Important rules and practical tips for connecting Samsung washing machines

foto24530-1A new Samsung washing machine can be connected by a qualified technician or by yourself.

In the latter case, you need to know all the features and comply with the requirements for connecting to communications, as well as have the necessary tool for these purposes.

We will tell you how to install, connect and configure the Samsung washing machine in the article.

Site selection: what should be considered?

Even at the time of purchasing a Samsung automatic washing machine, you need to decide on the place where it will be installed.

Optimal options:

  • kitchen;
  • bathroom;
  • utility rooms, if any.

When choosing a place, you should consider the following points:

  1. foto24530-2In terms of its dimensions (height, width, depth), the machine must fit into the space provided for it.
  2. The close location of water supply and sewerage systems.
  3. Convenient outlet location. The use of extension cords and tees is not recommended.
  4. The floor covering must be firm and level. The best option is a concrete floor.
  5. If the floor is smooth and slippery, a shock absorbing rubber mat may be needed.
  6. There should be good ventilation in the designated room, since constant high air humidity is an extremely undesirable phenomenon, which, in the end, can lead to equipment breakdowns.
  7. There should be no close proximity of heating equipment, stoves, as this can cause overheating of the device.
  8. Convenient access to the washing machine, the possibility of free opening of the door should be organized.
  9. At any time of the year, the room temperature should not fall below zero.
  10. The power cable must not go under the bottom of the washing machine.
  11. There must be no carpet on the floor under the feet of the appliance, which could prevent leaks from being detected in time.
  12. The minimum gap between the body and adjacent objects must be: at least 5 cm from the back wall and at least 25 mm from the sides.
  13. Protection from direct sunlight must be provided.
When choosing a device, it is necessary to take into account the overall design of the room, with which the machine must be in harmony.

Preparing for installation

When receiving a new washing machine, first of all, you must remove the packaging and inspect the case for defects, and also check the completeness of the device.

foto24530-3For self-installation, taking into account the prepared communications, you will need:

  • level determination tool;
  • a wrench for removing the shipping bolts;
  • plumbing tool for the installation of the organization of the water supply and drain;
  • fum tape as a sealant;
  • sealant.

Shipping bolts are designed to fix the tank of the device during movement. They are located on the side of the back wall. Depending on the model, there may be a different number of them, which can be specified in the documents for the washing machine.

How to remove the transit bolts? Remove them completely, helping themselves with a wrench.

After removing the transport bolts, you must:

  1. Close the holes formed on the case with plastic plugs provided by the manufacturer and are included in the kit.
  2. Save the bolts for future transportation.
Before removing the transport bolts, the automatic machine must not be started, as this may result in equipment damage.

It is advisable to install all communications and connections immediately at the place where the washing machine will be located. If necessary, an anti-cushioning mat is placed on the floor. Using the level determination, set up the machine.

The legs will help to adjust its location., which, while scrolling along the thread, can become higher or lower. When the height adjustment is complete, tighten the locknuts. Do this with a wrench. Such fixation is necessary to prevent loosening during operation due to vibration.

Before starting work, you need to make sure that the washing machine is set correctly. To do this, you must try to shake it slightly with your hand.

How to connect to electricity?

foto24530-4The washing machine is a household appliance with a high level of electricity consumption, so connecting it to the mains requires a particularly responsible approach.

The recommended option is an outlet that is directly connected to the meter. Connect the washing machine directly to the outlet, without adapters and extension cords.

The maximum distance from the machine to it is only for the length of the cord. As a rule, this is no more than 150 cm. The socket must be grounded and protected from water.

How to connect to water supply?

The washing machine comes with a hose for connecting to the water supply. It must be connected from one end to the washing machine itself, and the other end to the place of cold water intake. The water pressure in the pipe should be in the range from 0.5 atmospheres to 8 atmospheres.

To connect the hose to the washing machine, the end with the filter is attached to the body, tightening the nut well.

The connection to the water source can be organized at any convenient place. Most often, it is organized by inserting it into a water pipe. This is the preferred option.

For this cut the pipe and insert a special metal tee - with a branch on the washing machine. A valve should also be arranged here to shut off the water supply to the machine.

If you have special knowledge and tools, you can do this yourself, or by contacting a plumber. But it is possible to organize a tie-in from the water supply to the toilet, in the area of ​​the mixer, etc.

When planning the place of the tie-in, it is recommended to make it in an accessible place that allows you to turn off the water supply after the end of the wash cycle.

Connecting the washing machine to the water pipe - in the video:

Organization of discharge into the sewer

foto24530-5Emptying the washing machine can be organized in two ways:

  1. Temporary - in a bath, sink or toilet.
  2. Stationary - into the sewer.

The stationary version assumes a tie-in into the sewer system.Most often it is made into a siphon, which has a special branch for a washing machine.

If the installation of the hose is done directly into the sewer pipe, then you need to organize it very carefully - so that it does not touch the wastewater.

The insertion point of the hose must be secure - to prevent leaks and wastewater entering the hose. For these purposes, a sealant and sealant is used. The bend of the hose from the floor must be at a distance of at least 0.5 m.

