Recommendations of experienced housewives: how to wash a down jacket with tennis balls?

foto539-1A down jacket is a functional, comfortable, practical and irreplaceable thing in a wardrobe.

The more popular such outerwear became, the more often people wonder how to wash them so that things do not lose their appearance and serve as long as possible.

A universal solution - tennis balls, washing with which removes stains, distributes the filler and protects the fabric from pills.

The secret is not just tossing balls into the washing machine drum. You need to apply a simple algorithm of actions for the result to be perfect.

Correct product preparation

foto539-2Down jackets do not need to be washed more than 1-3 times a month. After washing the water-repellent impregnation decreases, the jacket loses its splendor and worse protects against adverse weather conditions.

Even after mechanical cleaning, there is no 100% guarantee that the down jacket will retain its shape, since chemical reagents lead to rapid wear of the fabric.

Dry cleaning takes several days, is not cheap, inexperienced craftsmen can ruin the thing.

Previously, washing machines were not suitable for washing outerwear. Nowadays, most automatic machines have such a function. It is safer to wash your down jacket yourself.

First you need to study all the labels on the product, where the washing conditions are indicated in detail: temperature, type (manual or mechanical), drying features.

The jacket must not be washed if it has:

  • leather inserts, leather may shrink or shed when washed;
  • fur elements that cannot be removed.

Prepare the jacket for washing in advance.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Get everything out of your pockets.
  2. Check for breaks, found - sew.
  3. Unbutton the hood, the hanging hardware, and the metal buckle belt. If the hardware cannot be removed, tie it with a fabric that does not fade.
  4. foto539-3Check the jacket for stains, if any, wash it with laundry soap and set the jacket aside for 20-30 minutes.
  5. If the sleeves, hem or collar of the down jacket are particularly dirty, clean with detergent. Laundry soap or liquid stain remover is also suitable, rub with a brush. Grease and sweat stains are perfectly removed with dishwashing liquid. Cosmetics - rubbing alcohol.
  6. Fasten all zips, buttons, and rivets.
  7. Unbutton the fur.
  8. Turn the clothes inside out.
  9. You can use a special washing bag for the jacket to avoid deformation and tears.

How many balls do you need and which ones?

Clothes are washed better with tennis balls. Each ball, when the drum rotates, whips up the filler, the dirt from the clothes is washed out faster, and the spin mode fixes the effect.

If the down jacket has been washed incorrectly, then repeated washing with balls can restore the product.

Why for washing down jackets use tennis balls?

Their advantages are obvious, they are:

  • available, both at the price and at the place of purchase;
  • durable, can be used an unlimited number of times when washing;
  • have the optimal weight to whip up the filler and not damage the washing machine drum.

foto539-4Prepare tennis balls for washing. This is a mandatory step so that the paint does not pass from them to the jacket during washing.

There are two ways:

  1. Soak for several hours in a strong whiteness solution.
  2. Pour boiling water over for 10 minutes, then lower it into a container with bleach and rinse many times.

Experienced housewives recommend using 3-4 balls when washing a down jacket.

Replacement options tennis balls for washing outerwear:

  1. Special plastic balls for washing. They have spikes that are lighter in weight than tennis ones, so 4 or more are thrown into the drum. The price of one is from 100 rubles.
  2. Tourmaline balls... This is a modern development: there are more than 80 detergents inside the balls and small granules that soften the water. They are often used instead of the detergent. The number of balls depends on the manufacturer. After use, they are dried. Price for 1 piece - from 300 rubles.
  3. Small magnetic balls... Also a special development for washing, they contribute to better penetration of the detergent, which is needed 2 times less, into the product. The term of use is over 20 years. 6 pieces are enough for one wash. Price for 1 piece - from 300 rubles.

Washing your jacket step by step

So how do you machine wash your down jacket with tennis balls? Step by step washing instructions:

  1. Read the washing conditions on the product label.
  2. Prepare your jacket for washing.
  3. foto539-5Prepare tennis balls if they have not been used before.
  4. Load the down jacket into the drum of the washing machine.
  5. Place 3-4 balls in the drum.
  6. Pour the detergent into the compartment.
  7. Add fabric softener if desired.
  8. Use the wash cycle for delicate fabrics / down jackets. Fluff is usually washed at 40 degrees, but check the temperature for your garment on the label.
  9. Turn on the “extra rinse” function to avoid streaks.
  10. Choose the lowest RPM possible. The spin should be soft.
  11. Run the program and do not be afraid of the banging of balls.
The result is influenced by detergent used for washing... Experts do not recommend the use of dry powders: they do not wash well, foam strongly, and leave streaks on the surface of the down jacket.

Best to use liquid products... For instance:

  1. Gels: “Unipuh”, “Eco Nordland”, “Ostrich” and “Heitmann”, “Meule Washing Gel Color” and others. Price from 250 rubles per 1 liter.
  2. Capsules: “Ariel Power Mountain Spring”, “Persil Duo-caps”, etc. Price from 230 rubles.
  3. Shampoos, balms: "Domal SPORT FEIN FASHION", "Eco Nordland Sport", etc. Price from 470 rubles per 1 liter.

How to wash a down jacket at home in a washing machine with balls:

Drying features

Dry the down jacket after washing need as quickly as possible. It is not recommended to use a tumble dryer, as it can destroy the thermal insulation properties of down and feathers.

Drying Tips:

  1. foto539-6Dry only upright.
  2. Turn out the down jacket and pockets, hang it on a hanger with wide shoulders, and be sure to fasten it with all the fasteners to restore its shape.
  3. Dry in a well-ventilated area. The down jacket should not be exposed to sunlight.
  4. Invert and shake the product periodically to dry the lint evenly.
  5. After completely dry, put the down jacket and 3-4 tennis balls in the drum of the washing machine and turn on only the centrifuge.


Now you don't need to be afraid to wash your down jacket.If there is no restriction on the label of your product, then wash your jacket with tennis balls.

This method “knocks out dirt”, distributes the filler, protects the fabric and even helps to restore the jacket after an unsuccessful wash.

Do not forget about the preliminary preparation of the down jacket and balls. If you follow the washing guidelines and follow the drying tips, your down jacket will be as good as new.



