Review of Woolite Premium washing gels: product range, prices, customer opinions

foto19813-1Good care of clothes and home textiles includes washing. In order for things to wash, acquire freshness and retain their appearance, it is necessary to choose the right detergent.

A good option is the Woolite Premium line of gels. In this article, we'll talk about Woolite Premium washing gels, their features, varieties, prices and customer reviews, and popular analogues of detergents.

Features of the tool

Woolite premium detergents have been produced by Reckitt Benckiser in Russia for many years. The company itself was founded in Great Britain by I. Benkizer and I. Reckitt. She specializes in the production of quality products for the home, personal care and health products.

The Woolite Premium range currently consists of four Volight laundry gels of various types that can be used for automatic and manual processing. Woolite premium preparations are classified as synthetic detergents.

It contains the following components:

  • up to 15% APAS;
  • up to 5% non-surfactant;
  • enzymes;
  • preservatives;
  • soap, etc.

The use of detergents must be within the expiration date. Read more about Woolite gels in this article.


Lineup Woolight Premium

To the line of Woolite gels includes washing preparations for processing:

  • white and light fabrics;
  • black products;
  • delicate materials;
  • things of bright colors.

The cylindrical vials have an attractive design and hold 0.9 l of the product.


This liquid detergent is intended for washing colored fabrics... The inclusion of a complex with keratin helps prevent tissue clogging. The unique composition returns the brightness of colors to things. Suitable for washing gel synthetic and cotton of things.



Dark gel is intended for the care of textile items dark and black made of synthetic and cotton fibers. The formula of the product is focused on maintaining the saturation of shades and preserving the texture of the material itself, including preventing the formation of pellets.



The product is intended for the care of light-colored clothes made of cotton and synthetics.... Keratin in the composition maintains the texture of the fabric, maintains the smoothness of the material, and prevents pellets from forming. It can also be used to care for colored fabrics.



For the care of products made of delicate materials (silks and wool) a special detergent from the Woolite Premium line of washing gels should be used - marked Delicate. The main components of this gel are surfactants.

The drug carefully cares for the fibers of the tissue - restores rough, makes them soft... At the same time, contamination from materials is removed as efficiently as possible.


Application rules

Used gels in water of any hardness for hand or machine wash. The temperature recommended by the manufacturer is from + 30 ° C to + 60 ° C. For hand washing, add 40 ml of gel for every 5 liters of warm water.

For washing machines, the consumption of the drug is determined as follows:

The degree of pollution of thingsRequired amount of gel, ml
For 2-3 kg of thingsFor 4-5 kg ​​of thingsFor 5-7 kg of things

Profitable purchase: where and how much?

You can buy Woolite premium laundry gel in the retail network of specialized stores and in the household chemicals departments of large supermarkets. It is also convenient to place an order through online stores, the choice of which is presented on the Yandex-Market.

Woolite cost depends on the place of purchase. During the promotional period, purchasing a gel can be very beneficial. The average price per package is from 300 to 500 rubles.

TOP-3 alternative options

Besides Woolite, washing gels such as Ariel, Synergetic and Persil show good results... Using them, you can, like using Woolite, not worry about the quality of washing things.


Ariel gels are among the most popular. High sales are based on the effectiveness of the detergents and customer confidence. Among the entire assortment of gels, each housewife can find pleasant aromas for herself and the possibility of choosing a preparation for fabrics of different colors. A gel designed for people with sensitive skin deserves special attention.

The advantages of the product include the following points:

  • efficiency;
  • convenience of packaging and cap;
  • respect for the fibers of the fabric;
  • good rinsing;
  • release of funds in various volumes;
  • economical consumption.

The disadvantages include the high, relative to many other detergents, product cost. The average price for 1.95 liters is from 630 rubles. Read more about washing gels Ariel here.



The Persil washing gels produced by the German company Henkel are represented by a wide range of models (for owners of sensitive skin, for the care of colored items, etc.). They rinse well, are very effective, have an unobtrusive fragrance, and are very economical in consumption. Price for 1.3 liters - from 290 rubles. Read more about Persil washing gels here.



Synergetic makes a good versatile biodegradable gel. This product is hypoallergenic, which effectively, but at the same time gently, washes away dirt from fabrics. It contains natural oils and vegetable extracts for high-quality washing and flavoring.

Synergetic Gel is suitable for all colors of cotton or synthetic fabrics... In addition to the universal one, the manufacturer also produces other detergents, including for newborns. Price for a package of 1 liter - from 250 rubles.



Consumers note the effectiveness of detergents, the acquisition of an antistatic effect by things, an unobtrusive aroma, the acquisition of softness by linen even without the additional use of an air conditioner, as well as a compact package.

The disadvantages include:

  • high cost;
  • an inconvenient design lid that is difficult to use as a measuring cup;
  • lack of large-volume packages;
  • poor performance when washing old stains.


The use of Woolite gels for the care of textiles maintains their attractiveness and removes impurities. In addition, choosing the right product prolongs the life of the garment.



