Good advice on how to properly wash a woolen blanket

foto15388-1A blanket made of wool is very warm, breathable, absorbs moisture, and has healing properties.

Before you start removing stains or washing blankets, you should understand exactly what kind of wool is included in its composition, check the designation for washing on the tag.

In the sections of the article, you can learn how to wash a woolen blanket by hand and in an automatic washing machine, how to make a high-quality cleaning of the product and keep the thing in its original form.

Is it washable?

foto15388-2Wool blankets should be washed in compliance with temperature conditions, by choosing delicate programs in the washing machine, using special detergents.

Wool blankets differ in their appearance, composition, raw materials used. They are divided into three types:

  • quilted with woolen filling;
  • completely woven from wool;
  • bilateral - one side is woolen (fur), the second is made using other materials (satin, cotton, knitwear).

Wool or undercoat is used as raw material:

  • sheep,
  • camels,
  • mountain goats,
  • lamas.

Fillers are made from 100% wool and semi-wool. The choice of processing method for a woolen blanket depends on its type.

Products with filling are machine washable, but with strict observance of instructions and indications... For woven fabrics, it is best to dry clean or hand wash with minimal spin.

In case of heavy contamination, it is advisable to take fur blankets to dry cleaning. Natural woolen pile does not tolerate moisture well, so a dry cleaning method must be used at home.

Choice of means

foto15388-3First of all, the wool blanket detergent must be designed for wool. His choice depends on how the washing will be done.

For an automatic machine, it is better to use gels, since they dissolve well at low temperatures, do not damage the fiber structure, and are easier to wash out from the fabric. For the manual cleaning method, both gels and washing powders are used.

A solution with powder can be prepared in advance so that all grains dissolve well. It is necessary to change the water several times for a thorough rinse.

The most famous liquid detergents for washing woolen items include:

Name / VolumeManufacturerDescriptionPrice, rubles
Villus / 0,75l"Nevskaya Cosmetics", RussiaProvides gentle washing in manual and automatic mode. Retains its shape, prevents pilling. Effectively removes dirt.150
Laska / 1LRussiaMachine and hand wash in water of any hardness. Gentle care, restoration, preservation of the shape of the product.300
FroschGermanySuitable for all types of washing. Does not contain colorants or preservatives. Effectively removes stains at low temperatures, does not damage the quality of the fabric. Caring effect, preventing pellets.750

The use of special detergents for washing woolen products requires strict adherence to the instructions for use.

Laundry soap will become an alternative to expensive powders and gels... The positive aspects of the product include:

  • low cost,
  • composition of natural ingredients,
  • hypoallergenic,
  • cleans well from dirt,
  • fights infection,
  • gives the coat splendor,
  • initial appearance.

Automatic washing machine

When wet, the woolen blanket becomes very heavy. The washing machine must be designed for a maximum load of laundry over 6 kg.

If the size of the blanket does not allow it to fit into the drum, it is better to refuse washing, so as not to spoil the technique.

Before loading, shake the blanket out of dust and debris, check its integrity, set the following parameters:

  1. foto15388-4Depending on the model of the washing machine, select the mode "for wool", "delicate" or "hand wash". It is also possible to independently adjust the washing parameters in accordance with the following points.
  2. The water heating temperature should not be more than 30 ° C.
  3. Fill the powder compartment with the required amount of detergent. On the back of the packaging unit, the manufacturer indicates how much powder or gel to use.
  4. It is advisable to include an “extra rinse” in the selected program or start a repeated rinse cycle.
  5. Do not use the "spin" or "dry" modes. If you cannot completely turn off the push-up, set the minimum speed.

After the end of the washing cycle, remove the product from the machine, using not very strong pressure with your hands, remove excess moisture. Forcibly twisting the woolen blanket will change its original appearance and shape.

How to wash a product by hand?

