More and more space in the household chemicals department is taken not by powders, but by gels for washing clothes.
This convenient form of release of detergents is gaining confidence in consumer baskets.
Read about what is so good for washing gels, how to choose and use them correctly, in the article.
Which is better for washing: liquid detergent or dry?
It is difficult to answer the question of which is better - powder or gel. It all depends on the type of wash.
Their competitive advantage:
better dissolution - after washing, there will be no white stains on things;
- convenient dispensing - each bottle is equipped with a measuring cap;
- convenient storage - the container is always tightly closed;
- absence of chemical dust when adding gel to a washing machine or basin;
- versatility of use - most formulations are suitable for both hand and machine wash;
- softer washing effect;
- washable at low temperatures, which is excellent for the care of delicate and mixed fabrics.
The composition of liquid concentrates contains less aggressive anionic surfactants and more cationic and nonionic surfactants. Therefore, it is easy to refresh clothes with gel. The optimum washing temperature is from 30 to 50 degrees.
Read more here.
How to choose?
To choose a gel for washing that will meet all the necessary requirements, you need to consider the following points:
- Appointment. There are gels for the care of colored and white things, for black and denim clothes.
- Whose things are to be washed. A separate category is presented by gels for washing children's clothes.
- Composition. The higher the aSAS value, the better the product copes with difficult stains, but the more aggressive its effect on tissues. You also need to pay attention to the presence of bleaches, stain removers and other components in the composition.
- Smell. For lovers of rich aromas, products marked "Aromatherapy" are suitable.
- Consumption. You can estimate this parameter according to the information indicated on the label.
Almost all manufacturers of detergents are engaged in the production of liquid concentrates, but they are especially popular with consumers. german and japanese gels.
German trains have a high safety profile... Their manufacturers have long abandoned the use of phosphates and other chemicals that negatively affect the environment and human health.
In the manufacture of laundry detergents, the Germans use exclusively advanced technologies. They take into account and put into practice all the scientific achievements of recent years. This has a positive effect on the quality of their products.
In Russia, Henkel occupies a leading position in sales, producing gels Percil and Losk.
Gels made in Japan are hypoallergenic. Most products are universal, that is, they can be used for both hand and machine wash. Japanese concentrates are famous for their pleasant aroma, most of the compositions are original and are not found in other manufacturers, for example, "Blooming Garden" or "Blue Flowers".
For white linen
When buying a gel for washing white and light-colored fabrics, you need to carefully study its composition. It must contain bleaching ingredients. They are represented by oxygen and optical brightener.
Optical brightener visually brightens yellowed fabrics. In fact, they represent luminescent dyes that absorb ultraviolet light, creating the effect that the thing is whiter and brighter.
For black
For black clothes, specialized gels are produced that are activated at a temperature of +20 degrees. This allows them to be washed even in cold water.
It's no secret that it is the black pigment that is washed out the fastest., because of which the clothes lose their attractive appearance, they look worn.
Gels for washing black clothes can solve this problem. The only drawback of such formulations is their overpriced.
Read more here.
For colored
For colored fabrics, you need to choose products marked "Color". This indicates that they contain components that protect the pigment from washing out. The minimum activation temperature for the washing formula is 30 degrees.
Gels for washing colored items do not contain harsh bleaches and acids, but stain removers may be present.
For children's things
Separate formulations have been developed for washing children's clothes. In general, gels are safer for babies' belongings, as they rinse out well and contain less toxic substances.
If the brand you like does not have a separate composition for washing children's products in the line, it is recommended to opt for a product marked "Sensitive".
Specialized formulations for children may contain extracts of herbs, such as string or chamomile, natural soaps. The hypoallergenic formula assumes no use of dyes and flavors.
Ideally, the gel should be based on natural ingredients. Therefore, if, after opening the lid, a liquid with a pronounced odor and acid color was found, this is a reason to doubt the quality of the product. A lot of useful information about gels for washing children's clothes - in this section.
