Simple ways how to wash colored and white laces in a machine and by hand

foto12667-1The need to wash laces is faced by those who prefer comfortable shoes with good fixation on the foot.

If they are also light, then regular care for them should become mandatory. Only in this case the whole image as a whole will be complete and neat.

This article will show you how to wash your laces (white and colored) by hand and in the washing machine.

Washing in a washing machine

Using a washing machine for washing is the simplest and most problem-free option. If the laces are very dirty, with adhering lumps of dirt, then they should first be washed and soaked.

Items of a similar color can be shipped in one load with laces. In the same load, you can also send insoles from sports shoes, if their color suits.

It is impossible to combine fading products and contrasting shades, since things are very easy to spoil.

For soaking and subsequent washing:

  1. foto12667-2Dilute the selected detergent in hot water.
  2. Dip the prepared things.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Wring out.
  5. Placed in a laundry bag.
  6. Send to the drum of the washing machine.
  7. Set the "quick wash" mode.
  8. The spin is best done at 600-700 rpm.
  9. The washing temperature should be between + 30 ° C and + 40 ° C.
  10. You do not need to turn on drying.
  11. Go to wash.

Using a laundry bag will help keep the fabric from snagging other items (such as hooks, zippers, Velcro).

Manual processing

Hand washing can be done very quickly. Even if the shoes they are inserted into are athletic, they are usually washed less often than they are.

The easiest way to hand wash:

  1. Pull the laces out of the shoes.
  2. Wash off the main dirt under running water. If dirt is not easy to remove, you can use an old toothbrush to clean it.
  3. Lather with laundry soap.
  4. Rub thoroughly against each other.
  5. Rinse.
If the effect after washing is not satisfactory, you can repeat the treatment several times. Moreover, for white strings, it is advisable to use soap with a whitening effect. For the rest, regular or stain-removing properties are suitable.

If the hand wash result is not satisfactory, the cleaning process must be repeated immediately, without waiting for them to dry.

How to whiten blonde?

Powder alone may not be enough to wash white ties... To cope with pollution, you can adopt folk recipes or use household chemicals.

Folk recipes

The home recipes are based on the products that can be found on the farm. Using what is at hand, you can bleach laces, for example, textile sneakers and some other things.


foto12667-3For bleaching you need to prepare:

  • gasoline (refined);
  • cotton pads;
  • sponge;
  • water.

The order of work:

  1. The sponge is soaked in gasoline.
  2. They are processed, paying attention to the soiled places.
  3. The sponge is dipped in water and squeezed slightly.
  4. Both gasoline and dirt are washed off with a sponge.
After cleaning with gasoline, the laces can be additionally treated with a stain remover, and then washed as usual.

Vinegar and peroxide

To prepare a cleaning composition, you must prepare:

  • washing powder;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar.

Work order:

  1. Measure in 2 tbsp. each of the components.
  2. Mix.
  3. Using a toothbrush, apply the mixture to the laces.
  4. Leave to act for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Rub it.
  6. Wash off with water.

If the whitening fails once, the cleaning can be repeated.


Whitening toothpaste can help clean up gray or yellowed laces. The toothpaste for such processing should be white, without color inclusions.

foto12667-4Rinse the laces before processing to remove dust and dirt. After that it is necessary:

  1. Using an old toothbrush, brush.
  2. Leave them on for 30 minutes.
  3. Rub it again.
  4. Rinse well under water. Special attention should be paid to rinsing, making sure that even the smallest particles of the cleaning compound do not remain on the material.

If there is no time to thoroughly rinse out the toothpaste, then it is better not to use this method for cleaning.

Citric acid and peroxide

A very simple recipe can be used to whiten and remove grass marks. In a prepared container, mix 2 tbsp. l. such components:

  • lemon acid;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar.
This tool is carefully rubbed with laces using a brush. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse and wash. To enhance the effect, you can add 1-2 tbsp. l. washing powder.

Soda and citric acid

For cleaning, you can prepare a product by taking equal amounts of soda and citric acid... So much water is added so that the mixture turns out like gruel.

The laces are rubbed and left to lie for 20-30 minutes. After that, they are rinsed and washed in any of the ways.

Household chemicals

Departments with household chemicals offer a large list of products. Among them are those that will help to bleach laces.

Whiteness: can it be applied?

foto12667-5Regular whiteness is controversial... Its frequent use leads to rapid wear of the washed items.

But for a one-time use, it is quite suitable. The product is diluted in warm water and the laces are soaked.

For an hour or more, until the effect is obtained... After that, they take out, rinse and wash.

Laundry soap

White laundry soap is an affordable way to tidy up your laces. Instead of the usual laundry soap, you can use Antipyatin soap. The laces are moistened with water and soaped well. After that, wash and rinse.

Oxygen bleaches and stain removers

Oxygen bleaches are effective remedies. It is useful to have them on the farm in case of washing white items. For laces, it is best to soak in an oxygen bleach solution.

The most popular remedies include:

  • "Vanish";
  • "BOS plus" and others.
Regular use of whitening powders for washing will help keep your garments whiter.

13 tips to help

Despite the ease of washing, you should adhere to these tips:

  1. foto12667-6The laces are not washed directly on the shoes - they must be taken out and processed separately.
  2. Shedding laces should be washed separately from other items. If it is only 1-2 pairs, then it is easier to solve the problem by hand washing.
  3. White - it is recommended to wash with products with a whitening effect.
  4. It is possible to send only one laces to load the washing machine, but not rationally.
  5. It is best to wash stained laces right away, without waiting for the dirt to dry.
  6. Torn and torn laces are best simply replaced without washing.
  7. Laces that are wet after washing should not be inserted into the shoes - they must first be dried. If inserted when wet, the eyelets may rust and the fabric may stain and deform.
  8. Bleaching mixtures for manual cleaning are corrosive chemicals, therefore all work should be carried out with rubber gloves and with good ventilation in the room.
  9. The mesh for washing in the washing machine should be small in size so that the laces do not slip through them. If a suitable mesh is not available, you can use a white linen pouch or pillowcase.
  10. Regular washing of the laces will allow you to clean them quickly, since the dirt will not have time to soak deep into the material.
  11. Boiling should not be used, as the material may be damaged, the plastic tips may melt.
  12. Drying is preferably carried out in the shade, not in the bright sun, and not on heating devices. Improper drying may result in streaks and streaks on the fabric.
  13. If the plastic ends of the laces have not been washed off, they can be rubbed with an eraser to clean them.

Loose laces are easier to clean than tight ones.

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Washing laces is a simple job if you know how to organize it correctly. If all the requirements are met, the process will not take much time, and the result will only delight.



