Why and how to wash a new refrigerator inside before turning it on?

foto24258-1The natural desire, after the brand new refrigerator has taken its place in the kitchen, turn it on and fill it with food. But there is no need to rush.

Before starting the refrigerator, it must be washed. This simple rule will help get rid of the unpleasant smell that fills the interior of the household appliance, as well as the rapid deterioration of food.

We will tell you in the article about whether and what is the best way to wash the new refrigerator inside before turning it on for the first time.

Do I need to wipe it down before using it for the first time?

When it comes to whether a new refrigerator needs to be washed before turning it on for the first time, it should be understood that a household appliance requires not so much cleaning as disinfection.

There are several reasons for the obligatory washing of a new refrigerator:

  1. foto24258-2After assembly, the smallest particles of plastic or metal that are invisible to the human eye remain on the inner and outer surfaces.

    Most of the dust settles at the joints of the body and the rubber band of the seal (special attention should be paid to these elements during the first cleaning).

  2. In the process of transporting a household appliance from production to a warehouse, and then to a store, a large amount of road dust and other particles harmful to the body floating in the air settle on the walls of the unit.
  3. Until the moment of delivery to the buyer's home, the refrigerator passes through many people (movers, sellers), whose hands leave their mark on the surfaces of the household appliance.
  4. The first cleaning helps to get rid of the unpleasant smell of plastic, which is felt after the packaging has been removed from the new refrigerator.
If after cleaning the unpleasant odor has not disappeared or any other defects are found, this is a reason to contact the store with a request for a replacement product.

How to wash?

Before switching on and loading the new refrigerator with food, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures:

  • remove the original packaging, take out drawers, shelves;
  • wash the freezer and refrigerator;
  • wipe all surfaces with a dry cloth.

For wet cleaning, folk remedies are primarily used (they are less toxic). In a situation where it was not possible to achieve the desired result of freshness the first time, special chemical compositions will come to the rescue.

Using home remedies

In every house there are many handy tools that can be used for wet cleaning new refrigerator.


Pharmacy preparation - ammonia, will perfectly cope with unpleasant odors in the refrigerator.

foto24258-3Algorithm of actions:

  1. In 1 l. warm water is diluted with 1 tbsp. ammonia.
  2. The resulting product is poured into a spray bottle, sprayed over the surfaces of a new household appliance.
  3. Cabinet walls, doors, drawers and shelves are carefully wiped with a clean, damp sponge.

Airing for two hours will help get rid of the pungent smell of ammonia.

Baking soda

The all-in-one refrigerator cleaner is baking soda.

Algorithm of actions:

  • dry soda powder is dissolved with water (2 tbsp is enough for a liter of liquid);
  • in the resulting solution, a soft sponge is abundantly moistened, with which all surfaces of a new household appliance are wiped.
It is necessary to ensure that all soda particles are dissolved in the water. Otherwise, glossy surfaces may be scratched and abraded.

Table vinegar

A solution of vinegar will help not just wash, but also disinfect the surfaces of a new household appliance.

foto24258-4Algorithm of actions:

  1. Table vinegar is mixed with water (1: 1 ratio).
  2. In the resulting solution, a soft sponge is moistened, with which the walls of the case, the door, drawers and shelves of a new household appliance are wiped.
  3. Already clean surfaces are thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth.

After wet cleaning, the refrigerator must be wiped dry with paper kitchen towels. Read more about cleaning the refrigerator with vinegar. here.

We use household chemicals in cleaning

When choosing a cleaner for a new refrigerator, you should pay special attention to its composition. It should be remembered that food is stored in the refrigerator and not always in sealed packaging.

For refrigerator it is necessary to select special tools designed for this type of household appliances (available in the form of a spray, liquid, gel and even wipes).

TOP 5 best products for washing a new refrigerator:


The Unicum Fridge Cleaner quickly removes unpleasant odors. Does not require thorough rinsing after application, it is enough to spray the product on the surface and wipe it with a soft cloth.

The natural composition allows you to use this product to treat the inner surface of the refrigerator without any fears for human health.

Unicum gel is excellent for all surfaces (plastic, stainless steel). The average cost of the gel is 200 rubles. (500 ml bottle).



Refrigerator Care Gel CLEAN HOME removes unpleasant odors and disinfects surfaces... No rinsing required after application. Retains the whiteness of plastic surfaces.

The average cost of the gel is 100 rubles. (200 ml bottle).


Luxus Professional

Luxus Professional Clean refrigerator is an effective tool for degreasing, removing unpleasant odors and disinfecting surfaces of new household appliances.

Unlike other professional products, Luxus Professional is available in a wide range of scents (mint, lime, grapefruit).

The method of application is simple: the product is sprayed over the surface, left for two to three minutes, and then wiped off with a napkin.

The average cost is 150 rubles. (500 ml bottle).


Electrolux FRIGO CARE

The Electrolux FRIGO CARE cleaner was developed by an Italian manufacturer of household appliances for washing refrigerators.

Electrolux FRIGO CARE guarantees cleanliness and freshness of all types of surfaces... It is enough to spray on the product and wipe it off after three minutes with a soft cloth or cloth.

Economical consumption and high efficiency fully pay off the rather high cost of the product - 950 rubles. per bottle of 500 ml.



Refrigerator care set TOPPERR includes:

  • cleaning agent (quickly removes any dirt),
  • odor absorber (suitable for refrigerators of any size),
  • a special microfiber cloth (does not leave streaks and lint).

The average cost of a set is 500 rubles.


Before using any special product, you must carefully read the manufacturer's instructions.

How to remove the smell?

One little secret will help you quickly get rid of the characteristic smell of new household appliances: it is enough to put pieces of black bread on the shelves of the refrigerator (it is better to close the door after the door so that the bread absorbs the smells better).

Also placed inside the refrigerator will help get rid of foreign odors:

  • tea bags (not certified);
  • gauze bags with sugar or rice;
  • a small saucer of soda.
Natural odor absorbents are laid out for at least eight to ten hours, after which they are thrown away.

What not to do and why?

Before the first cleaning, it will not be superfluous to remember some restrictions., ignoring which can affect the performance and appearance of a new household appliance:

  1. foto24258-10Do not use chlorine-based cleaning agents (most often they are intended for cleaning toilets and bathtubs). Chlorine destroys the structure of the rubber door seals and dulls the plastic of the body.
  2. Do not use abrasive dry powders and hard brushes in cleaning. Scratches that remain after them on the case of a new household appliance will permanently spoil its appearance.

It is forbidden to turn on and load the refrigerator immediately after wet cleaning, without waiting for all surfaces to dry out. It is allowed to use the unit for its intended purpose half an hour after the end of cleaning.


Little secrets will help you quickly prepare a new refrigerator before using for the first time:

  1. Before you start wet cleaning the refrigerator, you need to wipe off dust and dirt from the surfaces with a dry cloth.
  2. Lemon wedges on the shelves of the new household appliance will fill it with a pleasant citrus aroma.
  3. Chlordexin solution will help disinfect surfaces. It is enough to dilute in 1 liter. water 1 tbsp. pharmacy product and moisten a cloth in the resulting solution, thoroughly wipe all surfaces.
If there are any doubts about the correctness of the actions or the choice of a detergent, you can always look at the manufacturer's instructions, which clearly describe how to care for a household appliance.

Find helpful tips and tricks for cleaning your refrigerator in this section.


Wet cleaning a new refrigerator before starting it for the first time is a must and cannot be ignored. A correct start will help to appreciate all the functional properties of a household appliance and extend its life.



