Description, pros and cons of Ariel color products, price and consumer opinions

foto16653-1The washing result directly depends on the quality of the detergent.

Produced in various forms and packaging, Ariel color allows you to effectively wash colored items and meets all modern safety requirements for household chemicals.

In this article, we will consider Ariel color products (powder, gel and capsules), their pros and cons, cost, consumer reviews.

What are the features of Ariel color?

foto16653-2Ariel - a famous brand that dates back to the 60s of the last century.

The purpose of the product is to develop an effective detergent for washing in automatic washing machines... Over time, the product range has changed and expanded.

The list of manufactured products began to include means focused on the color of the fabric - Ariel color.

Having become one of the largest manufacturers of household chemicals for washing clothes, Ariel enjoys the well-deserved trust of housewives, and is also recommended by the manufacturers of washing equipment.

Ariel color detergents contain active ingredients that are responsible for washing away dirt - surfactants, fragrance and other ingredients. Depending on the form of release (powder, gel, capsules), there are some differences in the composition of the product.

Product benefits Ariel color:

  • control over the quality of detergents;
  • high efficiency;
  • various forms of release and volumes;
  • cost efficiency;
  • maintaining the brightness of shades;
  • respect for the fabric.
Ariel color series products are not intended for washing natural silks and wool.


The products of the Ariel color group are presented in several shapes and different packaging volumes. For serious washing of clothes with strong or persistent dirt, powder has proven itself best.

For delicate materials, the best solution is to use a gel mold... Capsules that combine the qualities of a detergent and a rinse aid are a relatively new product that has proven to be effective in practice.


Ariel color powder is a very popular product. Its use has its own strengths and weaknesses. It contains a fairly high percentage of surfactants, but it is these components that are responsible for the quality of washing.

Consisting of:

  • up to 15% anionic surfactants;
  • up to 5% of nonionic surfactants;
  • enzymes;
  • phosphonates, etc.


The advantages include the following points:

  1. Good efficiency in cleaning dirt.
  2. The price of the product in bulk form is less (compared to gels and capsules).
  3. It is possible to adjust the dose of the product for each wash.
  4. Economical consumption.
  5. The composition contains a substance that prevents the formation of scale on the parts of the washing machine.
  6. Possibility of washing at a water temperature of + 30 ° C.
  7. After a good rinse, a light aroma remains.
  8. Handles most tough stains.
  9. Convenience when pouring the drug into the container of the machine.

Cons of using:

  1. The powder can become dusty, irritating the mucous membranes, provoking an allergic reaction.
  2. Compared to gels and capsules - worse dissolution in water and worse rinsing.
  3. Not very convenient storage of funds.
  4. The amount of potentially harmful compounds in powder is higher than in liquid form and capsules.
  5. Not suitable for washing children's clothing.
  6. Relatively high price.
  7. Long shelf life - 2 years.
  8. There is a chance of getting characteristic white streaks from the powder after washing.
In addition to the standard Ariel color, the manufacturer also produces a powder with Lenore. This additive makes things even more soft, fresh and pleasantly scented.

In addition to the above, there is also among the products for washing colored clothes Ariel color expert (Ariel color expert). This powder is one of the best for washing colored materials and gives even better results.

Since the composition of the powder is quite aggressive, it is not recommended to use it for washing children's clothes.


Capsules in a special shell are intended for washing colored laundry. The shell of this product dissolves in water, releasing the gel content.


This tool has many advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • washing efficiency;
  • saturated composition;
  • giving things a pleasant aroma;
  • a lot of foam does not form during washing;
  • whitish stains do not remain on colored things after processing;
  • facilitating subsequent ironing;
  • convenient compact packaging;
  • individual packaging for each capsule;
  • pleasant aroma of things after washing;
  • possibility of use in a wide range of temperatures (from + 30 ° C to + 95 ° C).

Cons of using:

  • no dosage option;
  • high price;
  • old stains can be difficult to clean;
  • strong aroma.

The shelf life is 18 months.

Gel for washing

Ariel in the form of a gel is created with the needs of customers in mind. The liquid form of the powder is gaining more and more popularity due to the following advantages:

  1. Suitable for washing delicate items.
  2. Improves the texture of the material.
  3. High efficiency.
  4. Convenient dispensing with a lid that acts as a measuring cup.
  5. Good rinsing of the product from the fabric fibers when rinsing.
  6. There are no traces of detergent on the fabric after rinsing.
  7. The product has no dustiness, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions due to the ingestion of Ariel color particles in the respiratory tract.
  8. Economical consumption.
  9. Reliability and stability of the packaging.
  10. Compactness - the bottle with the product does not take up a large volume.
  11. The cap is of a convenient shape and size, the outer bottom of which is equipped with a brush, which allows the agent to be well distributed over the place of contamination.
  12. Suitable for washing delicate fabrics.
  13. Fast and easy dissolution, even in cold water, ensuring an even distribution of the gel.


