Consumer information: where Samsung washing machines are assembled

foto23404-1Samsung washing machines can be found in 170 countries around the world. One plant located in Korea is not enough to cover the needs of such a large number of consumers.

Therefore, they are being released in different states. Read about where Samsung washing machines are assembled and which factories have proven themselves better than others in the article.

Where are Samsung washing machines made for Russia?

For Russia, Samsung washing machines are produced in Kaluga. There production has been put on stream since 2008. From this plant, devices are sent to different countries and regions.

foto23404-2This list includes:

  • RF;
  • Belarus;
  • Ukraine;
  • Central Asian republics;
  • Transcaucasia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Mongolia.

Since September 2016, this list has significantly expanded, it included almost the entire European continent, including Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Serbia, Czech Republic and not only.

However, not all washing machines that are presented in Russian stores are assembled in the Kaluga region. There is a logistics center SRDC on the production site - this is the main warehouse for Samsung products imported to Russia. From there, cars brought from Poland, Korea and China are delivered to shops.

To understand where exactly the device was assembled, whose production it was, you need to refer to the serial number, which consists of 15 characters.

5 the number or letter in it indicates the country in which it was produced:

  • A - China;
  • D - Thailand;
  • 4 - Korean production
  • L - Russia;
  • W - China;
  • B - Mexico;
  • E - Poland.

This code will help determine the country of manufacture of the washing machine if there are no documents for it, or the packaging was thrown away.

Producing countries in the world

Samsung washing machines are produced not only in Russia. There are factories in:

  • America,
  • Korea,
  • Poland,
  • Mexico,
  • China and other countries.


foto23404-3In America, a Samsung home appliance factory is located in South Carolina.

It started operating at full capacity not so long ago - in 2018... Its opening is a forced measure, since since 2017 the state government has introduced new duties on all equipment supplied from abroad.

Open production is designed to provide machines not only for America, but also for Canada.


Korea is the country that owns the Samsung brand... The machinery manufacturing plant is located in Gwangju city.He is engaged in the production and supply of devices for many countries. In past years, they have been exporting to the United States.


In Mexico, the assembly point of the units is located in the city of Queretaro. Until the opening of a plant in the United States, Mexico sent equipment not only to the stores of its country, but also to all the states of North America.

After 2018, the logistics were revised. Now the company is working to meet the needs of Mexico and South America.


In Poland, the Samsung assembly point is located in Wronki... Polish production covers its needs, and also exports devices to a number of countries, of which there are already 36.


Suzhou is a Chinese city that houses the Korean factory for the collection of Samsung typewriters. They are supplied to the Chinese market, Asia and South America. However, this enterprise has become of little profit for the brand holder in recent years. Much more profit can be obtained from factories located in Thailand and Vietnam.


From Thailand, washing machines are supplied to Pakistan, India, Australia and other countries.

Build quality for the Russian market

foto23404-4Build quality of Samsung washing machines in Russia meets European standards.

The Kaluga plant has excellent equipment, thanks to which it is possible to provide the country with high-tech and reliable devices.

In terms of its level, Russian-made washing machines are no worse than their counterparts assembled in Europe. Moreover, many European countries buy home appliances themselves in the Russian Federation.

All the most important and useful about Samsung washing machines can be found in this section of the site.


Samsung is the largest manufacturer of washing machines and household appliances, which is known all over the world. The plant, represented in Russia, produces high-quality and high-tech washing machines that are able to meet the needs of a modern consumer.



