Important rules on how to wash a membrane jacket in a washing machine and by hand

foto879-1Membrane clothing was conceived primarily for athletes and skiers.

But the lightweight equipment that does not hinder movement has become popular with consumers and has entered everyday life.

There is a myth among buyers that the appearance and properties of the membrane deteriorate during washing. In reality, things are not that complicated.

The main thing is to follow basic rules during cleaning. How to wash a membrane jacket in an automatic washing machine and manually, we will tell in the article.

Preparatory stage

The membrane fabric has a porous structure, it is called "breathable". Sweat from the surface of the human body flows freely outside, without creating a greenhouse effect inside.

The heaviness of the jacket is an indicator of contamination: it begins to absorb moisture. So the time has come to wash your favorite clothes.

Membrane fabric is quite capricious, so manufacturers always attach a tag to the lining indicating the main points of use.

Read the icons carefully before washing:

  • temperature regime;
  • the use of a washing machine;
  • the possibility of ironing.


The basic rule is to respect the jacket. Individual stains can be easily removed with a soft brush and soapy water... It is worth carefully walking over the dirt, and then drying the product by hanging it on a hanger.

If it is necessary to wash the whole thing, then they do it separately from other outerwear so as not to damage the delicate matter.

Preliminary preparation:

  • examine the jacket, identify spots and defects;
  • pull all items out of pockets;
  • remove fur parts;
  • close the zippers;
  • button up buttons.
When fur accessories (for example, pompons) cannot be unfastened, they should be placed in a plastic bag and the edges should be neatly tied. The fittings are protected with adhesive tape, gluing it on top in several layers.

What is prohibited?

Habitual actions when washing outerwear can destroy the membrane, therefore it is necessary to clearly indicate the manipulations that are prohibited:

  • foto879-3the use of conventional washing powders clogs the holes with undissolved particles;
  • washing with chlorine-containing agents destroys the structure of the material;
  • intensive twisting and spinning lead to stretching of the product, the appearance of micro-fractures;
  • exposure to temperatures over 40⁰C (hot water and hot iron) sticks pores together.

Special means for cleaning the membrane

Basic rules when choosing a chemical for washing:

  • do not use ordinary crystallized powder,
  • you should refuse products that contain chlorine or bleach,
  • it is better to use a special agent for things with a membrane.

Table of the best products for membrane jackets:

Branda brief description of
Nikwax Tech WashSuitable for membrane cleaning (no down filler). Cleans and
reanimates the material. In a concentrated form, it is used to remove
individual spots.
Granger's 30˚C CleanerRestores water-repellent layer, removes dirt,
unpleasant odors. Suitable for all types of washing machines. Washes stains at 30⁰С
Perwolle Sport Active Care 3DUsed to handle sports uniforms, does not damage the membrane
fabrics and impregnation. Does not contain phosphates.
Granger's Universal Spray CleanerSpray is sprayed onto contaminated areas (cuffs, collar) from a distance
10-15 cm. Stains easily go away when wiped with a soft cloth.


Manual cleaning is the most gentle way to remove dirt... No pre-soak before hand wash. The jacket is perfectly washed without additional manipulation.

Step by step algorithm:

  1. foto879-4Prepare your jacket.
  2. Fill the bathroom with warm water not exceeding 40⁰C.
  3. Dilute the detergent.
  4. Dip the thing into the prepared solution.
  5. Gently rub the dirty areas by hand or with a brush.
  6. Rinse abundantly under running water.

It is strictly forbidden to unscrew the membrane, so the liquids are allowed to drain freely. Then the jacket is wrapped with a terry towel to remove excess moisture.

Automatic machine: in what mode and with what?

Modern washing equipment is equipped with many modes, therefore it is quite capable of replacing human hands. Of course, information on the use of the automatic machine should be specified on the label.

Before immersing the jacket in the drum, walk over the visible spots with a brush soaked in a special soap solution. You will have to forget about fabric conditioners: the membrane does not need them.

Prepared clothes are placed in a washing machine, a special solution is poured in and a gentle mode is turned on. For instance, delicate wash at 30⁰C... The mode for wool is also suitable.

Large items must be handled separately because the membrane swells in water. When overloaded, there is no free space in the drum, and things are not washed properly.

The spinning and drying of things from the membrane in an automatic machine is not carried out. The only thing allowed - turn on spin at low speedsto gently remove excess water.

Washing membrane clothes in a washing machine, video tips:

How to dry properly?

The washed products are hung on hangers inside the room. The hood should be unfastened and hung separately. A light draft is arranged in the room so that moisture does not accumulate in the air. The jacket is positioned away from the window to avoid direct sunlight.

It is forbidden to accelerate the drying process using:

  • central heating batteries;
  • hair dryer;
  • iron;
  • direct sunlight.
Under no circumstances should membrane clothing be dried on a familiar clothesline. The product runs the risk of stretching from its own weight and losing its attractive appearance.

Dried sets are stored in a cabinet, hanging on a hanger. To protect the membrane from dust, the items are covered with a plastic bag.

Can I iron?

foto879-5A properly dried item does not require ironing.

A damp cloth, while in an upright position, flattens itself.

Using a hot iron will damage the synthetic layer and all the benefits of the membrane will be lost.

If the jacket is wrinkled for any reason, and you cannot do without ironing, you can use a steam generator... Another option is to iron the item with a warm iron through several layers of gauze.

Home impregnation

Manufacturers impregnate the membrane fabric with a special compound that protects it from getting wet. Over time, the composition is washed out, and the jacket begins to permeate moisture.

The protective layer is restored with the help of special products, which are produced in 2 types:

  1. Aerosols spray on the outside of the fabric. The spray restores water resistance to the material. Processing is carried out in the open air.
  2. Liquid impregnation reanimates not only the outer, but also the entire membrane layer. The composition is poured into a container, the jacket is completely immersed in it for several minutes.
Freshly washed clothes are treated with an impregnating compound. Processing is allowed to be carried out no more often than once every two cleanings. Otherwise, the pores in the fabric will clog and the "breathable" properties will disappear.

Impregnation products:

Branda brief description of
Grangers Performance Repel SprayRestores tissue structure to a new state. Apply to dry
surface from a distance of 20 cm. The maximum effectiveness occurs 24 hours after treatment.
Grangers Clothing Repel (wash-in)The impregnation is carried out in a washing machine. The product does not harm the environment.
Nikwax TX.Direct Spray-onExtends the life of the garment. Sprayable from a distance of 15 cm. Suitable for items that cannot be washed in a washing machine.
Nikwax TX.Direct Wash-inThe liquid restores the water-repellent layer, does not spoil the "breathing" qualities of the fabric. Use does not harm health and ecology.

Membrane care and restoration of its properties, video review of funds:


Membrane jackets are easy to care for: wash them at room temperature without using brute force. To make the fabric last a long time, special means are used.

An automatic machine will save everyone time and effort... The main thing is to carefully study the label so that the wash goes without incidents.



