Children's Persil: review of powder and gel form, cost, consumer opinions

foto17107-1Caring for baby clothes includes mandatory washing. For this, only special means should be used that do not pose a threat to the health of babies.

In the Persil line of washing products, such a preparation is Sensitive - products in liquid and powder form.

More about powder Persil for washing children's clothes - in the article.

Features of the tool

Persil Sensitive is focused on use for the care of items of people with sensitive skin. The Sensitive series includes washing gel and powder.

foto17107-2The manufacturer announces the following strengths of these products:

  • shining cleanliness of linen;
  • the entry of natural soap into the composition;
  • delicate almond aroma;
  • quality assurance;
  • passing Sensitive testing by the European Center for Allergy Problems.

The difference between Sensitiv and other detergents is in a mild formula. The gel and powder are hypoallergenic, have a composition that takes care not only of the tissue, but also the sensitive skin of children and adults.

What household chemicals are suitable for washing a child's laundry?

High demands on household chemicals that can come into contact with baby skin are also imposed on detergents. Even with the most thorough rinsing, a certain amount of powder or gel may remain on the textiles that have not been rinsed out.

Sensitive composition - contains both synthetic and natural ingredients:

  • APAV - 5-15%;
  • Nonionic surfactants - 5%;
  • phosphonates;
  • enzymes;
  • soap;
  • polycarboxylates;
  • flavoring.
Children's skin, especially in newborns, does not have the same protection as in older children and adults, therefore, through it, parts of the skin remaining after washing can enter the baby's body. children's things detergents.

This can trigger an allergic reaction and other health problems. For the care of things for newborns pediatricians recommend using only those washing preparations that are marked "0+" or "from birth".

Sensitive does not have such a mark, so the powder and gel can only be used to care for the clothes of older children and adults with sensitive skin.

For washing newborn babies, it is advisable to use products with a natural composition, for example, based on soap chips.For older children - designed for people with sensitive skin, for teenagers - any.

Application features

foto17107-3In order for the detergent to wash things qualitatively and not to serve as a source of health problems for the child, it should be used in accordance with the instructions for the drug, and taking into account individual characteristics, for example, allergies to any components of household chemicals.

For washing clothes of newborns, Sensitive can be used to a limited extent - only for those fabric items that do not directly contact the baby's skin.

With older children, there is no such restriction, but the requirement for thorough rinsing of all washed textiles remains relevant.

Powder form

The dosage of Persil Sensitive powder depends on the water hardness and the degree of soiling of the textiles. The more soiled things are sent to the wash and the harder the water, the more powder will be needed for washing.

Washing machine use:

Hardness of waterThe degree of pollution of thingsRequired volume of Persil Sensitive powder, ml
Not toughAverage190
Not toughHigh380

Application procedure:

  1. Place the laundry in the drum.
  2. Measure out the correct amount of Persil powder.
  3. Pour powder into the washing machine compartment.
  4. Start a wash cycle.
If things have old stains or heavy dirt, then the textiles should be washed or soaked beforehand.


foto17107-4Using the Persil Sensitive liquid form allows you to wash the item with high quality. Gel has some advantage over powder - it dissolves better and rinses out more easily after washing.

For, to accurately measure the required amount of gel, a cap is used from the plastic container in which it is packaged. The notches that are present on it make it possible to accurately dose the drug.

As with the Sensitive washing powder, when measuring the required amount of gel, it is necessary to take into account the degree of soiling of the thing and the hardness of tap water:

Hardness of waterDegree of contamination of objectsGel amount, ml
Soft water and medium hardAverage75
Soft water and medium hardHigh155
Hard waterAverage93
Hard waterHigh175

Persil Sensitive gel can also be used for hand washing... For manual treatment, the dosage is as follows: 40 ml for every 10 liters. water. High efficiency in the temperature range from + 20 ° С to + 95 ° С.

Persil allergy: what to do?

Despite the fact that Persil Sensitive washing products have been tested by the European Center for Allergy Problems, an individual allergic reaction to the components of a powder or gel can occur not only in a child, but also in an allergic adult. In this case, you should not use Sensitive for washing.

There are alternative cleaning options for baby clothes and baby textiles. There are a large number of ways: from baby soap to powders of other manufacturers, marked "for children".

If allergies occur, the child should receive symptomatic treatment., the detergent is removed, and all items are rinsed many times.

How to buy profitably?

Persil Sensitive is one of the most popular products of TM Persil. Like other detergents from this manufacturer, powders and gels can be purchased in almost all supermarkets selling household chemicals and specialized stores.

foto17107-5For some buyers, the option of purchasing a product through an online store with delivery is convenient.

Average cost of Sensitive products:

  • powder - from 270 rubles per 3 kg;
  • gel - about 260 rubles for 1.3 liters.

A profitable purchase is powders and gels in large packaging, as well as the goods that are purchased under the action.

Top 3 alternative options

When choosing a detergent for washing children's textiles, it is better to give preference to well-known brands and manufacturers... Domestic and foreign products are among the leaders in the sale of washing preparations.

Meine Liеbe

Meine Liebe washing powder is suitable for machine and hand washing of clothes and bed linen, even for newborn babies. The active components of the product begin to work even at + 30 ° C. Designed for the processing of children's clothes, the powder does not contain such harmful components as chlorine, phosphates, fragrances and dyes.

Dermatologically tested, the powder fully complies with all the requirements for household chemicals for washing clothes of newborns and allergy sufferers.

The powder is highly efficient and biodegradable, therefore it does not harm the environment. A package of 1 kg costs about 360 rubles.


Eared nanny

Eared nanny is a popular brand of children's washing products that approved for use from birth... The ingredients included in the composition deal with the typical stains that are common in children's clothing.

The powder is non-dusty, hypoallergenic, and maintains the brightness of the colors on the fabric. A pack costs about 200 rubles.



The detergent made in Germany has established itself as an effective preparation that can cope even with stubborn dirt from grass, juice, baby puree, etc. Suitable for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin.

Frosch contains natural ingredients, including chamomile extract. The product is well rinsed out and does not harm the environment. A kilogram package costs about 500 rubles.



Consumers who use Sensitive laundry detergents note the high washing efficiency and pleasant aroma.

A definite plus is the absence of an allergic reaction in allergy sufferers, for whom the choice of a washing preparation always turns into a big problem. Both powder and gel cope even with old stains and those left by inquisitive kids - from markers, juices, etc.


Persil Sensitive is a popular laundry detergent from a German manufacturer - Henkel... Applying the powder and gel in accordance with the instructions, things get clean and pleasant, light, non-irritating aroma. These products are a good choice for washing clothes of people with sensitive skin and children.



