Solutions, or what to do if the sweater is stretched after washing

foto10051-1Failure to follow the rules of sweater care can result in the item losing its original size and stretching.

Most often this happens due to washing in the washing machine at high speeds, or due to improper drying.

Do not rush to throw away the thing. There are many ways to restore it to its original appearance.

What to do if the sweater is stretched after washing, how to return it to its original size, how to wash it so that it shrinks? Details are in the article.

How do I return things to their original size?

Such fabrics lend themselves well to restoration:

  • wool;
  • cashmere;
  • mixed fabrics with a high percentage of wool.
Synthetic and cotton sweaters can be reduced in size slightly. When choosing a recovery method, you must take into account all its pros and cons.

How to wash in an automatic machine so that it sits down?

Repeated washing in an automatic machine sometimes helps to cope with the problem. To return the sweater to its original size, the sequence of actions must be strictly observed:

  1. foto10051-2Turn the garment out to the wrong side and place it in a laundry bag (special mesh with a lock or drawstring).
  2. Pour liquid detergent into the compartment of the machine, which is intended for the care of delicate fabrics.

    It is important to consider the color of the product. Do not use products containing bleach to wash dark or black sweaters.

  3. Turn on the fast wash mode, which in different models of washing machines is from 15 to 30 minutes.
  4. Set the minimum water temperature (20-30 degrees) and turn off the spin.
  5. Take the product out of the bag and spread it on a terry towel spread on a flat surface. Change the fabric after it has absorbed excess water.

You need to lay out the sweater correctly so that it takes the desired shape when wet. Be sure to correct the collar, tighten the sleeves and waist area.

It is extremely important to act consistently: first, they work out all the seams, then go to the neck... Place your palms on the fabric and move them towards each other, but no folds should form on the fabric.

When the water has completely evaporated, the sweater will take on the desired shape. It will remain in the form in which it is decomposed.

If the product is strongly stretched (by 2-3 sizes), then it can be washed at a temperature of 50 degrees. This advice is only suitable for knitted items.


You can adjust the size of the sweater by hand washing. This method is suitable for restoring hand-knitted items, for which automatic processing is strictly contraindicated.

foto10051-3Algorithm of actions:

  • collect warm water in a basin;
  • put a sweater in it for 5 minutes;
  • remove the product from the water, let it drain slightly;
  • spread the jacket on a terry towel on a flat surface;
  • give the product the desired shape. Proceed in the same way as after a machine wash.

To dry the sweater faster, you can blow it with a stream of cold air from a hair dryer. It is impossible to influence the product with heat, this will lead to damage to the fibers of the fabric.

Drying the product

The stretched sweater does not need to be washed to restore its original shape. It can be slightly moistened and properly dried. This will reduce the product by ½ the size, not more.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Moisten the sweater by spraying it with water from a spray bottle. It is not necessary to completely submerge it in water.
  2. Spread the jacket on a flat surface and squeeze with your hands against the fibers. Particular attention should be paid to stretched areas.
  3. Wait until the item is completely dry.
Another option for drying a stretched product is to put it on yourself. Wet fibers will stretch again during wear.

However, the method raises doubts, since it is impossible to remain motionless for a long time. In addition, few people will be able to walk with pleasure in a wet sweater for several hours. Although if there is a mannequin of a suitable size at home, then with its help you can restore the product.

With a towel

Use a towel to restore the sweater's shape. Algorithm of actions:

  1. foto10051-4Wash the product, observing all the rules.
  2. Spread it out on a towel. It is changed as it gets wet.
  3. Align the thing by squeezing the fibers in the opposite direction.
  4. When the sweater becomes semi-dry, roll it up with the towel. If the product is stretched in length, then fold the fabric in width and vice versa.
  5. The bundle is laid out on a heating radiator or in another warm place for final drying.

This method is effective and safe. With its help, you can reduce the product by 1-2 sizes.

Boil method

You can cope with the problem using the temperature difference method. Instructions for use:

  • collect water in an enamel basin and put on fire, bring to a boil;
  • a sweater is dipped into boiling water and left until the water in the basin has completely cooled down;
  • after 30-40 minutes, the item is removed and immersed in ice water, the sweater is kept in it for another half hour.

Dry the product on a flat surface by laying it on a cloth. Do not wring or twist the sweater.

After you managed to return the sweater to its previous size, you need to store it correctly. The thing is neatly folded and put into the closet.

How do you fit the individual pieces?

foto10051-5Sometimes the sweater has a stretch in certain parts, for example, the waist area, collar or sleeves. You can restore their shape with water and subsequent drying. In this case, the entire product does not need to be wetted.

It is enough to moisten the stretched area of ​​the thing with a spray bottle, spread it on the fabric, giving it the correct shape with your hands... When the garment dries, the fibers will shrink slightly.

This method will not take long. It will take about 12 hours to completely dry the fabric. To speed up the evaporation process, you can blow the wetted area with cool air from a hair dryer.

To cope with significant stretching, it is recommended to moisten the fabric not just in hot water, but in boiling water. After that, the jacket is removed to dry. However, this method may not be tolerated by natural wool products.

Will dry cleaning help?

If the sweater is expensive, you can use dry cleaning services to restore its shape. The problem can be solved in the following ways:

  • steaming;
  • repeated washing with proper drying;
  • use of special solutions and equipment.
Professionals will not only return things to their lost shape, but also get rid of existing dirt. The cost of services starts from 600 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work being done.

Before handing over the jacket to dry cleaning, you need to check with the receiving party whether they guarantee the restoration of its size. Pay for the service after the work is completed.

It is necessary to make sure that during the restoration process the wool did not fall off, there were no pellets on the sweater, and the color of the product did not suffer.

Important recommendations

Correcting sweater sizes you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. foto10051-6Change the litter on which it is laid out regularly. If the product remains on a damp cloth, the drying process will take several days. It also increases the likelihood of moisture acidification, which will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  2. Choose a detergent that is suitable for the care of a particular product. You need to take into account the type of fabric and its color.
  3. Do not hang a wet sweater on a hanger. It will stretch even more under the weight of the water.
  4. Natural wool items should only be washed by hand.
  5. Do not twist or wring out the sweater after washing. To speed up the drying process, you can wrap it in a towel and crush it slightly. It will absorb excess moisture.
  6. Turn the sweater over from time to time while drying.

An extreme way to restore the shape of the product is to dry it on a hot device, for example, on a heating radiator, or with a hair dryer. However, you need to be aware that other problems may arise in the form of color fading, the appearance of creases or deterioration in fiber strength.

Woolen and cashmere sweaters are especially susceptible to high temperatures. After such drying, they become rough, which makes them uncomfortable to wear.

You can learn how to properly wash a sweater here.


You can return the sweater to its previous shape using different methods. Hand and machine wash helps to cope with the problem, and sometimes just proper drying. In especially difficult cases, you can contact the dry cleaner.



