No streaks and lumps: how to wash a jacket on a padding polyester in a washing machine and by hand
Outerwear with padding polyester is very popular in the cold season due to its ability to keep warm for a long time and relatively low price.
However, the owners of such jackets and down jackets often have questions about the washing of such products. Is it possible and how to wash a jacket on a padding polyester in a washing machine?
What are the rules and precautions? Are there any special nuances? These and many other questions can be answered in this article.
Can a winter padded down jacket be washed?
First you need to figure out what technology was used to produce the filler for the jacket. There are 3 different ways in which synthetic winterizer fibers can be connected to each other:
Glued... PVA glue is used to bond the synthetic winterizer fibers using this technology. But in order to give it elasticity, manufacturers often add more glue than necessary, which causes the product to deteriorate when machine washed; the synthetic winterizer gets lost in lumps, as the glue simply spreads out due to high temperatures.
In this case, even washing at low temperatures will not help. You can clean such jackets and down jackets only superficially, gently passing a damp cloth over the top layer of the product.
- Needle punch... This method is more acceptable. The technology consists in the fact that a lot of multidirectional fibers of padding polyester are randomly fastened to each other, and then fixed with special needles with serrated tips. Clothes with such padding polyester can be washed by hand, but it should be done very carefully.
- Thermally bonded... The synthetic winterizer made using this technology is usually called "Eurosintepon". It is of the highest quality, which is reflected in the price of the product. The insulation fibers are connected using modern heat treatment using polyester. Jackets filled with thermally bonded synthetic winterizer last the longest, easily tolerate washing at low temperatures.
Jackets on needle-punched padding polyester should be carefully washed by hand, and you can use a washing machine to clean clothes with thermally bonded filler, observing a certain technology, which will be discussed below.
It is important to always check the label on the product... The first icon always indicates the temperature at which a jacket or down jacket can be washed. On them, the figure never exceeds 40 °.
Next is a sign informing about whether it is possible to bleach the product and give it to dry cleaning - the prohibition is indicated by a crossed out triangle.
The third sign - a crossed out circle in a square means that it is impossible to dry and wring out clothes in a washing machine.
The iron picture shows that it can be used for ironing, but on products with synthetic winterizer filler, the icon is crossed out or an iron with one dot, which means a ban on ironing the product or only the possibility of steaming at low temperatures.
Instructions for washing products in a washing machine machine
The choice of a washing machine for cleaning products with synthetic winterizer filler is due to the fact that the insulation cannot be kept in water for a long time; it also needs a thorough spin, which is not always convenient for hand washing.
In general, the whole process should not cause any special problems and difficulties, if you carefully follow the instructions:
Clear all jacket pockets, turn out, fasten the zippers and buttons. Place in a special laundry bag, if available.
- Pour liquid detergent into the powder compartment. Start the washing machine in "delicate" or "synthetic" mode with a water temperature not higher than 40 °. Disable automatic spin drying functions, enable "additional rinse". Place a ball in the machine.
- After the end of the session, remove the product from the machine and gently wring it out with a towel, then place it horizontally on a flat surface and leave to dry at room temperature without direct sunlight.
Preparatory work
Before directly placing a jacket or down jacket in the washing machine, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory actions:
- Carefully check the contents of all pockets on clothing. Remove all foreign objects from them, clean them of small pellets and debris.
- Turn the product inside out. Fasten all pockets, fasteners, zippers, buttons. Unfasten the fur or down collar (if any) from the jacket.
- If there are stubborn, stubborn stains on your clothes, then you must first rub them with laundry soap or apply a special stain remover for 30-40 minutes. Then place the jacket in the washing machine.
At what temperature, at what mode?
The optimum temperature for washing synthetic winter jackets and down jackets is 40 °. Mode - "delicate" or "synthetic".
It is worth activating the "extra rinse" for better washing out of cleaning agents from clothes and to prevent streaks on the upper layers.
Additional accessories
For washing outerwear, it is advised to use additional products that help to better clean the product, maintain its shape or increase the safety of the process for the clothes themselves:
Balls for washing... The principle of their operation is that with the active rotation of the drum, the balls hit the walls and fly away from them to the down jacket, thereby whipping up its insides. They help the synthetic winterizer not to get lost in lumps, and also make washing more effective, minimize the risk of leaving streaks.
- Laundry bag... This is a special device, which is mainly used when washing outerwear. It prevents external damage, protects against loss of shape. Another important quality is the ability to protect fabric fibers from stretching.
When washing jackets or down jackets on a synthetic winterizer, it is advisable to use a similar bag in order to minimize the risk of damage to clothes, as well as to protect the washing machine itself, since massive locks or buttons can come off and damage the internal mechanisms, which will inevitably lead to equipment breakdown.
To wash sintepon outerwear, you need to choose gentle, non-aggressive detergents. It is not recommended to use powder: it can leave divorces.
How to properly wash a thing by hand so that the filler does not get lost?
If it is not possible to use a machine for washing, then here is the procedure for cleaning the jacket by hand:
Take a bath with water at a temperature not higher than 50 °. Pour in liquid and dilute. Do not use powder, bleaches, fresheners and other additional detergents. It is worth using a bath, as the basin is too small for large outerwear. When washing, the padding polyester inside will inevitably collapse into lumps and the appearance of the product will be spoiled.
- Place jacket in water and rinse gently. Wrinkle clothes very gently, without sudden movements. After that, it is worth draining the water several times and rinsing the product in it. If there are stains that are difficult to remove (for example, greasy), it is better to wash them in advance with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent.
- After washing, you need to squeeze out the product as carefully as possible and hang it over the bathtub so that the remaining water is glass. Then put the jacket horizontally on a straightened towel or leave to dry in an upright position.
Drying rules: what you can and cannot?
You can squeeze the product after machine wash as follows: lay it on a towel, roll it up and press gently, thereby absorbing water from the jacket in the towel.
The temperature of the room where the product is to be dried should not fall below 10 °. Do not use the iron at all or use the "steaming" mode at low temperatures. Dry the product on the battery is strictly prohibited.
Helpful Hints and Precautions
Often, if the washing rules are not followed, the synthetic winterizer gets lost in lumps, and it becomes necessary straighten it. To do this, you can use the following tips:
Re-clean the product in the machine, but using a tennis ball or balls for washing.
- Hang the jacket on a hanger and beat on it with a special cracker or a bamboo stick, whipping the inner material.
- If the product is still wet, then the synthetic winterizer can be straightened with the bare nozzle of the vacuum cleaner, applying it to the stray areas.
The most important thing in washing jackets and down jackets with synthetic winterizer filling is use gentle detergents and set the correct mode on the washing machine.
The best advice for the final cleaning process is to dry it upright, so it retains its shape and does not require ironing.