Effective methods of how to remove pellets from a jacket at home

foto29833-1In the process of wearing a jacket, pellets begin to form on it over time. This greatly spoils the appearance of the product.

Therefore, the question becomes relevant - how to remove the pellets from your favorite jacket? Simple folk methods and the use of a special machine come to the rescue.

Reasons for the appearance

foto29833-2The appearance of pellets on your favorite thing is a problem that may have the following reasons:

  • low quality material was used for sewing;
  • the ironing of the thing was carried out in violation of the technology;
  • intense friction during washing;
  • high degree of wear;
  • use of unsuitable detergents, etc.

It is not always possible to avoid the appearance of pellets, but you can try to eliminate them.

7 ways to solve the problem

Knitted items very often cackle during the process of wearing with the formation of ugly knocked down lumps on the surface. To eliminate the defect, improvised means can be used that show high efficiency at no cost.

Stationery tape

Ordinary scotch tape can be chosen to care for the jacket. This method is suitable for processing products with a small amount of pellets that have only recently formed on the material. For advanced cases, the use of adhesive tape will be ineffective.


  1. Cut a piece about 10 cm long from the adhesive tape.
  2. Press the tape with the adhesive side to the front of the product.
  3. Tear off the tape from the jacket with a jerk.
  4. Repeat in the same area several more times.
  5. Repeat the entire procedure in the next section.
It is convenient to use a wide adhesive tape, since a significant area of ​​the product will be processed in one pass.

Dish sponge

You can use a dishwashing sponge to treat the jacket. It is turned with the hard abrasive side to the thing and carried over the material. Use only a new sponge to remove the pellets.


foto29833-3Armed with ordinary scissors, the spools can be simply cut off. This method is one of the simplest.

The disadvantage of using scissors is that great care will be required during work, since it is very easy to damage the material with scissors.

In addition, this method of removing pellets from a jacket is very painstaking and time-consuming.


If the item is fluffy, you can use a toothbrush to remove the pellets.... When processing, the bristles should run at right angles to the surface on which the item is located. Movements should be in the direction of the pile location.

With intensive processing, it is possible to pull threads out of the jacket and the formation of a fleece even on a smooth product.


You can use a razor to tidy up your woolen jacket. The razor method is not suitable for long-nap garments.


  • before processing, the jacket must be placed on a horizontal surface;
  • methodically and carefully, the machine should be carried out in one direction, literally shaving off the lumps;
  • change the direction of processing.
To process the jacket, you may need to use several machines, changing them as they become blunt.

Comb with fine teeth

foto29833-4Using a comb will allow you to comb the pellets from the jacket.

When processing, you will need to keep the comb parallel to the surfaceon which the thing is located. As you comb it, the spools will linger on the teeth.

And they will periodically need to be removed. This method is not suitable for processing loose-knit items.

Pilling brush (product peeling)

The Removal Brush is a simple device that can be purchased at handicraft stores. The jacket is cleaned very quickly and effortlessly. The design of the brushes may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.

Special machine

Fast and fairly effective removal of pellets is provided by a special machine... This is a portable device that allows you to process a jacket in a short time and very high quality.

Such devices are suitable for various fabrics. Even if the jacket is knitted from mohair or angora, the pilling remover will handle the situation without damaging or stretching the fabric.

When buying a car, it should be borne in mind that it will need batteries. And with frequent use, they will quickly discharge.

What shouldn't be done?

When removing pellets from a jacket it is necessary to take into account such prohibitions:

  1. You should not rush, this is especially important when using techniques with a razor and scissors, as this poses a threat of damage to the material.
  2. It is forbidden to use force, as with careless movements the thing can be deformed or damaged.
  3. You should not use a knife, open blade, scalpel and other devices, as this increases the likelihood of damage to the thing and injury to the one who is busy processing the jacket.


In the process of removing the pellets the following expert advice will help:

  1. foto29833-5The less neglected the state of the thing, the easier it will be to deal with defects.
  2. In some cases, when processing a jacket from pellets, you may need to use several methods at once. This is usually typical for used items with a lot of defects.
  3. If there is no time to deal with the elimination of pellets, you can use the help of dry cleaning.

If the jacket is made of low-quality material, then the cuffing will occur even with proper care of the product.

Methods and means of removing pellets from clothes are discussed in detail in this section.

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5 ways to remove pellets from a jacket - in the video:


Removing the pellets from the jacket is a task that you can handle yourself at home. In this case, you can even do without buying special tools.

But if the problem of the appearance of pellets on various items of clothing, and not only on a jacket, arises often, it makes sense to think about buying a special machine or brush.



