Practical guide: how to wash a fur collar from a down jacket or jacket at home?

photo 214_8Taking care of fur products at home is not easy. The washing result is unpredictable in most cases.

Artificial or natural fur can shed, discolor, lose its density and former softness.

Only knowing the secrets of washing fur from a jacket or down jacket at home will help to avoid damage to the product and spend on paying for dry cleaning services.


You can freshen up a fur collar at home. The main thing is to comply with certain conditions of the preparatory stage:

Before washing, be sure to:

  • remove the detachable collar from the jacket;
  • determine the type of fur (artificial or natural);
  • carefully study the information on the manufacturer's label about the temperature regime and special conditions for cleaning the product;
  • before washing, gently shake the edge on the collar.

Washing a down jacket at home

The choice of washing method depends on the type of edge. In order to determine whether artificial or natural fur was used in sewing, it is necessary to examine the seamy side of the collar. Overflows are visible on the back of the synthetic fabric.

If the edge is artificial

Hand wash your faux fur collar to freshen up.

The technology is simple and straightforward:photo 214_1

  1. Pour water into a container of a suitable size, the temperature of which does not exceed 40C.
  2. We dilute liquid powder or gel for washing in water.
  3. Soak the fur collar in a basin for thirty minutes.
  4. Gently rub the soap foam into a long pile.
  5. We rinse the edge in a large amount of water (cool).
  6. We take the product out of the water and, putting it on a horizontally located stand, leave it for ten minutes.
  7. After the water is glass, gently blot the edge with a towel.
Attention! The long faux fur collar must not be twisted.

Dry the product away from heating devices, spread out on a horizontal surface. After the edge has dried, the long pile is gently combed with a comb with rounded teeth.

For a faux fur collar with a short, thick pile, machine wash is more acceptable.Before loading a thing into the machine, it is necessary to clarify on the tag about the possibility of automatic washing.

Algorithm of actions:

  • The edge is soaked in a bowl of warm soapy water for fifteen minutes.
  • Slightly squeezing the product with your hands, it is placed in the washing machine. For washing, choose a delicate mode, using gentle liquid detergents for silk, wool and delicate fabrics.
  • Squeeze the collar by hand, blot well with a towel.
Reference! White faux fur will look as good as new if you wipe it with a sponge and lemon juice before washing.

If natural

photo 214_5It is possible to preserve the shine and attractive appearance of the edges of natural fur by using only the manual method for washing.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. In a basin of water, dilute a liquid detergent for delicate fabrics or shampoo.
  2. Rub the lather into the edge with a soft sponge.
  3. Rub the collar again with a clean sponge.
  4. The edging is spread on a horizontal surface and left to dry completely.
  5. Comb the villi with a rare comb (preferably a wooden one).

Remove old stains from natural fur some folk methods will help:

  1. A solution of water (one glass is enough), hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp) and ammonia (two drops) is poured into a spray bottle. Spray the solution over the collar, and then allow it to dry. The dry collar is carefully combed with a comb.
  2. The mink collar is cleaned using semolina or starch. They are scattered on the pile and rubbed lightly. After five minutes, the edge is shaken and combed.
  3. Arctic fox fur can be freshened and cleaned with a sponge dipped in a vinegar solution.
  4. A collar made of astrakhan fur or rabbit skin will acquire its original appearance if covered with bran heated in the oven.
  5. Oily stains will help remove refined gasoline. The stain is gently wiped with a sponge soaked in gasoline, then with a clean cloth, after which the edge is combed.
Attention! If you are not sure that the chosen method will not spoil the product, it is better to seek professional help by using dry cleaning services.

For more information on cleaning natural fur, see the video:

Can a non-removable fur collar be loaded into the washing machine?

If the fur is sewn to the collar of a leather jacket, there are not many options to refresh it quickly and without loss. You can only clean the collar sewn to the product by hand, very gently, avoiding moisture on the skin. For those who are not sure of their actions, the right decision is to dry-clean the leather jacket with fur.

photo 214_6You can tidy up a down jacket with a sewn-on fur collar in the washing machine, choosing a delicate mode and using liquid detergents.

By adding two or three tennis balls to the drum of the washing machine, you can avoid the situation of the formation of lumps of not straightened down in the jacket after washing.

The easiest way is to freshen up the fur on the collar of the parka. The product is washed by hand or in a machine. Parks are washed at a temperature not exceeding 40 C, choosing a mode for synthetic fabrics using mild (liquid) detergents.

Spinning and automatic drying are disabled. Parkas made of membrane fabric are washed only by hand, using special powders for this type of fabric.


After cleaning the fur collar, need to dry well... This is a very important point, since the moisture remaining in the fibers of the fur can cause an unpleasant odor and damage to the product.

Dry the fur collar in a darkened room. Direct sunlight promotes loss of color and fragility of the villi. In no case should you split the fur on a radiator or other sources of heat, or iron it with an iron.

Advice! Pre-blotting the collar with a towel will help speed up the drying process.

Processing tips

So that the edge on a winter jacket or down jacket does not turn into a shapeless piece of fur, it is worth adhering to the following recommendations:photo 214_7

  • Fur (both artificial and natural) must not be exposed to high temperatures. Fur collars are washed only at a temperature of 30-40C.
  • When washing, the fur must not be wrinkled or rubbed. All movements must be extremely careful.
  • It is forbidden to treat the edges on jackets, down jackets with bleaching and chlorine-containing agents.


Washing fur on winter clothes is an activity that requires certain skills, knowledge and accuracy. Compliance with the technology of cleaning fur at home and understanding the intricacies of this process will help you quickly put your favorite thing in order, saving money on paying for dry cleaning services.



