How often should my bra be washed and why?
Underwear needs especially careful care, as it is constantly in contact with the body.
He must be well-cared for, hygienic and attractive.
A correct wash, checked on time, will solve these problems. How often should you wash your bra? You will find the answer to the question in the article.
More often or less often: which is better?
How often you wash your bra, and whether you can wear it for several days, depends on a number of circumstances. Manufacturers produce bras in several lines, including:
- for sports;
- for everyday wear, etc.
Many factors affect the washing frequency:
- weather conditions (in summer the interval is shorter than in winter);
- individual characteristics of the body, including the intensity of sweating;
- conditions for wearing things (playing sports requires frequent cleaning, a measured lifestyle is more rare);
- the appearance of stains or an unpleasant odor.
Wearing rules suggest putting on a bra no more than three times before washing. In hot conditions or with intense sweating, wash should be done after each wear.
In the process of use, the underwear absorbs fat released from sweat. It can become a source of the development of pathogens and cause unpleasant odors.
For general washing tips for bras, see here.
Rarely washing your bra: are there any exceptions to the rule?
Long-term wearing (more than three wearing) of a bra can lead to the following result:
- the product will begin to emit an unpleasant odor;
- the material from which the thing is made will begin to deform;
- health insecurity due to the development of pathological microflora;
- loss of attractive appearance.
Rare washing is not hygienic and can make a thing unusable. With this approach, the product can become a breeding ground for pathogens.
It is rarely possible to wash the linen that is put on for half an hour or an hour, and is not so much clothing as an object of seduction and intrigue.
Pros and cons of regular processing
Frequent wet processing keeps the garment clean, but significantly reduces the life of the laundry... Regular contact with detergents and water leads to rapid material wear and loss of functionality. The thing quickly decays, the elastic bands stretch, and the bra itself loses its attractive appearance.
Frequent washing is a prerequisite for white items. Read how to properly wash white bras. here.
After every wear: when is it necessary?
Washing after every wear is not advisable in most cases. The exception is the following circumstances:
Sportswear in which you trained intensively.
- Extremely hot weather, resulting in increased sweating.
- Diseases accompanied by hyperhidrosis.
- Some dermatological diseases requiring frequent linen changes.
- The appearance of spots.
- Unpleasant smell from laundry.
With daily washing, the product will quickly become unusable.
How is it correct?
The manufacturer always indicates the rules for the care of the product on the label. Their violation can lead to deformation and damage to things.
Manual - delicate, allowing gentle cleaningwhile avoiding intense exposure to delicate fabrics. This is the best option for caring for linen with an abundance of lace, decorative elements and gel cups.
For washing, it is advisable to choose products that are intended directly for laundry. Or universal in gel form. They fight dirt well, dissolve more easily in water and allow the active ingredients to penetrate into the fibers.
Gels also rinse out better than powders... If you do not have a special liquid product at hand, you can use liquid soap or a delicate shampoo, carefully dissolving it in water.
The water temperature should be set in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or not more than + 40 ° C if the label has not been preserved.
The operating mode of the washing machine is selected "delicate", and the bra itself is placed in special mesh pouch... If the wash is frequent, the detergent can be used half as much as usual.
Learn more about the rules for hand washing bras. this article.
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By determining how often to wash your bra, you can keep your underwear in good shape without the hassle. Even frequent washing is not difficult if the rules of laundry care become a habit.