Simple instructions on how to wash a nest cocoon for a newborn in the washing machine and by hand
Cocoon-nest is a cozy space, an orthopedic mini-mattress that repeats the anatomical shape of a newborn baby's body.
Its design allows the baby to feel like in the womb in the crib. A cocoon is made of foam rubber, holofiber or other filler, which is covered with fabric.
Like any other thing, the nest needs regular washing. This procedure has a number of features that parents should be aware of.
How to wash a cocoon-nest for a newborn in a typewriter and hands, we will tell in the article.
Is it possible?
The nest cocoon can be machine washed or hand washed. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to clarify what material is used as a filler.
Parents need to pay attention to the following points:
- if only the removable cover is dirty, then it is washed separately;
high-quality products are sewn from cotton fabric, which is not afraid of high temperatures, they can even be boiled;
- synthetic covers are treated in water up to 60 degrees;
- you need to wash the entire cocoon once a month to clean it of dust;
- before you start washing, the product must be checked for integrity;
- if there are holes and loose seams, they need to be sewn up;
- be sure to knock out dust from the mattress - it is better to do this on the street or on the balcony;
- foam cocoons can only be washed by hand;
- nests filled with synthetic fluff or holofiber tolerate automatic processing well.
Machine wash is quite aggressive. Therefore, inexpensive foam products can deform. Hand wash is gentle but laborious. A wet mattress weighs 2-3 times more. Therefore, it will be difficult for a young mother to cope with the task alone.
Washing in a typewriter
If the filler for the cocoon is made of holofiber or synthetic fluff, it is machine washed.
Procedure for the procedure:
- The tape used to tighten the product to shape it must be fixed. This is done with 2-3 stitches without a knot. This simple technique will avoid pulling it out.
Remove dust from the mattress. In the presence of stubborn dirt, they are washed in advance.You can treat the area with Ushasty Nyan soap, which allows you to get rid of stains.
After 15 minutes, the fabric is cleaned by hand or with a soft brush.
- Place the cocoon in the drum of the washing machine.
- Switch on the “delicate wash” program, or carry out manual setting. Recommended parameters: water temperature - 30 degrees, speed - 600.
- Pour detergent into the detergent compartment. Preference should be given to liquid concentrates that effectively remove dirt even in cold water and are well rinsed out of the fabric fibers.
- Wait until the end of washing, remove the cocoon and straighten the bent foam by hand. After that, you can send the product to dry.
Hand wash suitable for foam-filled sockets.
- Pour warm water into a large basin or bath, dilute the detergent in it. You can use either a soap solution or any other composition that is usually used for washing children's clothes (Aistenok, Umka, Our mother, Eared nanny, etc.).
Soak the cocoon in the solution, completely submerging it in water.
- Leave the product to soak for 30-60 minutes.
- Use a soft brush to clean the existing dirt, then gently walk over the entire surface of the mattress.
- Drain the water, rinse the product thoroughly. For convenience, you can use the shower.
- Allow the water to drain without removing the mattress from the bath. You can gently shake it with your hands, but do not twist it.
- Send the cocoon to dry.
The water should be warm, but not hot, no higher than 40 degrees. Temperatures should not be allowed so that the fabric does not stretch and the product does not lose its shape.
How to dry?
Dry the cocoon on a flat surface. If washing was carried out without spinning, then you can put a cloth under the mattress to absorb excess moisture.
When water stops dripping from it, the matter is removed. Do not hang the cocoon, as this will lead to loss of its shape.
It is best to dry the product in a room with good ventilation and low humidity. In such conditions, the moisture will completely evaporate in 2 days.
Important recommendations
Perform quality washing of the cocoon for newborns the following tips will help:
use detergents that are suitable for washing children's linen, they have a lower concentration of surfactants, and also contain a minimum amount of fragrances and fragrances;
- turn on the additional rinse mode - this will completely wash out the powder particles from the fabric fibers;
- wash the cocoon separately from other things;
- exclude intense friction of the material in order to prevent damage;
- wash the cocoon as it gets dirty;
- for preventive purposes, the product is treated once a month;
- iron the cocoon using the steam function.
Useful video
How to wash and dry the nest cocoon, the video will tell you:
The nest cocoon for the newborn must be kept clean. It can be washed both automatically and by hand.
After its completion, the product is dried only in a horizontal position, laid out on a flat surface.