We follow the rules, or where you need to pour the powder in the Samsung washing machine

foto23837-1To ensure the proper operation of your Samsung washing machine, it is important to put detergent and other products in the appropriate compartments.

Thus, you can extend the life of expensive household appliances and improve the quality of washing.

The Samsung washing machine has several compartments. Each has its own purpose, which you should familiarize yourself with before starting operation.

We will tell you about where to pour the powder in the Samsung washing machine, where to pour liquid gel for washing, in the article.

Symbols and assignments of the compartments of the machine

In the Samsung washing machine the tray is divided into several compartments: each has its own function and is designed for a specific type of detergent. Below is a table in which there are transcripts for each department:

Compartment viewAppointment
A or IIt is used to fill in washing powder, as well as liquid-based products, if the mode includes preliminary cleaning of clothes. It is allowed to introduce products for bleaching and removing stains.
B or IIPowder and other detergents can be poured into the compartment for the main wash.
StarIt differs from the previous compartments in small dimensions. Designed for rinses and conditioners. Used when the cycle is approaching the last rinse.

It is not recommended to put stain removers and bleaches into the drum with clothes. This can provoke rapid damage to things in any selected mode.

If the symbols have worn off, it is not difficult to guess where to put the detergents. Almost all Samsung models have a universal positioning system:

  • on the left there is a tray for a standard wash, where you can pour the powder;
  • in the middle there is a compartment for a linen freshener;
  • the section on the right is suitable for pre-soaking.

If it is difficult to deal with such a scheme, then you can refer to the instructions, where the layout of the trays is shown in the figure.


Where to add dry washing powder, how to determine the proportions?

Pour the product into compartment A or I.The correctness of the calculation of the concentration of washing powder directly depends on how well things will be washed. If the amount of powder is not enough, stains will remain on the clothes.

To correctly calculate the amount of washing powder, there are several factors to consider:

  • the amount of future washing;
  • hardness of water;
  • what temperature mode is selected;
  • degree of pollution.
Most powder manufacturers put instructions on the back of the products, but you can determine the right amount yourself.

If you plan to fully load the drum, just to freshen things up (there are no complex and old stains), you will need 150-175 g of powder. To combat complex pollution, you need to add at least 200-225 g.

An equally important criterion is the total weight of the loaded items.... To figure out how much powder is needed, just look at the following ratios:

Weight in kgPowder in g

If the clothes are heavily soiled, it is not recommended to add twice the strength of the powder. This will not solve the problem. It is best to pre-soak with stain remover or bleach.

Where and how much to pour liquid washing gel?

foto23837-3It is recommended to use liquid powder, gel, stain removers and bleaches in the Samsung washing machine to the compartment marked with number II.

Typically, at full load, a concentration of 150 ml of liquid powder is sufficient. If the agent has a high concentration of active ingredients, then you can use the agent in a smaller amount.

Stain removers and bleaches should only be poured into the special compartment... When falling asleep in the drum, stains may appear on things and the fabric will deteriorate completely.

Fabric softener

The Samsung washing machine has a separate small tray marked with an asterisk. It is specially designed for air conditioner.

To avoid mistakes in use, just follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. Observe the prescribed dosage. It is not recommended to inject funds more than the specified mark.
  2. You can dilute concentrated products with ordinary water in a ratio of 1: 3. In this way, you can achieve a better rinsing of things.
It is recommended to rinse the tray after each wash cycle to get rid of the slimy layer. Otherwise, gradually the nozzles in the machine may become clogged, and the air conditioner will remain in the compartment after the wash is completed.

What can be sent directly to the drum?

foto23837-4Many housewives have long found innovative solutions as an alternative to ordinary powder that can be sent along with clothes directly into the drum.

These include capsules, tablets, and wipes. As a rule, each product has its own instructions for use.

If it is not there, you can follow several universal rules:

  • pre-prepare 4-5 kg ​​of dry linen;
  • it is recommended to place the capsule, tablet or napkin under the linen, so the product will dissolve faster.

A distinctive feature of liquid products is the ability to use them for washing children's clothes. Most of the products are environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic.

It is not recommended to open the package with the product or touch it with wet hands before washing.... Otherwise, hand skin irritation may occur.

Why is it not recommended to put powder into the drum?

All-purpose powder is much tougher than gels, capsules and wipes. It contains granular particles. They can leave stubborn stains on clothing. In addition, powders and bleaches are corrosive.

When they are poured into special trays, the machine is self-distributing. If you pour a large concentration into the drum, then not only stains may remain on the clothes, but holes may also appear.

Consequences of improper use of detergents

Consequences of misuse directly depend on the type of detergent:

  1. foto23837-5If you pour the gel into the powder receptacle, then nothing terrible will happen. The product will simply remain in the tray.
  2. It is not recommended to pour gel into the conditioner compartment. Otherwise, the agent will only get into the drum during the last rinse. As a result, things will remain soapy and will have to be washed again.
  3. It is not recommended to put the powder into the drum, as there is a high risk of damage to the clothes.

All the most important and useful about Samsung washing machines can be found in this section of the site.


The Samsung washing machine is very easy to use. In order not to spoil the equipment and things, you need to pour the powder into a compartment specially designed for this.

The quality of washing also depends on the dosage of the detergent.... Excessive amounts of powder or gel will lead to deterioration and poor washing.



