Is there an allergy to Eared nanny powder, what to do if it appears?

foto22529-1For their children, mothers want to buy all the best, meaning safety.

If you buy a washing powder that did not wash things well, that's half the trouble, then the powder that caused a rash on the child's body is a real disgrace.

And we are not talking about isolated cases - an allergy to the powder "Eared Nyan" from Nevskaya Cosmetics is a fairly common phenomenon.

How does it manifest?

foto22529-2In most cases, we are talking about contact dermatitis... It manifests itself as redness on the skin of varying degrees of intensity.

Usually the skin is without visible damage, however, in severe cases, papules (vesicles) with a liquid content may form.

Dermatitis is accompanied by itching, and by combing such papules, the child damages them. The liquid is poured out, leaving a small wound.

If nothing is done, then the problem grows like an avalanche: the baby combs the skin until a wound is formed, which can become infected without proper treatment. Allergies are accompanied by abscesses and cracks in the skin. The area of ​​the inflamed areas is growing.

What in the composition of the product can cause an allergic reaction?

On the packaging of dry powder "Ushasty Nian" the following composition is prescribed:

  • sulfates (> 30%),
  • oxygenated bleaching agents (5-15%),
  • anionic surfactants (5-15%),
  • carbonates (5-15%),
  • silicates (5-15%),
  • zeolites (5-15%),
  • polycarboxylates (5-15%),
  • nonionic surfactants (<5%),
  • TAED (<5%),
  • antifoam (<5%),
  • antiresorbents (<5%),
  • phosphonates (<5%),
  • enzymes, optical brighteners, perfume.


Which of the above is a potential danger to the child:

  1. Sulfates - the cheapest surfactants. They are also called surfactants or detergents. They are responsible for rinsing dirt off the fabric. It is very difficult to completely wash them out of the fibers, so sulfates quickly react with the skin, causing irritation and provoking allergic reactions. This is especially true for those with dry and thin skin prone to dermatitis. In this powder there are more of them than required by GOST (30%).
  2. Oxygenated bleaching agents - according to GOST, they should be no more than 10% (here 5-15%), but they do not cause allergies in children.
  3. Anionic surfactants can cause allergies, as well as accumulate in some organs.The problem is that they are difficult to wash out of the fabric, even with a thorough rinse. There are more of them in our powder than it should be according to GOST (no more than 5%).
  4. Carbonates - are used to soften water. Allergies can only be caused by ingestion, which is not relevant for washing powder.
  5. Silicates - can cause serious illness if inhaled internally, however, in the composition of the powder, they are practically harmless due to the low concentration.
  6. Zeolites - increase the effectiveness of the powder, however, they can get stuck in the threads of the fabric, despite rinsing. Potentially can cause allergies, which are characterized by skin rashes in both children and adults.
  7. Polycarboxylates - do not cause allergies.
  8. Nonionic surfactants - unlike anionic ones, they are very gentle on the skin and do not cause hypersensitivity reactions.
  9. TAED - completely safe substance.
  10. Defoamers - there is no evidence that they can cause allergies.
  11. Antiresorbents, phosphonates, enzymes, optical brighteners, fragrance - their proportion in the powder is very small, so they do not pose a threat to the child. Although phosphonates are similar in properties to phosphates, perfume is a potential allergen.

Everything you need to know about the Eared Nanny's washing products can be found in this section.

What to do?

Symptomatic therapy and special antihistamines will provide temporary relief, but allergies will not.

foto22529-4The most important thing in treatment is to find out the cause and eliminate it:

  1. Change washing powder. When choosing a new one, it is better to focus not on the “childish” marking, but on the absence of aggressive components in the composition.
  2. To rewash, and most importantly, to rinse well the linen washed by the Eared Nanny.
  3. In parallel, undergo treatment, which will be prescribed by your doctor.

What to replace, can you use purchased funds?

"Eared Nian" can be replaced with any other in which the manufacturer uses less aggressive substances.

Well-proven powders such as:

  • BioMio Bio-Color - economical, does not cause allergies, rinses well;
  • BabyLine - phosphate-free, hypoallergenic and economically consumed;
  • Chistown "Children's" - ecological and hypoallergenic;
  • AOS "I was born" Is a very inexpensive product with excellent performance.
Not so long ago, Roskontrol conducted a study on the market for children's washing powders, which showed that all products presented in a cheap price segment are potentially dangerous for children.

If you cannot find the optimal purchased product, then you can use ordinary baby soap, which is pre-rubbed on a grater. In this case, it is important to first soak the laundry in it until the product is completely dissolved and only then load it into the washing machine.


Women complain that the powder causes allergies in children in almost 60% of cases. However, one should not forget that reviews are more often written by those who have encountered a problem. Moms who have no complaints about this washing powder are unlikely to write about it.

Everything you need to know about detergents Ushasty nanny is presented in given section of the site.

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Baby powder "Eared Nian" can cause allergies in babies almost as often as conventional products for adults. Unfortunately, studies of large scientific centers, such as, for example, Roskontrol, and reviews from ordinary people on the Internet confirm that baby powder No. 1 in Russia (according to mothers' mentions) is not hypoallergenic.



