What to do if stains appear after washing your down jacket or jacket?

foto1753-1Often after washing down jacket spots are formed on its surface and divorces.

There can be several reasons for their appearance - improper rinsing, unsuitable detergent, insufficient spinning or non-compliance drying rules.

The choice of how to fix the problem depends precisely on the cause of its occurrence.

You can determine the cause by carefully examining such spots: what color they are, where they appeared, what size they are. So, why did stains appear after washing the down jacket and how to remove them?

How to remove yellow stains on a light and dark jacket?

Yellow stains may occur due to washing of low-quality filler inside the jacket, contact of a wet thing with rust or grease. The most common way to deal with this problem is to apply a stain remover.

foto1753-2When using a stain remover, you should only choose well-proven quality products.

For instance, you can safely use:

  • Vanish OXI Action,
  • Ace Oxi Magic,
  • stain removers from Faberlik or Amway.

Stain removers are great for yellow streaks on light-colored fabrics.

If the reason is poor-quality filler

A low-quality or heavily soiled filler after washing a light-colored down jacket forms yellow spots on its surface. To eliminate them, as a rule, it is enough to simply wash the item again.

In this case, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Zip up and turn jacket inside out.
  2. Place it on the drum with several tennis ballsthat increase the intensity of the rinse.
  3. Set double rinse, maximum spin mode and temperature 35-40 degrees.
  4. At the end of the wash, select the additional rinse mode and the intensive spin, and rinse the jacket again.
If stubborn yellow stains are present, treat the stains with a dishwashing detergent, laundry soap or a mild stain remover before machine washing.

Greasy traces

Greasy stains after washing may be due to insufficient quality processing of feathers when making a down jacket, or the presence of greasy spots on the jacket even before it comes into contact with soapy water.

So, on a dirty item, grease may be almost invisible, and after washing, the stains become more distinct.

To eliminate them, before repeated machine washing, you must treat the thing with one of the following means:

  1. foto1753-3Dishwashing liquid - use a sponge or a toothbrush to walk over the dirty places, and after 30-40 minutes wash the jacket in the machine.
  2. Stain remover - this product should be used according to the instructions for the preparation.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide with ammonia - mix in equal proportions and treat greasy areas with the mixture. After 20 minutes, rinse the jacket in clean water, then send it to the washing machine.
  4. Soda-vinegar mixture - prepared at the rate of 500 ml of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Treat contaminated areas with this composition and after 5-10 minutes wash it off under running water.
  5. Saline solution - to prepare it, dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt in 100 g of warm water. Soak the item in the solution for 30-60 minutes.
Grease stains on white tissues become more distinct and yellow after contact with very hot water.

Therefore, before loading the item into the drum, it is recommended to carefully examine the fabric, and, if necessary, wash problem areas manually using the above means.


foto1753-4Yellow stains can occur due to strong rust staining of the water. This problem often occurs after the repair of highways..

In this case, before loading the down jacket into the drum, you must open the tap with water and drain the yellow-brown water. You can start washing only after a clear, clean stream flows from the tap.

Usually, removing a voluminous down jacket from the drum, the hostess first puts it in a basin, in which she carries the washed thing to the clothesline. If there is rust damage at the bottom of the metal basin, then wet clothes will instantly absorb the rusty particles and turn yellow.

To remove rust, you can use:

  1. High quality bleach.
  2. Stain remover.
  3. A mixture of glycerin with vinegar and dish detergent (all ingredients are mixed in equal proportions).
  4. Toothpaste.
  5. Lemon juice.
After treating the stains with one of the listed products, you must rewash the jacket in the washing machine.

Before using bleach or stain remover, it is recommended to study the information on the label down jacket regarding the rules of care and the ability to use certain detergents.

How to remove white plaque?

foto1753-5A common cause of white spots and streaks is using more powder than indicated in the instructions.

Also, the appearance of this problem can be caused by rinsing in an insufficient amount of water, which is often observed when the machine is overloaded with laundry.

Another possible cause of white streaks is choosing the wrong detergent. Some types of fabrics, such as membrane, regular detergent rinses out very poorly, and as a result, after drying, white traces remain on things.

In such cases, it is enough to simply re-wash and rinse the jacket at least 2-3 times. In this case, it is necessary to use liquid detergent, selected according to your type of fabric.

Plaque white on dark fabrics often appears due to the effect of very high temperatures on the detergent... In this case, it can simply weld and settle on the surface of dense matter.

To clean the thing from the welded stains, set the temperature on the washing machine to no more than 30-35 degrees.

If the spots are small, then you can try to clean them with a damp cloth, clean rag or sponge... This method is recommended for use when streaks appear on a light or white down jacket.

Take a regular, alcohol-free cosmetic tissue and gently walk through the contaminated areas. Do not soak your clothes in a stain remover to remove soapy streaks.

How to avoid drips?

To avoid stains and streaks on clothes, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. foto1753-6Rinse the down jacket well after washing, use the intensive spin mode. If water drips from the garment after removing it from the drum, start spinning again.
  2. Do not load other colored items with your jacket that may fade.
  3. Read the information on the jacket tag carefully.
  4. Dry your down jacket outdoors, on an open balcony, or in an area with adequate air circulation.
  5. Do not use a battery that is too hot, rusty or dirty for drying. Do not let wet clothes come into contact with rust.
  6. Do not increase the recommended dose of the powder.
  7. Regularly clean the fold of the cuff of the washing machine from dirt and mold. Keep the drum clean, wash the powder tray and pump filter.


Don't be discouraged if neither stain remover, nor lemon juice, toothpaste, ammonia, or vinegar have helped get rid of the stains after washing.

To restore the previous look of your favorite item, take it to the dry cleaner... Experienced professionals can handle all types of stains and stains with ease.



