Step-by-step instructions on how to wash a large soft toy at home

foto10585-1Large soft toys are not only friends of children, but also components of the original interior.

Plush items look very cute, but they get a lot of dust and are difficult to clean. A separate problem is those of them that do not fit into the washing machine.

You can even clean large items by hand using homemade recipes, a steam generator and household cleaning products.

How to wash a large soft toy at home by hand, we will tell you in the article.

Washing problems

All soft toys accumulate dust and need to be cleaned. If the manufacturer indicates the possibility of washing in a machine on the label for the product, the problem can be solved simply. But this cannot be done with very large items.

foto10585-2When choosing a cleaning technique, it must be borne in mind that aggressive compounds cannot be used for a number of reasons:

  • corrosive substances can damage the material;
  • they can cause allergies;
  • it is undesirable to use them in a children's environment;
  • not suitable for delicate cleaning.

Time-tested home methods, the use of household appliances and purchased cleaning products will help to tidy up a large toy. With any type of cleaning, it is desirable that the first step is vacuuming.

General rules for washing soft toys are considered here.

How to do it manually?

Hand washing can consist of several parts:

  • accurate surface cleaning of the material;
  • complete wash of the whole item, including the padding;
  • treatment of especially dirty places and removal of stains.
In some cases, cleaning only the outer coat of a furry friend is sufficient.

For hand washing you will need:

  • a large container in which the whole thing would fit;
  • a universal detergent in the form of a gel (if the fur of a soft animal is snow-white, you can use a detergent intended for white clothes);
  • sponge;
  • laundry soap;
  • stain remover, if there are particularly dirty places;
  • water.

The order of work:

  1. foto10585-3Fill the container, which is intended for washing, with water up to + 30 ° C. An exception is made for products on the label of which a higher temperature is allowed by the manufacturer.
  2. Detergent is diluted in water.
  3. If there are dirty areas on the toy, they are lathered with laundry soap with a sponge. Stains are treated with a stain remover such as Vanish.
  4. Wash the toy with a sponge.
  5. If the goal is a complete wash, including the padding, then you need to squeeze and unclench the product with your hands so that the filler is also washed out.
  6. It is necessary to rinse the item thoroughly, changing the water frequently.

If the toy cannot be completely wet, you can wash only the stained areas, avoiding deep soaking.

A gentle surface wash is especially important where the filler is sensitive to moisture. This applies, for example, to the anti-stress filler.

The video will tell you about wet cleaning of a large soft toy:

Removing stains with folk remedies

Uniform dustiness of the toy allows you to combine dry cleaning with surface washing. However, if there are stains on the item, they need to be treated before starting to wash.

A simple folk way will do:

  1. foto10585-4Moisten the stained area with a sponge.
  2. The soap is foamed and gently applied to the stain.
  3. Rubbing a dirty place with a sponge.
  4. After processing, the soap residue is washed off with water.

If a bear, dog or elephant not only decorates the interior, but is also a favorite of the baby, stains can be removed with a baby stain remover. After holding for several minutes, the product is washed off.

For removing stains from children's toys do not use chemicals (gasoline, white alcohol, kerosene, etc.).

Dry cleaning

If the toy is made of materials that cannot be wetted or has glued elements, water cannot be used at all for cleaning.

For dry cleaning you will need:

  • vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for cleaning small items;
  • soda (the amount depends on the size of the product, but not less than a couple of packs);
  • a large polyethylene bag in which the item would fit completely;
  • napkins.
The amount of soda is determined taking into account the fact that the thing should be sprinkled with it completely. If there is even more of it, it's not scary, for cleaning it is more a plus than a minus. Instead of soda, you can use potato starch.

Cleaning procedure:

  1. Vacuum the product thoroughly from all sides.
  2. Place the toy in a large bag prepared in advance and sprinkle it with baking soda.
  3. foto10585-5Squeeze excess air out of the bag.
  4. Tie the top of the bag.
  5. The bag must be vigorously shaken and squeezed so that the toy contacts the baking soda on all sides.
  6. Set aside the package for an hour. During this time, the soda will absorb all the impurities.
  7. Again actively wrinkle and shake the bag.
  8. Get the toy out.
  9. Use a napkin slightly moistened with water to walk over the dirty areas on the material. If necessary, they should be rubbed.
  10. If there are uncleaned areas, then you need to add soda to them, and also rub.
  11. Use a dry cloth to shake off the baking soda from the surface.
  12. Vacuum the product.

Choose a tight cellophane bag for processing, which is able to withstand vigorous exposure during the cleaning process.

Steam generator application

If the house has a steam cleaner, tidying up a large toy shouldn't be a problem. Steam not only allows you to freshen the material, but also removes dirt, fights mold and other pathogens.

When using steam, avoid contact with surfaces that can deform. This group includes natural materials (for example, linen, wool).

If the toy has a built-in electrical appliance (clock, music generator, etc.), do not use the steam cleaner. Without damaging the product, this can only be done after removing the electronic unit.

Vacuum the toy before using the steam generator. This will increase the processing efficiency.

Drying rules

Just washing a large toy isn't enough. It is very important to dry it properly. It is important to follow these rules:

  1. foto10585-6Provide good ventilation in the area where the item will be dried. Or choose fresh air drying.
  2. It is forbidden to use heating devices, open fire for the purpose of drying.
  3. Light enough plush friends made of artificial materials can be hung to dry.
  4. If there is a possibility that the product may lose its shape, dry it on a horizontal surface, spreading a moisture-absorbing terry towel. Towels are changed as they get wet.
  5. During the drying process, the product must be shaken and turned over so that the packing dries evenly.

After completely drying the toy, it is recommended to comb it to give it a more attractive appearance.

How often to wash?

The frequency of washing directly depends on the activity of using the thing... Vacuum the soft toy at least once every 7 days. Wet cleaning is necessary when stains appear on the product.

If a child often plays with a soft toy, wash it, at least the top, at least a couple of times a year. More often if necessary. Light-colored toys are washed more often than dark ones.

Disinfection methods

Refreshing a toy is not only to improve its appearance, but also to disinfect it. The simplest solution is exposure to sunlight in summer and frost in winter.

foto10585-7Low temperatures are fatal to most bacteria and viruses. To fight them, it is quite enough just to put the toy on the balcony in winter for the whole day.

Additionally, you can treat the wool with a vinegar solution:

  1. Mix ½ cup vinegar with 1 cup water.
  2. Pour the solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Treat the toy from all sides.
  4. Set aside to ventilate and dry completely.


Make it easier to hand wash toys the following tips will help:

  1. All manipulations must be carried out with rubber gloves.
  2. If any electronic unit is inserted inside the toy (for music, lights, etc.), it must be removed before washing.
  3. Cleaning must be done very carefully, especially near small parts (eyes, nose) and glued on, not sewn on.
  4. Before washing, make sure that all seams are well stitched and that small parts on the material are carefully fastened.
  5. Toys that need washing should not be kept together with new and clean toys.
If the toy, even after careful processing, has stained and shed heavily, this indicates its low quality and the use of dubious materials and dyes. It's definitely not worth regretting such a thing.

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How to wash a large soft toy, the video will tell you:


Taking proper care of your soft toy will prolong its life, maintain its attractive appearance and make it safe even for children. If it was not possible to cope with the contamination, the solution will be to go to dry cleaning.



