How to find the source of the problem and is it worth repairing the Tefal steam generator at home?

foto5118-1Steam generator Tefal has found its way into everyday life and among professionals. When it comes to ironing, cleaning clothes, air freshening, a steam generator will come to the rescue.

But, like any other device, it is not immune to breakdowns. To know what to do in a given situation, you need to find the source of the problem.

In this article, we'll talk about the main faults steam generators Tefal and DIY home appliance repair.

Common causes of breakdowns

There can be many reasons, moreover, depending both on the user and on the design of the device. The most common are:

  1. foto5118-2Using dirty water... Due to the large amount of iron salts, when it is heated, a plaque forms, which is very difficult to remove.
  2. Finding water in the device during storage, which leads to the same plaque, plus, there is a decay factor leading to corrosion of metal parts.
  3. Continuous use of the device at maximum mode... This leads to overheating of the silicone and plastic parts, in the joints of which leaks can form, due to the expansion of the materials.
  4. Improper storage and careless operation... Do not over-twist the power cord, as wires usually break when exiting the apparatus.

Let's consider the most popular breakdowns in more detail.

No steam - what's the matter?

Common reasons:

  • scale and limescale - this may be due to the fact that unfiltered water was used;
  • the inner coating of the equipment crumbled - most often owners of budget / Chinese models with low-quality parts face this;
  • failure of the electrician (for example, a pump, thermal relay or thermostat may fail) - in this case, you should take the household appliance to a service center or start thinking about buying a new one.
If it is scale, then it is easy to solve this problem - get rid of it with the help of special means, for example, Antinakipin or Kalgon. Citric acid will also help with this.

As for the deformation of the inner coating, then it is worth contacting specialists, since the device will need to be disassembled, and then clean the boiler and channels. Parts replacement may also be required.

Does not turn on

foto5118-3First of all, check the integrity of the wiring... This can be done by measuring the resistance.

If the device shows it, then the circuit is working, if not, then there is an open circuit in the cable, thermal fuse, thermostat or the heating element itself.

Don't forget to check the power button, since, due to the constantly high power, the contacts could burn out, and the case could be deformed, which often happens.

In any case, if you find smoke, then immediately take the device for repair, as self-repair can lead to irreversible consequences.

Water flows from the soleplate

Make sure the steam generator is not overfilled with water. Do not pour water to the very brim.

Also the following situation may be the reason: the sole of the iron has not warmed up, and you are already in a hurry to give off steam... Allow the soleplate time to warm up to the desired temperature, and then only steam.

Before you start ironing, set the device to a suitable mode, and then place the iron so that its sole is in an upright position. Wait for the indicator to turn off. And only then press the steam button.

Otherwise, water will flow from the sole. Also, the reason for the appearance of water from the sole can be the careless bending of the hose through which the steam is supplied.

Rusty water flowed

foto5118-4The reason for this may be the high content of hardness salts, that is, the water contains a lot of iron., to eliminate the defect, you must use a water filter.

The steam generator itself must be rinsed with clean water, at the same time preventive measures against plaque and scale must be carried out using antiscale or citric acid. In especially severe cases, you will have to understand the device for mechanical cleaning.

Also, stagnant water can be one of the reasons.... It is highly discouraged to leave it for a long time, because it deteriorates and plaque forms. It is better to fill in fresh every time.


If the device "spits", then this may be due to valve breakage. To make sure of this, you need to close the valve and turn on the device (but not in the “steam supply to the iron” mode). Now you need to rock it.

Are there drops of water? So it's the valve. To solve this problem, you should contact the service center.

What other malfunctions can you encounter?

  1. Does the water level indicator turn off? The reason is a broken sensor. Replace it.
  2. Unable to adjust pressure? The switch is broken. Replace it.
  3. foto5118-5White streaks appear from the holes of the sole. This indicates that the appliance is scaling.

    To avoid this, rinse the steam heater after every 3-5 use. If the water is hard, do this as often as possible.

  4. The plug is leaking steam. The reason lies in the damage to the seal of the plug (in this case, you should contact the support center) or it is not screwed in completely.

What to consider when choosing spare parts for Tefal?

The Tefal steam generator may need replacing:

  • soles;
  • gaskets / seals;
  • steam valve;
  • back of the case;
  • power cord;
  • solenoid coils and more.
When choosing a particular part, the model of the steam generator should be taken into account. It will not be superfluous to consult a specialist.

You should not buy spare parts in the first store you come across... Trust only trusted companies that specialize in selling "native" parts.

It is not the best solution to buy suitable spare parts from other manufacturers. The parts must be specific to your model of appliance.

Where to order repairs?

foto5118-6Give preference to a service center that has existed for at least three years... As a rule, such companies value their reputation, and will not make a "blunder".

They will have all the necessary parts for your steam generator model in their arsenal. As a rule, their diagnostics are free.

It is also important that one of the points of this company was to provide a guarantee for all repair work. If the company value its reputation and is confident in its employees, it provides a service guarantee.

It will not be superfluous to read the reviews about the company, which offers repair of steam generators.

Before contacting one or another service center, analyze the cost of repairing a steam generator in your area. The price should not be very low (it is unlikely that experienced craftsmen will do their job for a penny). Stick to the middle ground!

DIY repair tips

Some malfunctions of the steam generator with minimal skills and tools can be eliminated by ourselves. But keep in mind that if the cause of the breakdown lies in the poor contact of the cord, heating element, or if there is a sinking of the horses, then you will have to disassemble the device.

Specialists from the service center do not recommend repairing the Tefal steam generator with their own hands, if the reason is not identified or if there is no skill in working with electrical household appliances.

This is because in most cases, self-repair leads to even more problems.

To prevent this, if the device malfunctions, it is worth contacting the service center. By entrusting the work to professionals, you will be able to bring the device back to life!

Useful video

Do-it-yourself repair of a leaking water tank in a Tefal steam generator, video advice:


Many of the causes of breakdowns can be solved by ourselves. But if there is no proper experience in working with tools or the reason has not been identified, then the best solution would be to contact the service center.



