Proven recipes and ways to remove grass from jeans at home

foto9971-1It's easy to stain your jeans with grass when you spend time outdoors. You don't have to lie on the ground for this. Some plants color even with a passing touch.

If green marks are found on jeans, you need to start removing them as soon as possible.

If it was not possible to cope with them using ordinary detergents, you need to connect "heavy artillery" in the form of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vinegar and some other substances.

Let's analyze in more detail, how to wash jeans from grass (light and dark) at home.

How to remove a fresh stain

Professional cleaners consider grass stains to be one of the most difficult. It is especially difficult to remove the coloring pigment from the fibers of the fabric if it has dried out.

Chlorophyll penetrates deep into the tissue fibers and is securely fixed in them. Therefore, you need to start removing it as soon as possible.

First aid rules for things that have herbal stains:

  1. foto9971-2Prevent drying out. For this, the contaminated area must be wiped off. If this is not possible, then it is simply moistened with water, or wiped with a damp cloth.
  2. Do not rub the stain too hard with a tissue or sponge. This will cause the pigment to penetrate even deeper into the fibers of the fabric.
  3. Soak your jeans in warm, but not hot or cold, water. The optimum temperature for removing grass stains is 40 degrees.

The most important rule of dealing with grass marks is to keep them from drying out. Therefore, the jeans should be kept moist until they can be washed.

How to remove pollution?

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has the ability to penetrate deep into the fibers and push contaminants out. Therefore, it can be used to combat grass stains. Apply it in its pure form.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Moisten a cloth with warm water.
  2. Apply a few drops of peroxide to it, rub with a cotton swab.
  3. Leave the agent to act for an hour.
  4. Rub the cotton pad again.
  5. Wash jeans as usual.
You can only use hydrogen peroxide on light-colored jeans. If applied to dark fabric, white marks will remain on it.

Laundry soap

To get rid of fresh dirt, you can use regular laundry soap.

Instructions for use:

  • foto9971-3moisten the stain;
  • apply a soap composition to a sponge and rub the dirt with it, it is necessary to achieve the appearance of foam on the surface of the fabric;
  • leave jeans for 30-60 minutes;
  • wipe the stain again with a damp sponge, but without soap solution;
  • processing continues until the trace completely disappears;
  • at the end of the wash, rinse the fabric to remove any soap residues.

Jeans cannot be rubbed with a stiff brush. This will lead to whitish streaks and thinning of the fabric.

If it was not possible to get rid of traces of grass with the help of classical washing, it is necessary to resort to the help of aggressive substances. Most of them are in everyone's house.


Ammonia, being an aqueous solution of ammonia, has the ability to remove stains from clothes. It does not harm fabrics, but has whitening properties... Therefore, it can only be used on light colored jeans.

How to use the cleaning solution:

  • dilute a tablespoon of ammonia in 0.25 ml of water;
  • soak a sponge with a solution and apply it to the stain;
  • leave for 30 minutes, rub with a cotton pad;
  • wash a thing with laundry soap.

You can use undiluted ammonia. It is applied to a cotton pad, with which the stain is rubbed until it disappears completely.

Salmon has a pungent odor. Its vapors can cause reflex respiratory arrest. Therefore, you need to work with him in a mask, in a well-ventilated area.


foto9971-4To combat chlorophyll ingrained in tissue, you can use vinegar with a concentration of 9%. This product is suitable for cleaning light colored denim clothing.

Mode of application:

  1. Saturate the stain with undiluted vinegar.
  2. Leave on for 60 minutes.
  3. Wipe the grass trail with a clean cotton pad, rinse the product.

Wine vinegar is used to combat stubborn stains. Additionally, you will need to rub the dirt with a soft bristled toothbrush.

Toothpaste or powder

To cope with a grass stain, toothpaste helps, as it contains whitening components. Use the product only for cleaning light-colored pants.

Mode of application:

  • moisten the toothbrush and use it to apply the paste to the contaminated area;
  • leave the composition for half an hour;
  • gently rub the fabric with bristles until the stain completely disappears;
  • wash your pants as usual.
Instead of a paste, you can use tooth powder. It is preliminarily diluted with water, bringing to a mushy state. Then use the remedy by analogy with toothpaste.


Baking soda is abrasive, so it can be used to remove grass stains.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. foto9971-5Mix baking soda with warm water. The gruel should be firm, but not too crumbly.
  2. Apply the composition to the contaminated area in a dense layer.
  3. Leave on the product for an hour.
  4. Remove baking soda with a soft bristle brush.
  5. To wash the thing, if necessary.

This method is suitable for thick denim. Thin products may not withstand mechanical processing.


