For which linen is Tide Alpine Freshness intended?
Tidy, clean and fresh laundry is due to a good detergent. In the huge assortment of household chemicals, not everyone manages to make the right choice.
Tide "Alpine Freshness" helps to get rid of doubts, a long choice of goods and a mountain of dirty linen. With it, the thing loved by the heart will not suffer from poor-quality washing, and the washing machine will last a long time.
For washing what linen - white or colored - powder Tide "Alpine Freshness" is intended, where and at what price it can be purchased, what can be replaced?
Characteristics and features of Tide powder
Tide Alpine Freshness is the brainchild of the world famous American brand Procter & Gamble. It is a free-flowing powder consisting of small granules with larger inclusions.
There are no phosphates in the composition, instead - an enhanced formula that helps to fight tough and stubborn stains. There are no harsh fragrances - the delicate aroma of mountain air gives a pleasant freshness to clothes and does not irritate the olfactory receptors. Moderate foaming.
The advantages of washing powder have made Tide Alpine Freshness one of the best sellers.
Buyers and experts highlight its main advantages:
works even in cool water;
- contains components that prevent the formation of scale and limescale on the parts of the washing machine;
- instead of phosphates, more gentle zeolites - sorbents that cleanse the fabric;
- multiple washes with Tide do not affect the brightness of products - clothing does not fade, does not fade;
- active influence on the contaminated area does not violate the structure of the fibers of the fabric;
- things after washing are soft, pleasant to the touch;
- linen shines white without boiling.
Which clothes are suitable for washing - white or colored?
To call Tide "Alpine freshness" universal will not work. The powder is not suitable for washing woolen and silk matter. Due to the enzyme content of the powder, delicate fabrics can become thinner. But bed and underwear, T-shirts, T-shirts and others cotton and linen products of light colors perfectly tolerate the influence of Tide.
If we are talking about the liquid version of Tide "Alpine Freshness", then it is safe for both white thingsand for colored fabrics. There is a corresponding sticker on the label. The liquid counterpart has a more pronounced odor.
Recommendations for use
Washing with Tide is practically no different from using other powders. The manufacturer indicates extremely simple instructions on the packaging:
Sort the laundry by color and fabric.
- For 1 kg of dry linen, 1 tbsp is recommended. l. powder (for a machine designed for 5 kg, 3 tablespoons are enough). Additional powder can be added to remove stubborn stains.
- Pour the agent into the powder receptacle (there is another compartment for liquid formulations).
- Run the machine for a complete wash cycle.
The amount of gelled Tide consumed corresponds to the proportional ratio of dry powder. Labels on clothes indicating the composition of the fabric and the optimal temperature for washing will help you to choose the desired mode.
Where to buy, how much does it cost?
Procter & Gamble brand products beat worldwide sales records... Washing powder Tide "Alpine freshness" is no exception. You can find it at any supermarket or hardware store. Many people give preference to online ordering (discounts and great offers are often available on sites).
If you have not used this powder yet, it is not necessary to purchase large packages - there is a compact pack of 400 g powder for 90 rubles on sale.
Alternative options
The price category of Alpine Freshness Tide powder is above average. But the cost is commensurate with the quality, and the end result fully justifies it, which is confirmed by the buyers. But not everyone is ready to say goodbye to such amounts (especially when it comes to large families, where the frequency and amount of washing is several times higher than in smaller families).
TOP-3 alternatives will help to solve the problem of "big wash" without spoiling the expected result... Each of the offered products has several forms of release: dry mix, gel, capsules. Therefore, anyone who wishes can easily find the best option for themselves at an affordable price.
SARMA Active "Lily of the Valley"
The composition of the budget product of the Nevskaya Cosmetics factory is close to Ariel. Chlorine free, suitable for all types of fabric. Has a delicate effect on the material and the skin. It removes complex stains with high quality, there is no pungent smell.
Negative - bleaches are difficult to wash out (it takes about 7 rinsing cycles, so for children's clothing, underwear does not fit). Price RUB 290 (2.4 kg).
Bimax 100 spots
Suitable for hand and machine wash. Easily restores cotton, linen, synthetic productsas well as clothes made from mixed fibers. Contraindicated for natural silk, wool.
Differs in reduced foaming, contains dietary supplements and peroxide salts. BiMax removes dirt and more than 100 stubborn stains for a dazzling whiteness. Price 400 rubles. (6 kg).
Contains cotton extract, belongs to the eco-series. Gently cleans fabrics while maintaining fiber integrity. Safe for washing children's clothes, cotton, synthetics. Natural ingredients are designed for temperatures ranging from 30 to 60o, which does not interfere with their complete dissolution.
Does not contain surfactants, phosphates, fragrances. Does not cause allergies or irritation. Price 360 rubles. (1.5 kg).
What are buyers saying?
The popularity of Tide "Alpine freshness" has long gone beyond America.Consumer confidence has been won due to the high quality of the product, excellent results, removal of stains of various nature and age, bleaching, preservation of the color and structure of fabrics.
This is an incomplete list of properties inherent in a well-known brand. Allocate a wide range of funds. Replacing phosphates with zeolites provides gentle cleansing.
Those who have little free time note another important detail - no need to soak things before washing to remove tough stains... The composition does not affect the functioning and condition of the washing machine.
Negative reviews are not excluded on the forums. It is noted that Tide "Alpine Freshness" cannot wash children's clothes because of the high risk of allergies. To rinse out completely, you need to repeat the cycle several times. Sensitive people find the smell of powder harsh.
Thus, Tide "Alpine Freshness" is a time-tested powder containing bleaching ingredients. The delicate effect preserves the original appearance of things after multiple washings.
For colored items, you should choose the appropriate gel with a mark on the package... The powder dissolves even in cool water. After washing, you will not hear a pungent smell - things smell like a pleasant mountain freshness.