What to do if a T-shirt is dyed during washing, how to save a faded item?

foto10295-1It's no secret that white and colored T-shirts should be washed separately. However, in practice, there are often cases when this rule is not observed. The result is the coloring of the product in a different color.

There is no need to despair, you can return the T-shirt to its original state. Both household chemicals and improvised means come to the rescue.

What to do if a t-shirt is dyed after washing, how to bleach a white one? Look for answers to questions in the article.

First aid

If the change in color was noticed immediately, then you need to start "resuscitation" of the thing immediately.

First aid rules for faded things:

  • foto10295-2you need to start the cleaning process quickly, you should not wait for the product to dry;
  • you must not try to even out the color using aggressive household chemicals if the T-shirt is sewn from delicate fabrics;
  • synthetics will not tolerate the effects of caustic substances, under their influence it will simply melt;
  • first you need to try again to wash the product separately, eliminating the factor that led to the staining;
  • if the fabric is white, bleach can be used immediately.

A colored T-shirt must never be ironed. This will cause the color to "seal" and fail to be displayed.

How to restore the color of a white T-shirt, bleach it?

If it was not possible to remove the foreign color from the white T-shirt by means of repeated washing using ordinary powder, you can resort to the help of available tools.

The most effective of them are:

  1. Ammonia... Dilute 100 ml of ammonia in 3 liters of water. The product is soaked in the prepared solution for 90 minutes, after which it is washed as usual.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide... 2 liters of water will require 50 ml of the substance. The T-shirt is soaked in the solution for 60 minutes.
  3. Salt, citric acid and starch... These components are mixed in such a way that the result is a gruel. It is applied locally to colored spots. The exposure time is 30 minutes. Then the T-shirt needs to be washed.
Boiling is one of the most effective ways to remove unwanted staining from white fabric. It is enough to pour water into a suitable container (it should be perfectly clean), place a T-shirt in it and leave to cook for 2 hours. To enhance the effect, you can add soda to the solution (1 tsp per 1 liter of water).

In addition to folk remedies, you can resort to using bleaches.A dyed white T-shirt can be repaired with compounds such as:

  1. foto10295-3White. This is the most affordable, inexpensive (about 30 rubles per 1 liter), but aggressive household chemicals that contain chlorine.

    To bleach a T-shirt, pour 4 liters of cool water into the basin and add a tablespoon of whiteness. The product is soaked for 15 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly in clean water.

  2. Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White Liquid Bleach... This gel allows you to deal with even the most stubborn stains without harming the fabric. The product contains surfactants, enzymes and oxygen bleach.

    To remove the paint, the T-shirt is soaked for 4 hours, evenly distributing the gel over the entire surface of the product. The T-shirt is then washed normally. The cost of 0.45 liters of bleach is about 150 rubles.

  3. Ace Oxi Magic White... This product can be purchased in both gel and powder form. Dissolve the product in warm water and soak the T-shirt overnight. In the morning it needs to be washed and dried.

    If the stain is not too intense, the soak time can be shortened to 1-2 hours. The cost of 500 g of powder is 140 rubles, and a liquid product is about 100 rubles.

You can buy a whitening composition both in a store with household chemicals and on the Internet.

How to restore color?

If a colored T-shirt is dyed during washing, then you can cope with the problem with the help of household chemicals and folk remedies. However, preference should be given to substances that do not have an aggressive effect on the tissue, since its own pigment may suffer from this.

Household chemicals to remove stains from colored fabric:

  1. foto10295-4Laundry soap... It is grated and dissolved in hot water. A colored T-shirt is soaked in the resulting solution for 20-30 minutes. Then it is washed as usual.

    If the spots are bright and there are many of them, then you can simply moisten the T-shirt with water and thoroughly lather it until a persistent foam forms. The item is kept for an hour, then rubbed by hand and rinsed thoroughly.

  2. Brileo Oxi Color Oxygen Stain Remover... It is used to remove stains from dark and colored T-shirts. It is effective even at low water temperatures. The product is soaked in it for 30-60 minutes, after which the item is washed as usual. The cost of the powder is 300 rubles.
  3. Vanish Oxi Action Gold Stain Remover... This gel does not contain any bleaching agent, so it can be used to remove stains from colored items. The holding time of the composition on the spots is 1 hour. The cost of 0.45 liters of gel is 130 rubles.
Do not use stain removers containing chlorine or other aggressive bleaching agents for washing colored T-shirts. They can lead to leaching of the pigment.