Cons of using the liquid form of the product:

  1. Washing old stains is worse than using the powder of the same name.
  2. The shelf life is lower than that of the powder.
  3. Gel is more difficult to pour into a machine container when compared to placing powder.
  4. The price is higher than that of the powder form.

The shelf life is 18 months.


The effectiveness of Ariel color products is created thanks to the rich composition, which includes such components as:

  • surfactants that can penetrate deep into fabric fibers and remove dirt;
  • enzymes with the ability to break stains into very small particles, which allows you to better clean the stained area;
  • polymers that promote the transfer of the active substance into the deep layers of the tissue.

Washing powder

foto16653-6The use of Ariel washing powder for colored laundry does not have any special nuances compared to other manufacturers' products.

This drug is poured into a special compartment of the washing machine and the wash is started... Additionally, fabric softener can be used.

Opened powder packaging should be stored in a dry place. If this is not possible, then the powder from cardboard and plastic bags should be poured into hermetically sealed plastic containers.

Since the powder can cause stains on colored items, an additional rinse should be applied.

Liquid form

Gel in the process of washing in machines can be used in one of the following ways:

  • pour into the powder compartment;
  • fit directly into the drum.

The cap of the bottle has notches that allow you to measure the required amount of funds. So, if there are old stains and hard-to-remove dirt on the clothes, you will need 100 ml of the product, and with weak ones, 65 ml may be enough.

An innovative development of the company is the so-called “smart cap” that can be placed directly into the drum. But it should be borne in mind that when starting the "drying" mode, it must be removed from the drum.

When using the "smart cap" in the drum of the machine, the detergent is completely consumed from it.

For manual processing and in cases where the colored item is heavily soiled, preliminary washing up of the place of contamination will help.

foto16653-7They do it as follows:

  1. A small amount of the liquid preparation is applied to the stain.
  2. Using the brush that is on the outside of the cap, lightly rub the stained area.
  3. Leave the thing to lie down for 5 minutes.
  4. Wash by hand or put in this form directly into the drum of the machine.

The special design of the cap-cap allows avoiding skin contact with the detergent.


The water-soluble shell of Ariel Color capsules contains liquids of several colors. In the process of washing in the machine, they gradually dissolve at the desired stage of processing.

Washing with capsules:

  1. A capsule is placed in the drum.
  2. Colored linen is laid on top (up to 5 kg per 1 capsule).
  3. The washing mode is set, if necessary, the settings are adjusted.
  4. The washing process starts.

The use of an additional rinse aid is not required.

Cost and place of purchase

Ariel color is one of the most popular products that is presented in almost all household chemical stores and can be purchased in online stores. It is most profitable to buy a large volume for a family.

foto16653-8The cost depends on several factors:

  • form of release;
  • volume;
  • place of purchase;
  • action of promotional offers.

Average cost:

  • powder (for 0.45 kg) - from 130 rubles;
  • liquid form for a container of 1.95 liters. - from 635 rubles;
  • capsules (for a pack of 12 pieces) - from 250 rubles.
It is most beneficial to buy a large volume of powder or gel during the promotional period.

Top 3 alternative remedies

In addition to Ariel color products, the following products have a high rating: Tide, Persil, Top House Color Ultra. Each of the presented products should not disappoint even the most demanding housewife.


Tide Color is as popular as Ariel. The cost of Tide Color products is approximately in the same price range:

  • a package of 15 capsules - from 300 rubles;
  • 0.975 l of gel - from 200 rubles;
  • small cardboard package of powder (0.45 kg) - from 100 rubles.



Persil Color also occupies a leading position. Means of this TM are considered effective and quite safe, they have a good rinsing ability.

Persil price is not low:

  • powder in a cardboard box (weight 0.45 kg) - from 125 rubles;
  • 1.3 liters of gel - from 280 rubles;
  • 21 capsules - from 400 rubles per package.


Top House

Top House Color Ultra is available in powder and gel form. The volume of packaging of a loose product in 1 kg 800 grams is enough for the same amount as for ordinary powder weighing more than 7 kg - for 40 large washings.

It is an economical product that can be conveniently dispensed with a measuring cup. Plus - the absence of phosphates and good performance.


  • high cost (from 700 rubles for a package of powder in 1.8 kg and from 700 rubles for a bottle of gel with a volume of 1.5 liters.);
  • not suitable for wool and silk.



Ariel Color is one of the best selling laundry detergents with many fans. A significant portion of the sales are for washing powder, a lesser share for gel and capsules.

Users note the high efficiency of the entire line of products, which, despite the rather high price, fully corresponds to the quality of the goods and the final result.


The choice of a specific product from the Ariel color series depends on personal preference, type and composition of the material.

The best option is to purchase several types of products for different occasions.... It should be borne in mind that the set mode of the washing machine also affects the quality of the wash.