It should be borne in mind that hand washing will require more time and effort. but using this method leaves more chances to keep the cover in its original form:

  1. Choose a container for manual removal of dirt, it is more convenient to use the bath.
  2. Collect water with a temperature of up to 25-30 ° C, it feels like it should be at room temperature.
  3. Add detergent or gel to the water, leave for a few minutes to completely dissolve. If no special product is available, shampoo can be used.
  4. Soak the blanket so that the water covers it as much as possible. Leave for up to half an hour.
  5. Carry out the wash by gently pressing and turning the blanket in different places. Do not lift it high so that it does not stretch under its own weight. Do not rub, do not use hard brushes. Dirt in the form of stains must be dry cleaned or gently rubbed with a soft brush or sponge.
  6. It is advisable to carry out the rinsing step 3-4 times. To do this, the blanket is slightly squeezed out, moved to the edge. Dirty water is drained, clean water is collected, observing the temperature parameters.
Before the bedspread drying process, the clean product is left in the bath for a while until the bulk of the water drains off.

Dry cleaning method

foto15388-5Under dry cleaning understand product cleaning with a soft bristle brush or foam cleaning. Light dirt can be removed by rubbing lightly with a brush.

If this method does not help, it is necessary to dissolve a small amount of the product for wool in water, foam it... Then apply to the stain, rubbing with a brush.

Wipe clean with a damp cloth. Once dry, the pile can be combed to restore lush volume.

When you cannot get rid of the dirt, you need to wash the bedspread or call for a dry cleaning service.

Removing stains

Dry dirt can be removed by dry cleaning... To do this, dry the stained area well, then clean it with a soft bristled brush.

Fat spots are the most common. Substances of fatty foods or sauces penetrate deeply into the material; they must be removed by hand or machine washing.

Protein stains such as blood can be removed with 3% hydrogen peroxide solutionapplying it to the contaminated area.

Paint or varnish is removed using a solvent. However, this method can lead to discoloration of the dyed coat.

The longer the stain is not removed, the more difficult it is to remove it later.

The most versatile method of getting rid of tea, coffee, juice stains is a soapy solution with foam. Shampoo, special gels or powders for wool, laundry soap are used as foaming agents.

In order to get rid of stains, you must:

  • foam well with soapy water;
  • apply foam to the contaminated area;
  • rub with a soft brush or sponge;
  • remove the remaining foam in the cleaned place with a vacuum cleaner, damp cloth;
  • after drying, you can restore the fluffiness of the villi with a comb (for fur fabrics).

Drying process

foto15388-6The drying process for a woolen blanket also needs to be done very carefully. Once the water has completely drained from the wash, the garment is still wet and heavy.

For, to absorb residual moisture, the product is wrapped in terry towels or duvet covers... Then they are hung on the street in a horizontal position, or left to dry at home on a dryer.

In home drying conditions, a well-ventilated area must be provided. This will speed up the drying process and prevent the garment from getting a musty smell.

Avoid contact with batteries and direct sunlight.

Dry cleaning - issue price

In cases when it is impossible to eliminate pollution on your own, there is a fear of ruining not a cheap thing, a blanket of such dimensions that it is impossible to wash and dry it yourself - dry cleaning services will provide assistance.

The positive sides will be:

  • consultation of specialists;
  • professional cleaning;
  • exit service - the blanket will be taken to the dry cleaning directly from your home.
The cost of cleaning a 1.5-2-bed blanket in dry cleaning will be from 1200 to 1600 rubles. Pickup is paid additionally, it can cost up to 1000 rubles.

Useful Tips

In order for the product to retain its original appearance and properties for a long time, it is necessary:

  1. foto15388-7Try to wash the coverlet as little as possible.
  2. Air and blow it out in a warm period.
  3. Store without cellophane bags to avoid musty odor.
  4. You can restore the color of yellowed wool by leaving it in water with lemon for several hours.

With proper care and respect, the blanket will give warmth for a long time on cold winter evenings.


Despite the fact that products made of natural wool are very warm, have healing properties and practically do not get dirty, they require special care. They often become a source of dust mites and cause allergies.

Be sure to regularly dry out and ventilate the blanket.... Compliance with all the above recommendations will allow you to keep your health and item in good condition.



