How to understand why the Samsung washing machine does not drain water and fix everything yourself?
Even reliable Samsung home appliances can malfunction and require troubleshooting. One of the problems with modern automatic washing machines is drainage problems.
With such a malfunction, the washing process stops. To resolve the issue, it is necessary to determine what is the cause of the failure.
What are the reasons that the Samsung washing machine does not drain water, how to find a breakdown and fix it, we will tell in the article.
Reasons why the drain does not work
Samsung automatic machines allow you to perform a complete wash cycle without human intervention, strictly following the program set at the beginning. First, the wash is performed, and only after that the rinse and spin. If no drain occurs, the cycle stops.
The main reasons for not draining are:
kink or blockage of the hose;
- breakdown of the pressure switch;
- filter clogging;
- pump wear or air trapped in it;
- ingress of foreign objects into the pump, concentrator;
- blockage of the branch pipe;
- sewer blockage;
- damage to electrical communications in the device itself;
- breakdown of the control module.
To determine the cause of the violation of the drain, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics.
How do I identify the problem?
It is almost impossible to say right away what the problem is with the Samsung washing machine. Finding the cause will take time, since you will have to go through all the possible options step by step.
When is the water in the tank the norm?
In some cases, the problem is solved very simply. For example, there are types of delicate washes designed to care for wool items that do not end with draining.
Program crash
Failure of the program can be caused by voltage drops, pressure in the water supply, as well as a significant overload of the drum with things. The power surge problem is random.
You can try to restart the cycle and see if it will drain normally.
Drum overload
If there are a lot of things in the washing machine drum, some of them should be removed. When wet, they become heavy, and the washing machine cannot cope with such a load.
After that, you need to turn on the washing machine again and repeat the cycle. If the overload was to blame, then conclusions must be drawn and avoid such situations in the future.
What does the machine itself "say"?
The Samsung washing machine declares a malfunction using error codes sent to the display, as well as sounds uncharacteristic for normal operation.
For instance:
- a malfunction in the control module, pump, branch pipe, wiring can be issued in such a combination of letters and numbers - 5C, E2, SE, 5E;
- wiring, poor contact, damaged controller, pressostat about a breakdown are signaled with codes: IC, 1C, E7, 1E, IE;
- the hum of the machine at the moment when it is trying to drain, it may indicate that the pump is airing or that foreign objects have entered the pump.
What to do?
To begin to determine what is the cause of the failure, it is recommended to start with the simplest and easiest options to eliminate... If even a partial disassembly of the washing machine is necessary for analysis and diagnostics, it must first be disconnected from all communications.
Kinked or kinked hose
Rough handling of the drain hose can prevent the water from being drained.
This situation often arises when the washing machine itself is moved or the tube that runs from the machine to the siphon is moved.
If the hose is pinched or severely bent, it must be straightened... As a result, patency may be restored. To check, select the drain mode and monitor the state.
The washing machine should not be located too far from the drain. The best option is up to 3.5 meters.
Clogged filter
This part is designed to retain small debris that accidentally fell into the drum. These can be coins, torn off buttons and hooks, etc. This filter is almost always located at the bottom right behind a separate panel.
To do this, perform the following actions:
- Removing the panel.
- Draining water using the emergency drain function.
- Cleaning the filter.
- Reinstall the filter.
The filter should be cleaned regularly to avoid the accumulation of debris.
How to clean the filter in a Samsung washing machine, the video will tell you:
Clogged sewer
For washing machines, the drain of which is discharged into the sewer, the problem may not lie in the machine at all, but in the clogged pipes.
To check this option, you must:
disconnect the drain hose from the sewer and redirect it to the bath;
- turn off and turn on the washing machine;
- choose a spin;
- if the water begins to flow out, the problem is in the sewage system, in this case, you can remove the blockage yourself or with the help of a plumber;
- after cleaning the pipes, the washing machine is connected to the drain into the sewer and testing is carried out.
Before proceeding with further diagnostics, it is necessary to carry out preliminary activities:
- Turn off the machine. Disconnect it from the network.
- Shut off the water supply to the machine.
- Drain the collected water. For this purpose, the emergency emptying hose must be used. It is located on most models from the front side at the bottom right, behind the panel.
- Remove the laundry from the drum.
When restoring connections that have been checked for clogging and possible breakdowns, it is necessary to monitor the accuracy of the installation and the quality of the seals.Such vigilance will help prevent possible leakage at the joints.
Hose clogged
Without removing the hose, it is almost impossible to determine its permeability... It should be borne in mind that this part is attached directly to the pump, and to remove it, you must gain access to the mounting location.
If you choose a horizontal position of the washing machine to separate the hose, make sure that all the water is drained. Otherwise, moisture may get into the control board and other parts that are not intended for this.
