
foto17000-1"Not just clean, but impeccably clean" - this is the slogan of the Ariel brand. A wide range of detergents is produced under this brand, which is represented by washing powders, gels and capsules.

About what is included in the Ariel range, who is the manufacturer of household chemicals, what are the pros and cons of washing powder, capsules and washing gel, read the article.


Ariel was recognized as a trademark in the 60s of the XX century... The powder quickly gained popularity not only due to its active advertising campaign, but also due to its unique ability to deal with tough organic stains.

Household chemicals are produced by the global industry giant Procter & Gamble. The head office of the company is located in the USA, but its representative offices and factories are in many countries, including Russia.

In our country, Ariel was first learned in 1993. Since then, the powder has confidently held a leading position in the household chemicals market.

Pros and cons of Ariel

The pluses of the manufacturer Ariel include:

  1. foto17000-2The quality of products has been tested by time. Ariel has been on the global household chemicals market for over 60 years.
  2. A wide range of.
  3. Continuous brand development and improvement of the detergent formula.
  4. Availability of goods for a wide range of consumers.
  5. Health safety.

The disadvantages of Procter & Gamble include the scale of production, which complicates the process of controlling production. The high demand for Ariel household chemicals has led to the emergence of counterfeits.

Product range

The Ariel line of detergents includes:

  • washing powders,
  • gels,
  • capsules for washing.

Their assortment is quite diverse. There are detergents designed for the care of colored items; formulations for white fabrics are sold separately. You can choose between hand and machine wash products.

Washing powder

Powders are available in different volumes from 0.45 kg to 9 kg. In their composition, you can see multi-colored granules. They are represented by oxygen and optical brighteners. There are products that are supplemented with fabric softener, or substances that keep the color saturation of fabrics.

Ariel washing powder line represented by the following varieties:

  • "Mountain Spring";
  • Color "Saturated color";
  • "With a scent from Lenor";
  • Color "Shea butter scent";
  • "Verbena scent";
  • "Delicate Peony";
  • "Mountain spring" for hand washing;
  • "Gentle peony" for hand wash.

Any washing powder is activated at a temperature of 30 degrees.



Gel presented in liquid form. Its formula is based on surfactants, but they dissolve faster in water and are better rinsed out of fabric fibers.

Due to its less aggressive composition, liquid concentrates can be used for washing delicate fabrics.

Varieties of gels Ariel:

  1. Color Saturated color.
  2. "Mountain Spring".
  3. "With Lenor scent."
  4. "Sensitive".
  5. "With Shea Butter".

The advantage of Ariel gels is their versatile composition. Any products can be used for both hand and machine wash. You only need to take into account the color of things.



The capsules can only be used for machine washing. One capsule is designed for one cycle. They are placed in a drum with dirty clothes. On contact with water, the shell dissolves, its contents come out. The formula is based on surfactants, the auxiliary components depend on the type of detergent.

Ariel capsule assortment:

  • "Mountain Spring";
  • "Color";
  • "With Lenor scent";
  • "With Shea Butter".

Each package has the inscription "Pods All in 1", which means "capsules: all in 1". Therefore, when washing, there is no need to add stain remover, fabric softener or fabric softener to the machine. All the necessary components are already present in the composition.


Selection features

Ariel's wide range of detergents presents the buyer with a choice. For a good wash, the correct detergent must be used. Key recommendations:

  1. Automatic wash... Any capsule or gel can be used. You need to choose the powder that has a washing machine icon or the inscription "automatic".
  2. Handwash... You can use any gel or washing powder marked "hand wash".
  3. Washing colored items... If fabrics are delicate, then use capsules or gel marked "color". For the care of ordinary things, use the powder Ariel Color "Intense color", or Ariel Color "Shea butter scent".
  4. Wash white things... For bleaching fabrics, any detergent that does not have the Color inscription is suitable. All Ariel products contain a whitening ingredient.
  5. Delicate wash... If the fabrics are delicate and require careful handling, it is better to use a liquid form of detergent.
  6. Wash children's things... There is no specialized lineup in the lineup. Preference is given to a detergent containing a fabric softener, for example Lenor Flavored Laundry Gel. Alternatively, you can purchase a product for people with sensitive skin - Ariel "Sensitive".

Top 3 alternatives

Ariel is not the only laundry detergent on the market today. There are many alternatives. Popular brands are Persil, Tide, Losk.


Persil is a brand owned by the German company Henkel... In some countries, people have been using Persil laundry detergents for over 100 years - since 1907. They appeared in Russia in 2000.

The assortment of Persil detergents is quite diverse. The line includes capsules, gels and washing powders. There are compositions for washing white and colored things.

Ariel and Persil stand almost the same. The washing quality of both powders is high, so they can be called worthy competitors.



Tide is Ariel's closest relative, since the same company, Procter & Gamble, is engaged in the production of products.

The line of detergents includes 3 forms of release:

  1. Capsules - 3 types.
  2. Washing powders - 11 types.
  3. Liquid concentrates - 3 types.

The Tide assortment includes powder for washing baby clothes. The cost of Tide detergents is slightly cheaper than Ariel.

The washing quality of both brands is high. They deal effectively with tough stains. Although comparative analysis of consumer reviews indicates that Ariel whitens fabrics better.



Losk is a brand with 120 years of history... Today it is held by the German chemical company Henkel. In Russia, they began to produce it using German technology since 1994, before that it was imported into the country from outside.

The Losk formula combines all the latest developments. It contains bleaching components, substances that protect the washing machine from scale and prevent the washing out of the pigment from the fabric fibers.

The line of products includes capsules, several types of washing powders and liquid concentrates... Losk's range, however, is not as diverse as Ariel's. Nevertheless, this brand is in demand, which is ensured by a good quality wash and an affordable price. The cost of Losk detergents is lower than Ariel.


What is the price, where to buy?

They buy Ariel's detergents in retail stores, in the departments with household chemicals. The brand can be found in both large and small retail outlets. The full range of products is presented in Internet markets.

The cost of household chemicals depends on the place of purchase, on the availability of promotional offers, the form of release of the detergent and the volume of packaging.

Average prices in Russia are as follows:

  • Color Automat powder 0.45 kg - 120 rubles, 3 kg - 380 rubles;
  • Sensitive gel 1.04 l - 350 rubles;
  • mountain spring capsules 12 pieces - 270 rubles, 48 ​​pieces - 850 rubles.

Consumer opinions

foto17000-9On the Internet, you can find many reviews characterizing the quality of washing with Ariel's detergents. Most consumers are satisfied with the result and constantly use household chemicals from this brand.

Buyers indicate that the composition has an affordable price that matches its quality... Many people like the wide range and variety of aromas. People note that after washing Ariel's clothes become soft and easy to iron. Therefore, they do not need to use additional agents in the form of conditioners and rinses.

Buyers are satisfied that the formula contains components that protect the washing machine from scale. Most of them appreciate the whitening properties of household chemicals. They also like that colored items do not fade or fade after repeated washings.

However, there is also an opposite point of view.... There are consumers who do not like the pronounced smell that remains on things after using Ariel. Some people are unhappy that the powder is too expensive. Therefore, they buy it only for promotional offers.

According to a number of buyers, the product is too advertised and does not cope with stubborn stains.


Ariel is a worthy brand that definitely deserves the attention of users. The range of detergents is wide enough, and the composition is safe for health.

Powder forms of products, capsules and gels cope well with dirt, help to whiten things and keep them bright. Reviews about Ariel are mostly positive, and the demand for it remains consistently high, which indicates the good quality of household chemicals.

What do you think of Ariel's laundry detergent? You can rate and write a comment below.



