plastic bags, carrots can be stored in a cool place. Such a package should not be tightly tied, since during the lying down the vegetable emits carbon dioxide..

In a confined space, this will contribute to the spoilage of root crops. In this regard, it is necessary to arrange additional holes and place some ash inside to absorb moisture.

If you use polyethylene, then the carrots will lie for several months (3-4), but not until the next harvest.

Instead of sealed polyethylene, it is advisable to use woven plastic bags, which are used for sugar and other bulk products.

You can find out about the pros and cons of storing carrots in bags here.


Clay is diluted to the state of thick sour cream: it is left for 3 or 4 days to swell. During this time, the solution is stirred periodically.

Each carrot is coated in clay and dried before being placed in storage. Only completely dried root crops with a hardened outer clay layer should be stored for storage.

This method is one of the most effective storage options, allowing the crop to lie for up to a year, but the preparation process itself is very messy.


foto16508-6In the bins, carrots can be stored in moist moss. This neighborhood allows the vegetable to lie for a long time due to the preserving properties of moss, which allow it to retain carbon dioxide.

Another plus is that moss is a light material that does not exert additional pressure on vegetables... From above, such a storage is covered with a tarp to prevent moisture evaporation.

If the cellar is damp, then moss will be preferable to storing stocks in the sand.


Large enamelled pots and buckets can also be used to store stocks of carrots.

Prepared roots are placed vertically in containers... Put a napkin on top, and cover everything with a lid.

Onion and garlic husks

If you collect enough onion and garlic husks throughout the year, then you can organize the storage of carrots even until next season.

To do this, use boxes in which vegetables are put, abundantly sprinkling each layer with husks.


This method of storing carrots is one of the most popular and often used by gardeners. Its implementation allows you to leave root crops in good condition from six months to 9 months.

The sand should be wet, but not wet... If there is dry sand, then it is possible to increase its moisture content as follows: add a liter of water to each bucket of sand and mix. Carrots are laid in layers, similar to storage in sawdust.


Long-term storage the safety of the crop is ensured by observing the conditions and following the following recommendations:

  1. foto16508-7Vegetables are not washed before laying.
  2. Even small cracks on the surface are a reason to reject the root crop.
  3. Better are small root crops in winter.
  4. Unsuitable sawdust can ruin crops.
  5. Storing harvested vegetables in sawdust does not protect against rodents.


When choosing a way to store carrots, the opinions of summer residents agree that sand and sawdust are one of the best options for long-term preservation of the crop in a cellar or on an equipped balcony.

All the materials necessary for this are available, and the process itself does not require complex organization. If the conditions in the cellar are right, the vegetable will not sprout or rot.

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Storing a vegetable in sawdust provides a fairly long storage period. The method itself is not difficult and labor-intensive., which allows it to be realized independently, even without much experience in preserving vegetable stocks, including for novice gardeners.



