Review of popular gels for washing down jackets, their cost, consumer reviews
A natural down jacket is a very warm outer winter clothing that has down and feathers of waterfowl as a filler.
Caring for such things requires a careful choice of detergent, and adherence to a number of rules.
In this article, we will consider the popular gels for washing down jackets, their features, cost, consumer opinions.
Plain powder: why is it not suitable?
Due to frequent wear and the vagaries of the weather, the down jacket may require washing even several times in one season. One of the main points is choosing the right detergent.
It should be borne in mind that feathers, which serve as insulation, have a natural fat layer... If you use regular laundry detergent for care, this important layer of fat will break down, leading to loss of volume and disruption of the shape of the filler.
Deprived of the protective fat layer, feathers fall off as a result of improper processing, forming lumps, and leading to an uneven distribution of the filler.
Another disadvantage of using conventional powder is that it is very poorly rinsed out of natural insulation. This leads to ugly streaks on the material after the garment dries.
The ban includes:
- ordinary washing powders;
- universal gels.
High-quality washing of dirt and respect for the filler when washing down jackets can only provide a special tool.
Top 10 effective liquid products
Formulas for washing jackets and coats filled with feathers and down can be purchased at specialized departments of household chemicals and large sporting goods stores. The formula of such gels actively affects the material of the top and lining, and gently, minimally, on the insulation.
It is better to trust manufacturers with a reliable reputation in the world market.
Heitmann for down and feather fillings
The drug is made in Germany, available in liquid form in 0.25 liter bottles. Price per package - from 400 rubles.
As part of the preparation:
- APAV - 15%;
- lanolin;
- NSAID - 15%, etc.;
- flavoring;
- preservatives.
The product provides the packing:
- breathability;
- softness;
- fluffiness.
Recommended Heitmann gel for washing by hand and machine. The best result is at a water temperature of + 30 ° C. The consumption of the product is quite economical - 1 bottle is enough to process about 10 kg of laundry in a machine wash. For manual processing, use Heitmann at the rate of 1 cap per 5 liters. water.
Products of TM Heitmann have certificates of ecologically sustainable washing of the EU charter. Read reviews here.
Shampoo Sport TM Salton
Liquid package contains 0.25 l. Country of origin - RF. The drug has many advantages:
- Provides high quality washing.
- Eliminates unpleasant odors.
- Retains the breathability of the filler.
- Prevents down breakage.
- Supports the warming properties of the insulation.
The cost of 1 bottle is about 250 rubles. It can be used for machine and manual processing.
Prosept Crystal
The preparation for hand and machine washing does not contain phosphates. The cleaning process provides:
- preservation of the structure of down and feather;
- maintaining the water-repellent qualities of the outer material;
- antibacterial treatment;
- elimination of unpleasant odors.
The cost for a container of 1 liter is from 300 rubles. A large package of 3 liters will cost up to 800 rubles.
Find reviews here.
Cotico for sportswear
Cotico is a modern special liquid formulation designed for washing items for active sports recreation - down jackets and shoes, tents, etc.
During processing, down jackets retain their water-repellent qualities, and stubborn dirt and unpleasant odors are eliminated. Cotico does not contain phosphates and is biodegradable. The price of a 1 liter bottle is from 300 rubles.
BioMio Bio-Sensitive
A delicate wash is provided by a product containing cotton extract. Suitable gel for the care of silk, woolen things. The drug is biodegradable and hypoallergenic... The concentrate ensures economical consumption of detergent and high-quality rinsing.
Price for 1.5 liters. - about 550 rubles.
Nordland balm
The balm is available in plastic bottles. The composition contains enzymes and surfactants. The preparation is suitable for washing membrane materials, impregnated fabrics, thermal underwear and down jackets.
The price for a package of 0.75 liters is about 500 rubles.
Read reviews here.
Salton CleanTech is a special product based on Feather-PRO technology, ensuring the preservation of the quality of the insulation, reducing the formation of foam and ensuring effective rinsing.
Salton CleanTech is available in liquid form, which facilitates the dissolution of the drug in water. Consisting of:
- up to 30% APAS;
- dispersion polymers;
- sodium chloride;
- water;
- flavoring;
- up to 5% non-surfactant, etc.
The cost is about 300 rubles per package.
Read reviews here.
Trekko down wash
DOWN WASH is a special product that solves the problem of high-quality washing of jackets with down insulation. The gel not only cleans, but also disinfects the product, and also eliminates unpleasant odors. The product gently cleanses the fluff without washing away its natural fat layer. Another plus is the preservation of the water-repellent properties of the impregnation of the outer material of the product.
A bottle with a volume of 0.5 liters. has a cost of about 400 rubles.
Grangers down wash
The purpose of the product is to wash things filled with natural or artificial down. The preparation carefully cleans the insulation and retains all the qualities of the top coat (color, water-repellent properties, etc.).The composition contains no impurities harmful to health. Recommended water heating temperature - + 30 ° С.
The product is manufactured in the UK. Package volume - 0.3 l. The cost is about 700 rubles per bottle.
Nikwax Down Wash
Means with a volume of 0.3 liters. allows you to wash things without the threat of washing out the impregnation from things. At the same time, the thermal insulation properties of the down are restored, its air permeability is preserved.
In the process of washing, the insulation is restored and the remnants of previously used washing preparations are removed. Gel water-based, environmentally friendly - biodegradable.
Price - from 250 rubles.
Features of use
Considering all the nuances of the composition of the filler of clothes with down and feather filler, the procedure for organizing cleaning should be carefully followed:
- Do not exceed the amount of detergent for one wash.
- The heating temperature must be adjusted by setting the one recommended by the clothing manufacturer. In most cases - + 30 ° С. This will provide the best conditions for high-quality cleaning of the thing without the threat of damage to the insulation.
- Despite the fact that special gels rinse well, it is advisable to set the "additional rinse" mode.
- The amount of gel is poured according to the instructions, taking into account the hardness of tap water.
- Gel thick in consistency can be poured directly into the drum.
- After completing the wash, the item must be removed from the drum immediately.
- The optimal modes of automatic washing are "bulky items", "delicate wash".
11 tips to help
Expert advice will provide irreplaceable assistance in care for natural down jackets:
Before you start washing and buying a special detergent for this, you need to study the label for the product. It indicates the conditions for washing the thing. Some jackets with natural insulation cannot be washed at all.
- Do not wash a down jacket with non-detachable natural fur, especially if it has a contrasting shade.
- The fur trim must be unfastened before washing.
- Before washing, it is important to remember to check your pockets, remove all loose items and close your zippers.
- The hood, if removable, must also be unfastened in advance.
- Before the main wash, it is advisable to wash especially heavily soiled areas (collars, pockets, planks) in advance - moisten, lather with laundry soap, and rub.
- Stains must be removed before the main wash cycle.
- After washing and drying, jackets should be treated with a special spray for impregnation.
- Special detergents for washing down jackets are also suitable for the care of sleeping bags with natural insulation and other things of a similar structure.
- After washing with a special gel, the jacket must be properly dried. The final washing result depends on compliance with this rule.
- If the quality of the down jacket is low - down comes out of the seams or there are other defects, it is better to exclude washing in an automatic machine. An alternative is manual processing.
All the most important and useful information about washing gels is presented in given section.
Washing a down jacket at home can be done in the washing machine and by hand. The use of special means in this case is strongly recommended by manufacturers of winter sports and tourist clothing. Ignoring this rule can lead to loss of performance and damage to the thing.