To cope with green stains on jeans, you can use table salt. It is used as follows:

  • dilute 3 teaspoons of salt in 100 ml of water;
  • apply a highly concentrated solution to the stain with a sponge;
  • leave for 30 minutes;
  • wash your pants using laundry soap.
Salt does not fade fabric, so it can be used to remove stains from dark and black jeans.


You can remove grass stains with a liquid containing an alcohol component. It can be cologne or vodka.

foto9971-6Apply the agent as follows:

  1. Apply alcohol to the stains.
  2. Leave to act for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the product under running warm water, lather with laundry soap and leave for another 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse the fabric thoroughly.

This approach will even get rid of old stains. However, you need to work carefully with dark jeans, as alcohol can wash out not only the chlorophyll, but also the coloring pigment.


To remove the stain with glycerin, it must be properly prepared. This can be done in 3 ways:

  1. Mix equal proportions of glycerin and toothpaste.
  2. Mix the grated chalk with glycerin and water.
  3. Dilute glycerin with dishwashing liquid.

The first two are not suitable for removing stains from dark fabrics.

The selected composition is applied to the soil and left to act overnight. In the morning, the jeans are washed with laundry soap.

Lemon juice

foto9971-7The acid in lemon juice will help lighten stains and make them less visible.

Use the tool as follows:

  • squeeze the juice out of the lemon, dilute it with the same amount of warm water;
  • apply the product to the stain with a cotton pad;
  • leave the composition for 40 minutes;
  • wash jeans with laundry soap.

Lemon juice can lighten fabrics, so it is not recommended to use it on dark jeans.

Boiling water

Boiling water helps to deal with fresh stains. Processing should be carried out as quickly as possible.

Instructions for use:

  • put jeans in a basin or bathtub so that the stain is at the top;
  • boil water in a kettle and pour it over the stain;
  • When the jeans have cooled down, they should be washed with laundry soap.
Hot water treatment can cause the pants to shrink. Therefore, do not use this method to wash tight trousers.

We use stain removers

If it was not possible to remove grass stains with the help of improvised means, you can resort to using a stain remover. The most effective formulations include:

  1. foto9971-8Antipyatin soap... It is an inexpensive and effective remedy suitable for stubborn stains.

    It contains salts of fatty acids, glycerin, soda and other active ingredients that destroy pollution. Lather the stain with soap, leave for 15 minutes, wash off with warm water.

    On dark jeans, it is kept for no more than 5 minutes. The cost of a bar weighing 90 g is about 45 rubles.

  2. BOS stain remover... It is better to purchase the composition in the form of a gel. This product is suitable for washing white and light colored jeans. Apply one full cap to the stain, spread the fabric over its surface and start washing immediately. It is not necessary to maintain the composition on jeans. The cost of 1200 ml of gel is 160 rubles.
  3. Vanish Oxi Action Gold Gel... This stain remover can be used on dark and white jeans. Only the time of its exposure on the fabric will differ.

    Apply the product to dry pants. It is left on white trousers for 4 hours, and on dark ones - for 60 minutes. Then you need to wash the product in the usual way. The cost of 0.45 liters of detergent is about 145 rubles.

All products can be purchased in the departments with household chemicals or ordered in the Internet market.

Features for dark and light pants

Rules for removing grass stains from dark clothes:

  1. For cleaning black and dark fabrics, aggressive components are not used: vinegar, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol compounds. Their use will lead to the appearance of whitish areas on the product.
  2. Do not expose dark fabric to high temperatures.
  3. During work, you need to control the friction force.
  4. Preference should be given to liquid stain removers. They are effective even in cool water and wash out more easily from thick fabrics. Therefore, contact of jeans with the product can be minimized.
Light-colored trousers do not require such careful handling. If necessary, they can be washed in hot water, as well as formulations containing a whitening component can be applied.

However, stains on white fabric are more noticeable, so more effort will be required to fully remove them.

Important recommendations

To avoid ruining your jeans while fighting grass stains, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. foto9971-9Any new cleaning composition is tested in an inconspicuous area. If the tissue reacts to it normally, you can proceed to the main processing.
  2. You need to move in the direction from the edge of the spot to its center, so as not to spread the paint onto a clean cloth.
  3. If an aggressive composition is used, then you need to wash the thing with gloves and a respirator.
  4. It is not recommended to use products containing chlorine for removing stains. It leads to the destruction of tissue fibers.

Do not give up if, after the first wash, green stains are still on the fabric. The procedure can be repeated with a different cleaning agent.

You can also use dry cleaning services. The average price for removing grass stains from jeans is 500 rubles.

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You can remove traces of grass from jeans with improvised compounds, or professional stain removers. The main thing is to use them for their intended purpose, without using bleaching agents on dark fabrics.



