How to wash black and white and can shedding and other problems be avoided?

foto10736-1It's no secret that washing black and white things at the same time is undesirable. Such processing can cause damage to light-colored fabrics. Products become gray, dark spots and streaks may appear on them.

If it is impossible to refuse joint washing, then measures must be taken to carry out the procedure with minimal losses.

Can black and white be washed, what will happen to things after washing together? What to do if the products, after washing them together, shed, how to bleach white? Look for answers to questions in the article.

Is it possible to wash together, what will happen to things?

Sometimes there are situations in which it is impossible to avoid washing black and white items. Therefore, every housewife should know the secrets that will help prevent shedding of black fabric. Read more about washing black clothes here.

When is it allowed?

Wash white and black clothes together as an exception in the following situations:

  1. foto10736-2Dark fabrics have been washed multiple times. The older the item, the less likely it is that the paint in its fibers will wash out.
  2. A quick wash to freshen up the fabric.
  3. There is no need to use aggressive detergents.
  4. Co-spinning will not take place.

You can wash black and white fabrics at the same time only in a gentle mode, without soaking.

When is it prohibited?

It is necessary to refuse joint processing white and black fabrics in the following cases:

  1. The black thing is new and has never been in contact with water. Even if the garment is permanently dyed, it will still shed during the first wash.
  2. Soaking is pending. The longer the product is in water, the more paint will come out of its fibers.
  3. Processing at high temperatures is required. The hotter the water, the more actively the fabric sheds.
  4. Black fabric is heavily dyed. This is not difficult to understand. It is enough to moisten it, wrap it in a light cloth, rub it and leave it for 5 minutes. If dark marks appear on the fabric, they refuse to wash together.
A saline solution helps to fix the pigment in the matter (for 1 liter of water, take 3 tablespoons of salt). The painted thing is soaked in it for 3 hours, after which it is thoroughly rinsed.

How to process in the washing machine at the same time?

If it is impossible to refuse joint washing in an automatic machine, then you need to act according to the following instructions:

  1. foto10736-3Turn all products to the wrong side.
  2. Pack your clothes into laundry bags. Black products are put into one grid, and light ones are put into the other.
  3. Select a washing program. Optimum indicators: water temperature - up to 30 degrees, spin is off, cycle duration - no more than an hour.

    As a rule, these parameters correspond to a delicate or gentle wash cycle, as well as the "wool" and "silk" programs.

  4. Add detergent. It should be gentle. The lower the surfactant content in it, the better. Preference is given to liquid formulations and gel capsules. You can use baby powder.
  5. Start the program, wait for it to end, immediately after the beep, remove the items and send them to dry.
Bleach is not used when washing black and white products together. It will wash out the color from dark fabrics, increasing the likelihood of shedding.

What to do if clothes are stained, how to bleach them?

If the joint wash was unsuccessful and the white fabric turned gray or black spots appeared on it, the available tools will help to cope with the problem:

  1. foto10736-4Hydrogen peroxide... For 5 liters of water, it will take 2 tbsp. l. The solution is brought to a boil, the product is immersed in it and cooked for half an hour.

    This bleaching method is only suitable for those things that are not afraid of exposure to high temperatures.

  2. Soda. 5 tablespoons of soda are dissolved in 5 liters of water, after which the stained fabric is soaked for 6 hours (you can leave it overnight). After the specified time, the item is washed.
  3. Aspirin. You will need 10 tablets to make 2 liters of bleaching solution. The thing is soaked for 30 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly.

In addition to folk remedies, you can use household chemicals that contain bleaching agents. Using aggressive compounds containing chlorine (whiteness) can damage the fabric, reducing its strength.

therefore preferred modern liquid products such as Vanish Gel Crystal White (cost 0.45 ml - 170 rubles). It contains active oxygen and enzymes that allow you to remove foreign pigment from white tissue.

There is no need to wait for the product to dry. Start bleaching the fabric as soon as a problem is found.

Drying rules

Dry white and black clothes after washing properly. The main recommendations to be followed:

  • foto10736-5do not hang products overlapping each other, in those places where they will touch, dark spots may appear, it is difficult to remove them;
  • turn products to the wrong side;
  • do not dry clothes in direct sunlight, as under the influence of ultraviolet light, dark fabrics quickly fade, and yellow spots may appear on light products;
  • do not hang things on the heating radiator.

It is best to dry your clothes naturally. The room should have a low level of humidity and good ventilation.

Important information

Before washing light and dark fabrics together, you need to read the following information:

  • a small amount of laundry needs to be put into the machine, the less it is, the lower the probability of mutual staining of fabrics;
  • things must be turned on the wrong side;
  • it is impossible to leave clothes in the drum after washing, they must be immediately taken out and sent to dry;
  • hand washing white and black fabrics reduces the risk of staining light colored items.
After processing in a typewriter, things can be squeezed out, but not together, but separately. This will speed up the drying process.


It is not recommended to wash white and black items together. If this cannot be avoided, then you need to make the procedure as safe as possible by lowering the water temperature, refusing to spin and choosing a delicate detergent.



