Important rules on how to wash a down jacket with bio-down in an automatic washing machine and by hand

foto989-1Earlier, in severe frosts, people were saved only by fur coats, or clothes made of natural fluff. These clothes were warm, but they were rather heavy and inconvenient to use.

Technologies do not stand still, and now there is a semi-synthetic analogue of natural fluff - bio fluff.

We will tell you what kind of material it is, is it possible and how to wash a down jacket with bio-fluff in a washing machine.

Can a bio-down jacket be washed?

foto989-2These down jackets and jackets are easier to care for than products made from natural down.

However, they may deform after washing, and one end of the garment may become longer than the other. The down can fall off, the jacket itself can wrinkle, and the product will lose its outer gloss.

Despite this, you can wash bio-down products, you just need to follow certain rules.


Washing a down jacket by hand more laborious than washing in a typewriter. But they resort to it, because they consider it more careful.

On the eve of washing, you need to check all pockets for foreign objects, unfasten all fur parts.

The most convenient way to wash the item is in a large basin or directly in the bath. Wash water should be warm but not hot... The maximum permissible temperature is 45 degrees.

Before washing, the down jacket is straightened and "whipped" well so that the down:

  • evenly distributed,
  • became more voluminous,
  • absorbed water evenly.

The detergent dissolves evenly in the water, then the item is lowered and gently moistened.

You can take any powder for washing, but a liquid detergent is considered more gentle, and dry powder washes away stubborn dirt better.

foto989-3You can replace the powder with soap, preferably baby soap. Dissolve the soap evenly in the solution rather than lather the entire jacket.

Exceptions are places with heavy pollution. For a better wash result, the item can be pre-soaked, but not for more than a few hours. Prolonged soaking strongly compresses the fluff and spoils the thing.

It is not forbidden to use the air conditioner, but for a gentle hand wash, it is not necessary. Moreover, it is more difficult to rinse it out by hand.

In the process of washing, you need to gently beat the entire down jacket with movements with a small amplitude. After processing the entire product, you need to wait for the water to drain off by itself and collect water for rinsing.Carry out rinsing with the same movements, repeat if necessary.

A big mistake when washing will be sharp and monotonous movements, for example, lifting the entire down jacket and abruptly lowering it into the water - this contributes to the dumping of the filler.

Also, you cannot squeeze, especially twist, the product... This will damage both the structure of the fabric and the structure of the filler. You have to wait for the water to drain by itself.

How to machine wash?

For washing in a washing machine, you also need to use not hot water - 40-45 degrees.

The best programs for washing outerwear are:

  • delicate wash,
  • mode "No folds",
  • on some models there is a special mode for products made of down - "Down jacket" or "Down comforter".

It is also important to choose the right spin, or refuse it altogether. The spin should be no more than 600 revolutions.

By choosing detergent, you need to keep in mind:

  1. foto989-4Dry powder washes better, but rinses out worse. In some modern machines with water saving mode, this powder can leave streaks.
  2. Liquid Powder, especially for delicate items, washes worse, but treats the item more carefully.
  3. Fabric softener is okay, but you will have to use an extra rinse.

For better distribution and then rinsing of the powder, as well as to maintain the shape of the product, it is recommended to put it in the washing machine together with a jacket or down jacket. several balls. Great for tennis balls.

If there are places with heavy dirt on the down jacket or jacket, it is recommended to pre-soak them for a couple of hours, or it is better to just moisten them with water and wash out the specific places of pollution with washing soap.

It is recommended to wash the down jacket with all zippers and buttons on the wrong side.

The video will tell you how to properly wash down jackets in a washing machine:

How to dry properly?

From correct drying the final result of washing the product depends very much.

Things with bio-fluff in no case should be wrung out, sharp bends of the fabric of a wet product should not be allowed (for example, you can't just hang a folded jacket on a string). It will not be easy to eliminate such a hall.

foto989-5For best results, allow most of the water to drain. To do this, you can simply leave the item lying in the bath.

Or immediately spread out (do not hang, namely spread over the entire surface of the dryer) on drying, and spread down rags, which are squeezed out as they get wet.

If most of the water is from the down jacket and it is slightly damp, it is allowed to hang it on a hanger vertically.

You cannot put such things on the battery, but you can put a radiator nearby (at least 40 cm from the thing) to speed up the process. Bio-fluff does not ignite, but melts.

In the process of drying, you also cannot relax; you should regularly turn the jacket over and beat the fluff. Truth, such things usually dry for a short time - 3-4 hours.

Such things can also be dried in special drying machines. Some have a special mode for down jackets.

If there is no such regime, then the minimum drying temperature is selected (no more than 30 degrees)... It is better to carry out several drying cycles at a low temperature than to set it high and ruin the thing.

When is only dry cleaning allowed?

If the jacket or down jacket has fur trim or a one-piece fur insert that does not come unfastened, only dry cleaning in a specialized dry cleaner.

If you decide to wash them, you will irrevocably ruin the fur, and if you decide to brush them, you will not achieve the required cleanliness of the product.


In conclusion, we can say that:

  • foto989-6things made of bio-down can be washed at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees;
  • during hand washing, you need to constantly beat the fluff, and during machine wash, put tennis balls;
  • the product cannot be wrung out, twisted, folded in half;
  • the down jacket is washed and dried in a buttoned state and on the seamy side;
  • until most of the water is glass, the thing should be in a horizontal position;
  • you need to unfasten all fur parts, and if they do not unfasten, take the product from bio-down to dry cleaning.


