Useful instructions on how to machine and hand wash Converse sneakers

foto10626-1Under the Converse brand they produce practical and durable textile sneakers that are very popular among young people. However, like any other footwear, they tend to get dirty.

Since Converse is made of fabric, the question arises about the possible ways of washing them.

In this article, we will consider whether and how to wash Converse in the washing machine, how to wash Converse sneakers by hand.

Is it possible?

Original Converse is not afraid of machine wash, if carried out according to the rules. Automatic processing must be canceled only in the following cases:

  1. foto10626-2Shoes have damage in the form of a bursting sole, split seams, etc.
  2. The sneakers have metal decorations that cannot be removed.
  3. The pair is not original. Inexpensive replicas are of poor quality, so they may not withstand intense friction and drum and prolonged contact with soapy water.

Machine wash is convenient, does not take long, does not require effort. At the same time, manual cleaning is preferable, as it allows you to gently remove dirt and control the process at all stages.

You can learn more about the rules for washing sneakers here.

In the washing machine

So that washing in a machine does not become the last for Converse, it must be done according to the rules. First, you need to prepare a couple:

  • the insoles and laces are removed from the sneakers - they are washed separately, most often by hand;
  • rinse shoes under running water;
  • if there are stubborn dirt, they are cleaned with soapy water and a soft brush;
  • shake out all the dirt from the sneakers themselves;
  • thoroughly clean the sole - stones and other small debris can get stuck in it;
  • if you have a washing bag, you should use it;
  • if there is no mesh, take any old pillowcase.

When the preparation is completed, proceed to the main wash:

  1. foto10626-3Place the steam on the drum.
  2. Expose a suitable program. Optimal modes that will not harm Converse: "sports shoes", "delicate" or "gentle" wash.

    Manual tuning can be done. The water temperature should be no higher than 30 degrees for colored shoes and not higher than 40 degrees for white shoes.

    The spin is turned off, or its speed is reduced to 500 rpm.

  3. Pour the detergent into the compartment. It is recommended to use a liquid concentrate. Such formulations are well rinsed in cool water and effectively deal with various types of dirt.
  4. Start the wash cycle, wait for it to complete.
  5. Remove steam from the drum and send to dry.
If a classic washing powder is used, then you need to take care of additional rinsing of the shoes. Granules are less washed out from the fibers of the fabric.

How to wash Converse sneakers in a washing machine, video instruction:


Hand washing Converse starts with preparing it. Shoelaces and insoles are removed from the shoes, which will be processed separately. The dust is washed off under running water.

After that, you can proceed to further actions:

  1. foto10626-4Warm water is poured into the basin, about 40 degrees. Dissolve the detergent composition in it. It must be mixed thoroughly.
  2. Sneakers are immersed in a soapy solution, left for 40-60 minutes.
  3. The shoes are removed and inspected for stubborn dirt. If there are stains on the sneakers, they are washed off with laundry soap and a soft brush.
  4. Rinse out the shoes until the water stops foaming. Let it drain. You cannot wring out or twist the sneakers.
  5. Send the shoes to dry.

If the sneakers are white, then they can be soaked in optical brightener. In no case should products containing chlorine be used.

When Converse only needs to be freshened up, there is no need to soak them. It is enough to foam the detergent, apply it on the sneakers with a sponge and rub it lightly. All that remains is to rinse and dry the steam.

How to gently wash Converse sneakers by hand, video instruction:

How to remove stains?

The outsole of the Converse is light, so even minor spots are noticeable on it. You can whiten it with the help of tools such as:

  1. Toothpaste... It is applied with a brush to the sole, left for 30 minutes, and then washed off with clean water.
  2. foto10626-5Hydrogen peroxide... It helps push the smallest dust particles out, making the outsole white. Peroxide is poured into a suitable container, sneakers are placed in it and left for half an hour.

    It is not necessary to completely soak the shoes, it is enough for the liquid to cover the sole without contacting the fabric.

    After 30 minutes, rinse it off. To enhance the effect, the sole can be lathered with laundry soap and cleaned with a brush.

  3. Melamine sponge... It is sold in hardware stores (price - 50 rubles per piece). It is moistened, wrung out and the sole is cleaned with an angle. All that remains is to rinse it with water.

If yellow stains appear on white sneakers, the following compositions will help get rid of them:

  1. Soda. A gruel is prepared from it, which is applied to the problem area, rubbed lightly with a sponge. After half an hour, shoes should be washed as usual.
  2. Ammonia... It is applied to a cotton pad, which is used to treat yellowed tissue. After half an hour, the sneakers are washed.
  3. Lemon juice... The acid turns the fabric white. For the juice to work, it must be kept on the shoes for about an hour. Then the steam must be washed.
Professional bleaches, for example, Vanish Crystal white, ACE in the form of a gel, help to cope with yellowness on Converse. The cost of these funds does not exceed 200 rubles.

There are universal recipes that allow you to remove stains from grass, paint, blood and more from the surface of the sneaker:

  1. Turpentine. It is applied to the problem area with a cotton pad. The treatment is continued until the contamination is completely dissolved.
  2. A mixture of baking soda and vinegar... The stain is slightly moistened, sprinkled with baking soda and sprinkled with table vinegar. When the reaction is complete, the contamination is brushed and washed.
  3. Dishwashing detergent and alcohol... For 2 parts of the gel, take 1 part of alcohol. The composition is applied to the stain, left for 30 minutes and cleaned.

When working with corrosive substances, you must take care of your own safety. For this, gloves are put on the hands, and the nose and mouth are covered with a mask.

Drying shoes

To dry Converse quickly, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. foto10626-6Let the water drain. You can speed up this process with a terry towel. They are wrapped around sneakers and lightly pressed. The fabric will absorb excess water.
  2. White paper or cloth is stuffed inside the pair.An hour later, it is removed and replaced with a new one.
  3. Put shoes on the windowsill or on the balcony, but in such a way that the sun's rays do not fall on them. Ultraviolet light causes color fading and yellow spots may appear on white matter.

If you adhere to these recommendations, then Converse will dry in 1-2 days. Until that time, you do not need to lace up and insert insoles into them.

Slightly speed up the drying process with a hair dryer or fan... It is important that the air blowing over the steam is not hot. In the cold season, you can put your sneakers near the heating radiators. The distance should not be less than 20 cm. From time to time the shoes are turned.

It is strictly forbidden to put sneakers on the battery. This can cause the sole to burst. For the same reason, electric dryers are not used.

Do not stuff newspapers inside the sneaker. The ink will get wet and leave unsightly stains on the product. It will be difficult to get rid of them. For the same reason, do not use fabric that is prone to shedding.

Important recommendations

To prevent the Converse from being damaged during washing, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • foto10626-7do not load more than two pairs into the drum;
  • use a counterweight in the form of some kind of material, for example, an old towel;
  • do not wash white and colored sneakers together;
  • do not use aggressive detergents;
  • gels and powders containing bleaching agents are not used for processing colored shoes.

If the shoes were stained with any foreign matter, for example, grass stains appeared on them, you need to start removing them as soon as possible. It is difficult to remove old and dried dirt.


Keeping Converse clean is not difficult. These sturdy sneakers are both machine washable and hand washable.

So that it does not harm the shoes, you need to adhere to the recommended temperature regime and choose the right detergent composition.



