Tips and tricks on how to clean a Samsung washing machine

foto23814-1Cleaning the Samsung washing machine is the key to its long and efficient operation. During operation, the parts become contaminated, which leads to equipment failure and failure.

Regular maintenance will keep your clipper safe and avoid repair costs. We will tell you how and what to clean a Samsung washing machine in the article.

Why do I need to clean my car?

Various deposits accumulate on the parts of the washing machine over time. If they are not removed, the parts will fail, which can lead to damage to household appliances.

What needs to be cleaned:

  1. foto23814-2Sealing rubber. It is necessary to remove moisture from which mold and mildew develops. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor will appear that can transfer onto things.
  2. The heating element needs to be descaled. If there is too much plaque, the device will burn out and the water will not heat up.
  3. Powder tray. The container into which the detergents are poured and poured becomes dirty. The tray may start to leak.
  4. Drain pump filter. Small things and dirt get into it, which affects the quality of the water drain.
  5. Inlet hose filter. It accumulates sand, rust, which are contained in the water.

Plaque can cover the machine door and its body. This also leads to damage to equipment and its failure.

Regular cleaning will help prevent serious problems. We recommend cleaning every 2 months... It is recommended to increase the number of cleanings when washing woolen products.

Cleaning the cabinet and door

The body of the washing machine can most often be simply wiped with a damp cloth without the use of cleaning agents. If the dirt is old, you will have to use the same liquid products that are used to remove plaque from the sink and bathroom. To do this, apply them to the body, wipe with a sponge, wipe with a clean cloth.

The machine door is most often covered with limescale. It will not work to remove it with water. Therefore, it is necessary to use products such as Clean Home, Sarma, etc. They must be used according to the instructions.

You can use the tools at hand:

  • foto23814-32 tbsp. l. dilute soda in a little water to make a gruel;
  • add 1 tbsp. l. citric acid;
  • apply the mixture to glass;
  • leave for 10-20 minutes;
  • wash off with a damp cloth;
  • wipe it off.

Buttons and other small parts on the body can be cleaned with the same mixture using an old toothbrush.

Cleaning the powder tray

Samsung washing machines, like many modern models, have a tray in which there are several compartments for chemicals. To pull it out, you need to press on the blue part and pull it towards you with a little effort.

If the container is not very dirty, it is enough to rinse it with warm waterbrushing powder with a toothbrush. Most often, plaque has to be removed with the help of special or improvised means.

There are several ways to clean:

  1. Lemon acid... 2-3 st. l. Dissolve the powder in a little water to get the consistency of sour cream. Grate the tray, leave for 15 minutes. Brush and rinse.
  2. Soda and vinegar... Pour baking soda into a tray and pour in a little vinegar. A chemical reaction will begin, after which you must wait about 10 minutes and clean the container with a brush. Wash off with water.
  3. The use of chemicals... You can use any product that you can use to remove limescale and limescale to clean the powder container. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to carefully treat the surface and leave for the time specified in the instructions for the cleaning agent. Do not overexpose chemicals so as not to spoil the cuffs and other elements of the tray.
For stubborn dirt, it is recommended to soak the container in a solution of baking soda, vinegar and hot water. For cooking, you need to take 1 liter of boiling water, 3 tbsp. l. soda and 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.

After the mixture fizzes, lower the tray into it and leave for 30-60 minutes. The procedure can be repeated if necessary.

In extreme cases, the container is filled with vinegar essence.... In this case, it is important not to allow liquid to get on the seals.

Filter cleaning

Filters also need periodic cleaning:


The filter in the inlet hose becomes clogged with impurities in the water over time. If it is heavily soiled, the machine stops washing and gives an error that signals the impossibility of collecting water. The filter must be cleaned every 5-6 months.

For this you need:

  1. foto23814-4Shut off the water supply to the washing machine.
  2. Expand the car, opening access to the back.
  3. Find the hose at the top of the body and unscrew the nut that holds it. This can be done with a suitable sized wrench or pliers.
  4. Inside the hole is the filter itself in the form of a small mesh.
  5. Gently remove it and rinse under running water, brushing with a toothbrush.
  6. Reinstall the filter.
  7. Screw on the hose.
  8. Open the water supply.

After that, the machine can be returned to its original position, at the same time wiping the back panel with a damp cloth. If the filter is very dirty, it can be immersed in a container of vinegar for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with clean water.

The filter can be damaged during removal. Therefore, the work must be done carefully. Otherwise, it will need to be replaced.


The drain pump is often clogged with small parts and debris... If you start it, the machine will give an error that signals that the water cannot be drained. The washing process in this case may stop at the stage of transition to rinsing.

