Note to housewives: how to properly wash an anti-stress pillow in an automatic machine and manually

foto2787-1Anti-stress pillows have become very popular lately. They are comfortable, practical and attractive in appearance.

In addition, they are filled with a special filler, which makes them very pleasant to hug and wrinkle.

Naturally, with intensive use, the pillows quickly get dirty, and these are exactly those household items that should always be perfectly clean.

In this article, we will talk about how to wash an anti-stress pillow (with balls or husks inside) in an automatic washing machine and by hand, while maintaining its original characteristics.

Is it possible?

foto2787-2Each product tag contains information on how to care for it... On some pillows, manufacturers indicate that they can only be cleaned dry in a dry cleaner. You need to pay attention to this even when buying.

Most anti-stress pillows can be safely washed both by hand and in the machine. However, this must be done taking into account the characteristics of the filler and in compliance with all the washing rules prescribed by the manufacturer.

Usually small polystyrene balls act as fillers... They do not absorb water and do not react in any way to moisture. The product with polystyrene filler is completely washed without any difficulties.

There are antistress pillows with natural filling in the form of:

  • flax seeds,
  • buckwheat husk.

Regular washing is contraindicated for such fillers.... You can only wash the cover, having previously poured out the filling.

You cannot wet the husk and seeds. Therefore, fillers of this type are simply ventilated and dried in direct sunlight.

Buckwheat husk practically does not absorb dirt, but accumulates dust... It is advisable not just to ventilate it, but to sift it with an ordinary sieve. It is more necessary to do this at least once every six months.

foto2787-3The filler in the form of flax seeds must be periodically sorted out, throwing out the grains on which mold has formed.

In cases where this is not done at least once a year, the products quickly acquire an unpleasant odor and become unusable.

If a the product has bamboo filling, it can be washed completely like pillows filled with polystyrene. Pillows with plastic balls inside are washed with the filling.

First you need to check the cover for damage... It must be whole.If holes are found, they should be sewn up, otherwise the filler will scatter throughout the drum of the washing machine.

Washing in a washing machine

The cover and filling may be damaged if washed normally. Therefore, manufacturers recommend setting the delicate wash mode.

If a blanket and pillow wash cycle is available, you can select it. The water temperature should be no higher than 40 degrees.

Use liquid detergents rather than powders... The spin should be gentle - up to 600 rpm (preferably 400).

It is recommended to use a special washing bag as additional protection. You can replace it with a regular pillowcase made of natural fabric without a bright pattern.

foto2787-4If the pillow cover bursts, the plastic balls could clog the filter of the machine and damage it.

Visible stains on the case must be washed by hand, lathering with detergent or laundry soap and leaving it that way for about half an hour. After that, the product is placed in the washing machine.

The anti-stress pillow should be washed separately from other things. Pillows of the same type can be put into the machine in several pieces, but they should not fill the drum tightly, but rotate freely in it.

Bleach or aggressive detergents designed to remove difficult stains when washing antistress pillows should not be used. And it is advisable to use sparing gels in a minimum amount.... Excessive exposure to active chemicals is dangerous for the fabric and filling of the pillow.

After the end of the washing process, you need to rinse the product several times. This is to ensure that the remaining detergent is completely washed out. Otherwise, the pillow will lose its hypoallergenic properties, and particles of chemistry will gradually destroy the cover fabric and filler.

A heavily soiled pillow can be soaked in warm water for an hour with a little hand wash gel. After that, it is placed in the machine without rinsing.

Some housewives wash such things in analysis, that is, the filler is separate from the cover... To do this, the cover, if there is no snake on it, is neatly unstuck along the seam and all the filling spills out of it. It can be rinsed with running water.

The cover itself is machine washable. This method is more time consuming, but also more effective.

Hand wash anti stress product

foto2787-5The surest way to clean your pillow without damaging it is by hand washing. It has a softer effect on fabric and polystyrene foam, and their original properties last longer.

In addition, when hand wash, the filler will definitely not break... And if the cover breaks and the balls are in the water, they can be collected, rinsed and returned back to the pillow.

Hand wash with products designed for delicate fabrics or wool. Moreover, the product should be specifically for hand washing - it will be easier to rinse it out.

The water should be warm, not hot... The optimum temperature is 30-35 degrees. It is better to wash off stubborn dirt with a soft sponge separately before processing the whole product.

If the pillow has not been washed for a long time or there are stubborn stains on it, it is better to process it in disassembly. In this case, the cover is washed like any thing made of fabric, and the filler must be placed in a special washing net and gently washed in warm soapy water.

You can wash in a deep basin or just in the bathroom. Stir the detergent thoroughly in water even before the pillow is placed there. During washing, the pillow should be slightly squeezed and turned over. You cannot rub and press hard.

If the water has become very dirty, it is necessary to drain it, pour clean water, add and stir the detergent again, and wash the product again. At the end of the procedure, rinse the pillow well under running warm water.

If there are difficult spots, the pillow is pre-soaked for 30-40 minutes. It is prohibited to use aggressive chemicals and bleaches, as well as for machine washing.

You can wash the anti-stress pillows by hand more often than in the car, some do it every 2 weeks. The main thing is to completely dry the product every time.

How to dry?

foto2787-6Polystyrene balls stick together when heated, forming a continuous unbreakable lump. Therefore, thermal drying methods are excluded.

Cannot be dried with a hair dryer or on a battery. Drying in direct sunlight in summer is also not recommended.

Let the pillow dry naturally. For this it is placed vertically in a warm room or on a balcony... You can also hang it on a clothesline, fastening with clothespins to the ears. But in this case, you need to shake it often and turn it over.

After hand washing, the product requires preparation for drying on the balcony. First you need to let the water drain. For this purpose, the product is placed in a bathroom or in a sink over a drain.

Then it is advisable to blot it with a terry towel. The product can be taken out for drying only when water stops dripping from it..

In winter, the natural drying process takes longer. Therefore, sometimes they are nevertheless dried with a hairdryer, but only with warm, and not cold air, holding the device at a maximum distance and periodically checking the elasticity of the filler by touch.


The anti-stress pillows, which require frequent and thorough care, can be machine washed or hand washed. But this must be done carefully, without using processing at high temperatures, aggressive chemistry and intensive spinning.

It is very important to avoid scattering of the filler and knocking it down.... If everything is done correctly, your favorite thing will last for many years, retaining its useful properties and attractive appearance.

A lot of useful information on how to wash pillows with different fillings is presented in this section.



