The question of necessity: is it necessary to wash new bedding before use and how is it correct?

foto19454-1Nice, neatly wrapped new bedding set feels clean and fresh.

It smells good, has a smooth delicate texture.

All this raises doubts: is it necessary and why to wash new bedding before use, how to do it so as not to spoil it?

These and other questions are discussed below in the article.

Is it necessary to wash before first use?

Hygienists are unanimous about the need to wash a new bedding set - it needs to be done. Moreover, this requirement applies to all sets - both for children and adults, and even exclusive from famous designers.

The need to wash before first use is due to the following reasons:

  • foto19454-2the fabric can be dusty due to prolonged stay in warehouses and factories;
  • the material is often treated with drugs that can cause allergies;
  • dyes can remain on the fabric in large quantities;
  • pathogenic microorganisms can settle on the tissue;
  • the new material is rigid in structure.

Before reaching the consumer, a set of linen passes through the hands of dozens of people, from fabric creation to sewing and packaging. In the process of sewing pillowcases, duvet covers and sheets, they have contact with the mechanisms of machines in the garment industry, come into contact with the hands of workers, and absorb dust and other contaminants.

It should be borne in mind that some manufacturers, among the additional processing, may subject their products not only to conditioners, but also to substances that can give the material additional shine and smoothness, as well as prevent caking and the appearance of mold.

The preliminary wash, carried out before the start of use, allows you to prepare the bed linen and make it safe for health.

How to carry out processing after purchase, so that it does not fade, does not village?

Before proceeding with the first wash, you should consider the information provided on the label for the product. In most cases, the temperature limit for processing colored bed linen is limited to + 40 ° C, but a higher value is possible. For the first wash, you can even limit yourself to + 30 ° C.

Almost all sets are allowed to be processed in the washing machine. Exceptions are most often associated with the characteristics of the composition (for example, natural silk) or the embodiment of design techniques (the presence of complex additional elements, etc.).

The following guidelines will help you carry out your first wash simply and without unpleasant consequences:

  1. foto19454-3The detergent is selected taking into account the composition of the fabric. Liquids are preferable to powdery ones, as they dissolve better and are easier to rinse out when rinsing.
  2. Bleach is not used for the first wash, even for white items.
  3. If several items of bedding from different sets are sent for the first wash, they must first be sorted by color and composition of the material.
  4. All things are turned inside out.
  5. Intense friction is not required when new items are first processed.
  6. The choice of the mode on the washing machine - in accordance with the type of fabric in the conditions recommended by the manufacturer. But you can use for the first time and delicate wash.
  7. It is recommended to use a baby detergent for washing a set intended for a child.
After the first wash, natural fabrics can shrink significantly - up to 6% or even 10%. This is a normal situation to be considered.

You will find a lot of useful information about washing bed linen in this section.

Drying, ironing and storage

After washing, you can dry the kit outdoors in the shade, turning it on the wrong side. This will not only dry things but also ventilate them. But you can also dry it in an apartment.

foto19454-4Ironing is performed taking into account the composition of the material from which the new set is made... If there is decor on the duvet cover or pillowcase, for example, in the form of embroidery, then the thing should be ironed from the wrong side.

It is advisable to carry out ironing immediately after drying, before sending the set for storage in the cabinet. Bamboo, rayon and silk do not moisturize when ironing.

The set prepared for use can be sent for storage. For this it is placed in a dry place, protected from bright sunlight.

How to replace wet cleaning: myths and reality

Sometimes you want to avoid the first wash of the kit. One of the suggested options is to simply use an iron without wet processing, because high temperatures disinfect the surface.

With this choice, the following positive effects are achieved:

  1. The matter is disinfected by exposure to high temperatures.
  2. The fabric becomes soft.

But there were also some drawbacks:

  1. The chemicals used to process the fabric remain in the fibers.
  2. Dye residues also remain in the fabric.
Regular ironing cannot completely replace the first wash, so this option is impractical.


Whether or not to wash a new set on the bed, everyone chooses for himself. But to maintain hygiene, and with health care, it is recommended to carry out the first wash without fail.