To detach the hose, you must:
remove the bottom, if any;
- find the place where the hose is connected;
- dismantle;
- pull out the drain hose by disconnecting one end of it from the sewer and the other from the machine itself;
- check the patency of the tube using running water;
- if there is a blockage, it must be cleaned with a jet of water under pressure or with a wire;
- install the part in its original place;
- conduct a test run;
- if the drain does not work, proceed to the next check.
The hose should be cleaned carefully so as not to damage its integrity, since if damaged it cannot be repaired - only replaced.
Airing the pump
The air lock can block the drain due to the fact that the pump itself is designed to pump water, not air. Such actions will help to correct the situation, the purpose of which is - "Expel" air from the system:
- Fill the machine with water.
- Disconnect the drain hose from the drain.
- Put it on the floor.
- Set the drain on the washing machine.
- If water starts to come out, put the edge of the tube into the tub. Otherwise, you will have to look for the malfunction further.
Air congestion is a rather rare problem, according to statistics.
Foreign objects in the pump, pump breakdown
A clogged pump situation can occur when foreign objects enter the system.... This can happen if there are some things left in the pockets of the clothes before washing, the buttons come off when the drum turns, etc.
All these small objects can interfere with the functionality of the Samsung washing machine, including the pump.
The repair process should include the following steps:
- removing the concentrator;
- washing it under water and removing foreign objects;
- checking the rotation of the impeller;
- installation in the same place.
If the damage is significant, the pump may need to be replaced.
A pump is a part that provides fluid pumping... If it fails, pumping does not take place and the water is not drained. After washing, water remains in the tub, the wash cycle stops. The pump is difficult to repair, more often it is replaced with a new part.
Broken water level sensor
The water level sensor is responsible for measuring the amount of water in the washing machine. When the pressure switch is broken, the washing machine's automation does not receive information about the presence of water in the tank, and, as a result, the drain does not start.
Damage to the Control Unit Panel
The control module is an electronic circuit... It is located in the upper part on the front side under the buttons and indicators that set the mode and monitor the washing process.
It is difficult to test this site on your own, so it is better to entrust this work to a specialist. If the breakdown is in the control module, the master will repair it. In some cases, the panel may even require replacement.
Clogged nozzle
The branch pipe of the Samsung washing machine can become clogged from the accumulation of small debris... To clean it, it is necessary to dismantle the unit: remove the clamps and the screw securing the branch pipe.
It is convenient to clean this part of the washing machine after removal under high pressure of water. After removing the blockage, the pipe is returned to its place, carefully fixing it.
Broken hub
If the master gives a conclusion about the breakdown of the concentrator, it is replaced with a new one... If this part is not available for a specific Samsung model, you will have to replace it together with the pump.
Wiring problems
If the contacts in the washing machine are broken, there are wire breaks and other defects, you will not be able to cope with the situation on your own.
Forced drain: why is it needed and how is it carried out?
In cases where the wash cycle has stopped, and there is water inside, it is necessary to organize a forced drain. This must be done for several reasons:
- For further diagnostics and repairs, it is necessary that there is no water in the car.
- Leaving incompletely washed laundry in water for a long time can ruin the clothes.
- It is not advisable to keep water in the car - it is not intended for long-term storage of liquid, and the called repairman will not come immediately.
There are two relatively simple options for eliminating water:
- try to drain through the drain hose, completely lowering it to the floor, and the free end, redirecting it not to the sewer, but to a low bowl;
- through the emergency drain system, which is located on the front side at the bottom.
How to make a forced drain of water, the video will tell you:
Master call
Some problems with draining the Samsung washing machine can be solved on their own, with even minimal knowledge of the operation of the equipment. But for serious breakdowns, you cannot do without a master.
The cost of the work alone depends on the company's price list, the type of work performed, the use of additional parts and consumables (for example, sealant).
On average, the price in the capital and large cities is slightly higher than in the regions:
- cleaning the drain filter - from 1,000 rubles;
- cleaning the branch pipe - from 1,200 rubles;
- replacement of the pump - from 1,500 rubles;
- repair of the control module - from 1,500 rubles;
- replacement of the water level sensor - from 1,300 rubles, etc.
A list of companies that provide warranty service for new washing machines can be found in the documents that are provided with the purchase of equipment, as well as on the Internet. For machines that have expired, you can find a repair company on the world wide web.
It is not advisable to contact individuals, as there is a chance to run into scammers, which can lure money for parts and simply disappear.
After the completion of the repair work, the representative of the household appliances repair company issues a guarantee for the work performed.
Find out more about repairing Samsung washing machines - in this section of the site.
If your Samsung washing machine does not drain the water, you can try to deal with the failure yourself first. To disassemble the machine and find a breakdown without the help of a master, you need a set of screwdrivers, at least minimal experience and some knowledge of the device of washing household appliances. If you have doubts about your abilities, it would be better to turn to professionals.