You can cope with the problem with the help of folk remedies. They do not wash their own paint from the fabric, but such substances as:

  1. Turpentine. It is diluted in warm water (2 tablespoons per 3 liters of water). The thing is soaked in this solution for 2 hours. Then it is washed as usual. To get rid of the smell of turpentine after such treatment, you need to hang the product in fresh air.
  2. Vinegar. To remove foreign stains, it is added to a warm soapy solution (100 g of vinegar per 6 liters of water). The T-shirt is soaked for 4 hours and then washed as usual.
  3. Glycerin and liquid soap... These components are taken in equal proportions. The stained areas are treated with the resulting composition and left for 4 hours. Then the item is washed as usual.

If the stains were not removed the first time, the procedure can be repeated. Means for removing dirt from white fabrics are not too aggressive, therefore, it is possible to completely remove the paint only after 2-3 procedures.

Features for different types of fabric

When restoring the original color of the shirt, you must take into account the type of fabric from which it is sewn... Those products that are suitable for washing synthetics can lead to the destruction of natural fibers.

The main recommendations are presented in the table:

Fabric typeThe best way to restore colorProhibited methods
Cotton and linenYou can use almost any substance, both chemical and folk. Boiling white things is allowed.There are no prohibitions if the fabric is white, but the product may shrink when boiled.
AtlasYou can use: glycerin, laundry soap, citric acid.Do not use aggressive substances: vinegar, alcohol, turpentine, whiteness.
SyntheticsThe use of vinegar, glycerin, turpentine, chemical bleaches is possible.Do not use whiteness, do not boil a thing.
Wool or silkOnly gentle wash (hand or machine on special programs) using liquid stain removers that do not contain aggressive ingredients.Do not wash at temperatures above 30 degrees. Folk remedies are used with caution.
T-shirt with photo or printGentle hand wash only using soap or liquid detergent.Banned folk remedies, aggressive stain removers containing chlorine or acids.

How to wash a product so that it does not fade?

So that after washing you do not have to clean the T-shirt from the paint that has got on it, and so that it does not become the culprit of damage to other products, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. foto10295-5Soak a colored T-shirt in a mild vinegar solution. For 10 water, take 10 tbsp. l. vinegar with a concentration of 9%.
  2. Use suitable detergents for washing clothes. Colored T-shirts are treated with Color powder. White clothes are washed with formulations containing a whitening component.
  3. Observe the manufacturer's recommended washing temperature. If you exceed the maximum possible values, then the pigment from the fibers will be washed out.
  4. Soak the item in a saline solution. To prepare it, you will need 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. table salt without additives and flavors. T-shirt holding time is 1 hour.
If there is an urgent need for a joint wash of white and colored things, then napkins are placed in the drum of the washing machine to catch the dyes. For example, Chameleon or Dr. Beckmann. Their price is about 150 rubles for a pack of 20 pieces.

General tips for washing T-shirts can be found here.

Important recommendations

To prevent the T-shirt from being painted, and in the process of restoring its original color, the situation does not worsen, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • sort things before washing, do not throw white and colored items into the drum, even if they are not subject to shedding;
  • foto10295-6before you start washing, you must familiarize yourself with the recommendations that are indicated on the t-shirt tag;
  • pay attention to the presence of small colored parts; even a small bright insert can damage the white product;
  • you can improve the quality of washing, fix the color and give T-shirts a pleasant aroma using fabric softener;
  • when working with caustic substances (whiteness, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, turpentine, etc.), you need to take care of your own safety - for this, gloves are put on your hands, and the respiratory organs are covered with a mask;
  • you need to carry out whitening procedures in a room that is well ventilated.
It must be remembered that new colored things cannot be washed together with other products. During the first contact with water, even the most permanently colored fabrics will shed.

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If the T-shirt turns into a foreign color during washing, you do not need to despair. You can restore it at no extra cost using available tools. When they do not help to cope with the problem, they resort to using household chemicals.