For down jackets
When choosing a gel for washing a down jacket, you need to pay attention to its composition - it must contain lanolin... It retains the fat layer on natural down and feathers, so that the filler does not stick or gather in lumps.
A feather is most often depicted on a bottle of liquid concentrate. It should also be marked as suitable for delicate items, wool and silk. It's good if the minimum activation temperature for the formula is 20 degrees.
Read more in this article.
For membrane tissues
The composition of gels for washing membrane fabrics should not contain aggressive components. An indispensable condition is the rapid dissolution of the detergent particles in the water. This will avoid clogging of the pores of the membrane and preserve its properties.
More information read here.persistent stains and whitens well
Top 5 best remedies
Many gels from different manufacturers can be found on sale. The following formulations are most popular with consumers:
- Persil sensitive... Its mild formula and neutral odor make it suitable for people with allergies. The brand holder is the German company Henkel. The minimum cost is 260 rubles.
Ariel Mountain Spring... The composition has a high detergency. It does a great job on stubborn stains and whitens fabrics well. Price - 550 rubles for 1.3 liters.
- Attack... This Japanese detergent is distinguished by its high washing quality, economical consumption and environmentally friendly composition. It can be used for all types of fabrics except wool and silk. The cost of a 0.9 liter bottle is 415 rubles.
- Weasel 3 D black restoration effect... Designed specifically for dark clothes. It can be used for both hand and machine wash. Price - 600 rubles for 2 liters.
- Eared nanny... It is an inexpensive and safe care product for baby clothes. The composition is hypoallergenic and quite budgetary. Price - 160 rubles for 1 liter.
The rating of the best washing gels is presented in this article.
Features of use
Liquid concentrates are used according to a single scheme:
- The dosage is carried out using a measuring cap. The exact amount of detergent depends on the brand. Each package contains instructions for use and the exact dosage. As a rule, for 1 cycle of hand or machine wash (with a load of up to 5 kg), 1 measuring cap is used.
- Pour in the agent into a special compartment, which is located in the washing machine, or into the drum, directly on dirty things.
- When washing by hand, the liquid is poured into a bowl of water and foamed independently.
- The temperature regime is set according to the type of wash. The allowed range is 30 to 50 degrees.
How to do it yourself?
Homemade gel is made on the basis of soap and soda. The bar is rubbed on a grater and diluted with water (2 liters of liquid are taken for 200 g of chips).
The resulting mixture is poured into an enamel bowl and put on fire... The mass must be constantly mixed. The composition is not brought to a boil. When it becomes homogeneous, soda is added to it.
The finished mixture is cooled, allowed to settle and poured into suitable containers. However, in terms of quality, a homemade product is significantly inferior to even the most inexpensive industrial gel. Read how to make your own washing gel. here.
Is allergy possible?
The likelihood of allergies when using the gel is not as high as when using powders, but it cannot be ruled out.
The main symptoms are:
- skin rashes
- itching
- cough,
- lacrimation and runny nose.
As a rule, they appear immediately after switching to a new agent, so it is not difficult to isolate the allergen.
Where and for how much to buy?
You can buy washing gels in retail stores, in departments with household chemicals. Another option is to order the composition online.
The average price for 2 liters of detergent is about 500 rubles... It may vary depending on the point of sale, locality and the price policy of the store.
It is most profitable to buy concentrates for a stock. During this period, the price can be reduced by half.
Customer Reviews
Laundry gel is used by many people. They like the convenience of dispensing and the economical use of the product. They call it the main advantage of high-quality rinsing from fabrics.... Consumers are satisfied with the absence of a pungent smell from things, as well as a wide range.
People note that some formulations do less well than powders on tough stains. Also, many are not satisfied with the too high price of a liquid product.
The gels are practical and easy to use. Unlike powders, they can be washed every day without fear of ruining the thing. A wide range of liquid concentrates allows you to choose a product for every taste and budget.