Proven remedies for how to remove greasy stains on jeans at home

foto9938-1A greasy stain on jeans is not uncommon, as it is the favorite clothing of many. But do not immediately throw out the thing, because this problem can be dealt with in a matter of minutes.

All kinds of folk and industrial remedies will help with this. The main thing is to know the rules for removing such spots in one way or another.

In this article, we'll show you how to remove greasy stains on jeans at home.

What to do with fresh dirt?

foto9938-2If the grease stain on your clothes is still fresh, remove it as soon as possible.

You can't immediately wash jeans, since direct contact with water will only fix the fat on the tissue and then it will be problematic to get rid of it. In this regard, it is not advisable to wipe the stain with water.

The first step is to lay out the denim item on a flat surface and blot the dirt with a paper towel... Then the trace is treated with a clean white cloth (the colored one can shed and paint over this area).

After that, soak the thing in warm water for a couple of hours, adding a little vinegar (to prevent fading of the fabric).

If you have gasoline on hand, you can immediately apply it to the dirt and sprinkle with talcum powder... The latter absorbs fat well. And only then the jeans are washed by hand or machine.

Detailed washing instructions and recipes

After urgently removing most of the grease from your jeans, you can proceed to more thoroughly removing the stain using one of the following methods. Only then is it permissible to wash in a typewriter or by hand.

Main wash recommendations:

  • preliminarily take out the contents from the pockets and fasten the product with all locks and rivets;
  • turn the thing over to the wrong side;
  • use washing powder without bleach, but it is better to take gels for colored products;
  • set the washing mode at a temperature not higher than 40 ᵒС, which will prevent shedding and shrinkage of the product;
  • it is unacceptable to set the spin at high speeds - 700-800 is enough.
Drying jeans in automatic mode and on a battery is not recommended, which is guaranteed to lead to their deformation. Optimum drying at room temperature.

Can be hung in fresh air, but protected from direct sunlight.It is advisable not to wait for the pants to dry completely, but to take them off slightly damp and iron them.

Dishwashing liquid

foto9938-3Effectively removes greasy stains with conventional dishwashing detergent. Apply it in a small amount on dirt and slightly moisten with water, so that foam appears.

Rub lightly with a brush or cloth. They act in a similar way until the stain disappears. Only then do they wash them in a typewriter.

Do not rub the greasy stain intensively - this will only exacerbate the problem.


Greasy stains on jeans come in a variety of ways. So, after canned oil, glycerin will help, it is applied to the trail and left.

The holding time can be any, since this substance dissolves in water without problems. You can enhance the effect by adding ammonia to glycerin (mixed in a 1: 2 ratio).


If it was not possible to immediately tackle the fat spot put on carelessness, then gasoline will come to the rescue, it will take a little.

Apply to the problem area and wait about 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and wash without delay.

If you plan to wash in an automatic machine, then set an additional rinse mode. An alternative to gasoline is solid oil or kerosene.


foto9938-4There will be no trace on jeans if you remove greasy stains with this means: prepare a solution of laundry soap (200 g in the form of shavings), turpentine (10 ml) and ammonia (3-5 drops).

The resulting liquid is treated with contamination and left for a quarter of an hour. Then they are washed off with water and washed in a washing machine.

Light trousers can be restored with pure ammonia... To do this, drip it onto a cotton pad and soak the stain with it. After that, they are put into the washing machine for subsequent washing.


Turpentine belongs to aggressive substances, so they work with it carefully so as not to spoil the fabric.

For cleaning, moisten a cotton swab in a small amount of the product and treat the contaminated area. After the turpentine has been absorbed, the jeans are machine washed.


Another option with salt that will cope with greasy pollution without problems. For this first sprinkle it with table salt and leave for 3-4 hours.

Next, make a saline solution: dissolve 1 tbsp. l. salt in a liter of water. The part of the fabric where the oily spot is placed is soaked in it for 8-9 hours.

Chalk and other powders

foto9938-5Powdered products have good adsorbing ability:

  • a piece of chalk;
  • dry mustard;
  • dentifrice;
  • starch;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • baby powder (talc).

Sprinkle any of these products on the oily stain and cover with a paper towel or clean cloth. From above are passed with a hot iron. As a result, excess fat is absorbed into the paper (fabric).


An effective folk remedy for oil stains is raw potatoes. Rub it on a fine grater and put the gruel on the oil trail... After 30 minutes, remove and scrub the fabric with a crust of stale brown bread.

You can use potato starch instead of fresh tubers. The powder is diluted in water until a creamy consistency is obtained. Apply the mass on a greasy footprint in a thick layer and leave for at least 40 minutes. Only then they wash their jeans.


They make a soda paste, for which they combine soda with slightly heated water... The resulting thick mixture is treated with an oily spot with a toothbrush. After 2 hours, you can start the main wash.


foto9938-6Every housewife has white vinegar on hand. They moisten a cloth with it and blot the dirt on the product. Even old greasy stains can be removed in this way.

Before using vinegar, a compatibility test is carried out: drip a little onto the fabric (where it will not be noticeable) and watch so that it does not fade. If this does not happen, then you can use this cleansing option.

Which stain removers are suitable for this case?

Now on the shelves of hardware stores, there is an extensive range of household chemicals for removing stains from different clothes.

The most popular ones are worth highlighting:

  1. Fairy - a synthetic liquid detergent commonly used for washing dishes. Copes well even with old greasy stains. Apply it in a small amount to dirt and rub it with your finger.

    After 10-15 minutes, wash off with clean water. To avoid white streaks, jeans are washed in a typewriter and rinsed twice. The cost of a standard 900 ml bottle is 160-180 rubles.

  2. Antipyatin - sold as a soap. Wash the soiled thing with its use. Then lather the stain and wait 20 minutes. After that, wash it again. The price of a bar of soap is from 40 rubles.
  3. Various liquid stain removers are the most common brands: Sarma, ACE Oxi Magic, BOS +, Persil, Vanish, Eared nanny, Sorty other. They are good at removing oily stains from denim. Apply one of these products to the stain and rinse off after 30 minutes and then wash.
It is recommended to read the attached instructions before using household chemicals.


To keep the jeans presentable even after removing grease stains, it is recommended to adhere to a number of care rules:

  • foto9938-7when removing oily stains, do not use cold water;
  • the product is pre-cleaned of dust;
  • the stain does not rub heavily, so as not to damage the fabric and increase the area of ​​the stain;
  • detergents with bleaching properties are used exclusively for white jeans;
  • if the contamination is minor, a pipette is used to apply the liquid cleaning agent;
  • do not apply too thick a layer of the cleaning compound on the oily stain, which will lead to discoloration of the fabric;
  • it is unacceptable to clean oil traces with a solvent;
  • it is undesirable to fill only the delivered greasy spot with salt - it will roll into balls upon contact with oil, but there will be no sense.

When working with chemicals to remove stains, wear rubber gloves on your hands.

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After removing the greasy dirt, be sure to wash the jeans by hand or in an automatic machine. This will consolidate the result.

It will be possible to make sure that the thing is saved only after it dries... As a last resort, you can always turn to dry cleaning services.