To get things out of the drum, you will have to use the emergency drain. Therefore, you need to monitor the condition of the pump and clean it regularly - at least 1 time in 3 months.

This requires:

  1. foto23814-5Open the door behind which the filter is located. The hatch is usually located in the lower front of the case.
  2. Place a towel on the floor and place a small container into which the water will drain (for example, a baking sheet or shallow bowl that can hold about 500 ml of water).
  3. Unscrew the filter cover and pull it out, draining the remaining water.
  4. Remove accumulated debris from the open hole. It can be wool, hair, small details from clothing decor, etc.
  5. Wipe the hole, screw on the cover and hatch.

If there are lime deposits on the cover or inside where the pump stands, they must be removed. This can be done with cleaning agents, or with a solution of soda and vinegar.

If the machine gets up during the washing process and refuses to drain the water, you will have to use the emergency drain mode, after which you can clean the pump.

In modern Samsung models, there is a drain hose next to the filter cover. It is through it that the drain will be carried out. In this case, you need to stock up on several containers, since there can be a lot of water.

Draining process:

  • remove the emergency hose by gently pulling it towards you;
  • remove the plug - it can be difficult to come out, it is recommended to remove it with swinging movements;
  • lower the hose into a bowl or other container;
  • wait until the water comes out completely;
  • unscrew the filter cover;
  • clean it up.

Older models do not have a drain hose. The water is drained through the filter cover. In this situation, it is recommended to put a thick cloth under the hatch and slightly open the filter cover. By periodically changing the fabric or wringing out, drain all the water.

Descaling the heating element

To remove scale from heating elements, you need to use inorganic or organic acids. Citric acid and vinegar, which are found in every home, have proven themselves best.

Soda and vinegar

foto23814-6To get rid of a small plaque, you can use the tools at hand:

  1. Pour half a glass of baking soda into the tray, which is used for the powder.
  2. Pour 1 liter of vinegar into an empty drum of the machine.
  3. Start washing for the longest cycle at the maximum temperature.
  4. Wait until the end of the cycle.

Experts advise to pause the machine when the water heats up. This will allow the solution to have a longer lasting effect on the plaque.

Citric acid

Citric acid can be used regularly to clean the heating element. This requires:

  • pour acid into the powder compartment - the amount depends on the volume of the washing machine, 3-4 packs will take up a 5 kg load;
  • start washing at the maximum temperature.

Cleaning can be done every 2 weeks. To learn how to descale a washing machine with citric acid, read here.

By industrial means

Use industrial descaling products regularly. They all contain alkalis. Therefore, the choice of a tool depends on financial capabilities and personal preferences.

Among the most popular are:

  1. Magic power - pour 250 to 500 ml of the product into the powder container. Start washing at 60 degrees. The price of the product is from 140 rubles.
  2. Anti-scale - pour the powder into the tray. Run the mode at maximum temperature. Price - 100 rubles.
  3. Topper - it is necessary to put it in the drum for further dry washing at the maximum temperature. Price - from 300 rubles.

Cleaning can be done weekly if necessary.


To clean the heating element and assess the degree of its contamination, you need to remove the heating element. If there is no experience in disassembling washing machines or the equipment is under warranty, then it is better to entrust the work to a specialist.

When deciding to remove the heating element yourself, you must clearly follow the instructions:

  • foto23814-7remove the back wall of the case - for this you need to unscrew a few screws and snap off the panel locks;
  • disconnect the "chips" of the heating element and remove it;
  • soak the heating element in a solution of vinegar or citric acid, you can treat it with special anti-scale agents;
  • dry the heating element;
  • reassemble the machine in reverse order.

Clean with abrasive substances, do not scrape the heating element. If the scale has not gone away after a single treatment, it is worth repeating the cleaning procedure.

Blockage prevention

Your washing machine needs regular maintenance. So that dirt does not accumulate in it, limescale is not deposited, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Use the amount of powder or detergent you need. In order not to be mistaken with the dosage, you must carefully study the instructions on the package. The excess powder will not improve the result, but will settle on the walls of the machine or in the detergent drawer.
  2. Check pockets and small details on clothing. Some decorative elements should be removed from clothes before washing so that they do not clog the drain filter.
  3. Do not leave laundry in the drum before and after washing.
  4. Carry out regular airing of the machine.
  5. Apply a powder that softens the water.

You will find a lot of useful and important information on how to correctly use Samsung washing machines in this section.

Related videos

The video will tell you how to quickly and easily clean the washing machine:


A Samsung washing machine will last longer if it is not dirty. If things after washing have become less clean, have an unpleasant odor, stains, then you should immediately start a comprehensive cleaning of the device.