Connecting the washing machine drain to the sink siphon - in the video:

Setting up control from a smartphone or phone

Modern washing machines can be controlled from a mobile phone. This is possible for devices that can connect to the Internet.

It is possible to control the washing machine remotely using the Smart Washer app with Smart Control. This requires internet access.


  1. Download the application to your smartphone.
  2. Open the application.
  3. Select your washing machine as the control device.
  4. Go to settings.
  5. Press "Play" to start the cycle.

foto24530-6The first time it is launched, it is authenticated. In the future, internal control will be provided.

For external control, it is necessary to register the washing machine on the Samsung Smart Appliance manufacturer's website.

Advantages of connecting to the phone:

  • control of the washing process, indicating how much time is left until completion;
  • the ability to remotely start and stop work, as well as program adjustments;
  • error code notification.

Disadvantages of remote control:

  • washing machines with the ability to connect to a telephone are more expensive than analogues;
  • the washing machine is connected via a home network, which may affect the quality of signal transmission / reception.

Not all Samsung washing machines allow you to connect to the phone.

First start

When the washing machine is connected to all communications, you must make sure that the installation is correct. The first start-up of the washing machine is carried out without placing laundry in the drum.

Detergent (small amount) is poured into a special compartment. For these purposes, it is advisable to choose a special preparation for the first wash. A good option - Helfer Start HLR0054 - from industrial pollution and for disinfection.

On the control panel, a program with a long cycle and with water heating is selected. The start button is pressed.

foto24530-7When starting the car for the first time, it is necessary to monitor her work, paying attention to the following points:

  • no water leaks;
  • water heating;
  • filling the tank with water;
  • drum rotation quality;
  • drain work;
  • spinning behavior of the machine.

If leaks, grinding sounds unusual for normal operation, or other defects are found, the machine must be stopped.

If the machine itself has displayed an error code on the display, its interpretation should be clarified in the documentation to the device. There may be a bad connection or some other user error. Read more about error codes. here.

The first test run allows you to analyze the quality of the connection and the operation of the components of the washing machine, and also makes it possible to remove dirt from the drum, residues of lubricants, and the specific smell of new technology.

Possible difficulties and solutions

While connecting the washing machine, the user may face unforeseen difficultiesThe following tips can help you:

  1. If it is not possible to organize a tie-in into the sewer immediately after buying a washing machine, you can temporarily use the option with a drain into the bath or sink, and only later organize a stationary connection.
  2. In the absence of a centralized water supply, feeding the washing machine with water can be organized using a water tank raised at least 100 cm.In this case, the hose must be connected to the bottom of this tank and make sure that the container always remains full. This situation may be relevant for summer cottages. The cardinal solution is to install a water pump.
  3. If, even at the stage of unpacking a new machine, defects in the case or undercompletion were noticed, it is necessary to require replacement of the defective equipment.
  4. If at the first start-up, defects of the automatic machine were identified, you must contact the service center that accompanies the Samsung equipment under warranty.
  5. A separate difficulty is the installation of a built-in washing machine. In the absence of experience in carrying out such work, it is better to entrust the connection of equipment to professionals.

Master call

You can not only install a washing machine yourself, but also use the services of a master from a company that repairs household appliances, including washing machines. Finding such firms is not difficult on the Internet.

Connecting a household appliance and installation depends on the price list of the household appliance repair company and the complexity of the work being performed. The cost of work does not include payment for consumables and additional parts that are required during installation.

Average prices in the capital:

  • foto24530-8standard installation with outgoing communications - from 600 rubles;
  • installation of a built-in machine - from 1,300 rubles;
  • installation with the preparation of communications for plumbing - from 1,800 rubles;
  • installation with preparation of electrical communications - from 1,800 rubles;
  • complex installation with preparation of communications - from 2,000 rubles;
  • dismantling of an old typewriter (free-standing) - from 300 rubles;
  • dismantling of the built-in machine - from 600 rubles.

It is recommended to seek help in installing the washing machine from firms that have been practicing in the service market for a long time and have a reliable reputation.


To successfully connect your Samsung washing machine, We recommend using the following tips:

  1. When planning the purchase of a washing machine, you must take care of the future connection to communications in advance. It may be necessary to replace the siphon with a special one that has a drainage outlet (fitting), and organize a tie-in into the water pipe for output to the washing machine.
  2. If the floor is uneven, it should be leveled if possible before bringing in a new machine.
  3. The valve that cuts off the water supply to the washing machine must be closed after the end of the wash, and opened only before starting.
  4. To insert the hoses of the washing machine into the sewer and water supply system, it is necessary to use only high-quality parts, since they are designed for many years of use.
If you are not sure of your own capabilities in carrying out a high-quality connection of the washing machine, it is recommended to contact the master.

All the most important and useful information about Samsung washing machines can be found in this section of the site.


Connecting a washing machine is a responsible event that will affect the further operation of a household appliance and the convenience of its use.

For this, it is necessary to carefully and tightly organize all connections, as well as to securely install the unit itself. You can do this yourself or by calling a repairman for household appliances.



