Step-by-step instructions on how to wash white socks at home with your hands without using a typewriter
White socks are present in the wardrobe of both men and women. This attribute tends to get dirty quickly.
Hand wash is recommended for white socks. In this case, it is important to choose the right detergent for the detergent. The temperature of the water in which the white socks are washed is also important.
Various home remedies and household chemicals can be used to whiten things. Dirt from white socks made from natural fabrics can also be removed by boiling and boiling.
We will analyze in more detail, as necessary wash white socks manually.
Preparation for the process
Any white undergarments must be washed separately from other garments. Therefore, socks should be sorted from colored and black items.
It is recommended to turn the short stockings inside out before washing.
White socks need to be soaked. Beforehand, things are rubbed with laundry soap, after which they are left for 20 minutes.... Then they need to be placed in a bowl of warm water and soaked for two hours. Next, wring out the socks.
Then things are turned inside out. Thanks to this, the fabric of the products will retain its appearance, and during washing, pills will not form on things.
Hand washing procedure
To wash things, you must:
- Pre-soak short stockings in warm water for two hours.
- Squeeze products and turn inside out.
- Pour clean warm water into the basin.
- Pour laundry detergent into the water. Use only a product specially designed for white linen.
- Foam the water and immerse your clothes in it.
- Rub each sock by rubbing. It is important to rub things lightly, otherwise they will stretch or tear.
- Wring out the washed laundry. When doing push-ups, do not twist the products. You just need to collect the socks into a ball, and then lightly squeeze them in a fist.
Whitening products at home
Home remedies will help to restore whiteness to products. Soda, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and lemon juice have a good whitening effect. Special bleaches can also be used.
Hydrogen peroxide
It is recommended to soak white short stockings in a solution based on water and hydrogen peroxide.
It is necessary to pour slightly warm water (no more than 30 C) into the basin and add 75 ml of peroxide to it... You can additionally pour 75 ml of ammonia into the solution.
In the resulting liquid, socks must be soaked for 12 hours. After that, the products are rinsed and washed by hand.
It is recommended to soak whites in acetic acid before washing. To do this, pour 2 liters of warm water and two large tablespoons of vinegar into the basin.... In the resulting solution, you need to soak the socks for half an hour.
It is recommended to soak dirty white socks in a baking soda solution. It is necessary to pour warm water into the basin and pour 110 g of soda into it.
Lemon juice
This tool must be used according to the following scheme:
- Squeeze one lemon. Pour the juice into prepared warm water. Enough 2 liters.
- Soak white socks in the solution for 4 hours.
- In addition, rub the soaked things with lemon wedges.
- Wait 20 minutes, then wash the items with powder.
Lemon juice should not be used when soaking white underwear with patterns and colored decorations.
Household chemicals
When washing socks whites can be used with bleaches. The most popular are:
- "BiMax",
- Vanish Oxi
- "Clean Home",
- "White".
The first two products, like "Whiteness", are available in the form of powders and gels. Clean Home is sold as a gel.
Ways to get rid of black soles
If the sole of the socks is blackened by dirt, it is recommended to bleach it with chlorine-containing products. These include bleach "Domestos" and "Whiteness".
The products are dissolved in water, after which white socks and hosiery are soaked in the resulting solution and stretched.
Bleach with chlorine can only be used when soaking and washing cotton or linen items... For washing synthetic and woolen items, such products are contraindicated.
You can get rid of black soles on white socks with aspirin. It is enough to crush four tablets and dissolve them in a liter of warm water. It is necessary to place the product in the resulting solution and soak for 9 hours.
Black marks on the soles of white socks are corroded by boric acid... It is necessary to dissolve a large spoonful of acid in a liter of water. In the resulting solution, you need to soak things for 3 hours.
Removing impurities by boiling and digesting
This method is recommended in extreme cases. Boiling white socks is justified if there is deep, ingrained dirt on the items. It is also recommended to boil things in cases where they have lost their whiteness.
Boil white hosiery to disinfect them. This applies to those cases when things have been in contact with the source of bacteria and viruses for a long time.
It is recommended to boil hosiery according to the scheme:
Take a pan made of enamel or stainless steel and pour 2 liters of water into it.
- Load linen into it.
- Add a choice of either 30 g of grated laundry soap or a mixture based on 110 g of washing powder and two large spoons of bleach. You can use a mixture based on 35 ml of ammonia and 160 g of soda.
- Put the container on medium heat.
- After boiling the solution with linen, reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes. With heavy dirt, you can boil things for half an hour.
- In the process of boiling hosiery, it is necessary to periodically turn them over with special tongs.
- After boiling, things are rinsed.
Only white socks made from cotton, linen or bamboo can be boiled. Synthetic and woolen products must not be processed using this method..
Washed white socks should not be hung out to dry in the sun. Under its influence, the products begin to turn yellow. Also, do not dry such things on batteries.
It is recommended to consider the following tips and tricks when hand washing white underwear:
- you need to wash white hosiery immediately after the first wear;
do not wash wool and synthetics in hot water;
- you cannot boil white socks made from natural fabrics too often;
- it is forbidden to use bleaches and aggressive chemicals when washing white items made of synthetics and wool;
- when washing woolen socks, it is better to use hydrogen peroxide or soda;
- when washing white synthetic hosiery, it is better to use laundry soap or citric acid;
- during the washing process, it is forbidden to rub hard white wool socks.
You should not wear white hosiery with shoes with a dark insole. It is not recommended to wear white socks on dirty feet. The shoes themselves must be carefully looked after, regularly cleaning them from the inside from dirt.
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