10 reasons why the Samsung washing machine "jumps" when spinning, and how to eliminate them

foto23781-1The process of the washing machine is accompanied by characteristic sounds and slight vibration. But if the apparatus starts literally "bouncing" and moving spontaneously on the floor, it is necessary to determine the cause.

There may be several of them, and each will require mandatory elimination. Some of them are easy to handle on your own, while others require the help of a master.

About why the Samsung washing machine "jumps" during spinning and how to fix it, we will tell in the article.

What makes the machine "jump" and what to do about it?

Modern automatic washing machines are programmed to perform the entire cycle of washing without human intervention. At the same time, the equipment itself is fully designed for the loads that all washing programs can provide.

If the vibration becomes too strong, it clearly indicates a problem.

Unsuitable floor surface

foto23781-2Sliding the washing machine within a few centimeters and shaking may occur due to too slippery floor surface.

With intensive spinning, the washer can literally begin to slide over the surface.

The way out is to install the machine on a rubberized mat... This will not only prevent the machine from moving on its own, but will also dampen the chatter.

Shipping bolts not removed

If the machine has just been installed after transport, it is imperative to remove the transit bolts. Their purpose is to hold the tank in place while transporting the unit. They are on the new machine, and they are used when transporting the washing machine from one apartment to another.

The number of transit bolts may vary from model to model... They are installed from the rear wall of the machine. The exact number of transit bolts is indicated in the documents for the washing machine.

Load imbalance

The imbalance of the things loaded into the car is one of the common reasons that the car shakes, especially at high revs.Incorrect loading refers to the following conditions:

ProblemWhat caused the problemSolution to the problem
The things inside the drum are gathered into one lump, which cannot be evenly spread out by the washing machine.This may be a situation when smaller products, during processing, fell inside a larger one, for example, a duvet coverTo avoid such a situation, it is recommended to use special mesh bags for washing clothes.
The tank was initially filled more than 2/3.Tightly stuffed laundry not only causes the machine to shake, but is also poorly washed and rinsed out, since the machine cannot whip it properlyFor a high-quality wash, the drum should not be filled more than 2/3 of its volume, even if the machine is designed for a higher weight
Loading by weight exceededItems that are heavy but compact enough can cause overloadingIf non-standard items are sent for washing, or there are doubts about the total weight of all items in the drum, it is recommended to weigh them before starting

It should be borne in mind that when wet during washing and soaked in water, things become much heavier than in a dry state. This increases the load on the machine components that are involved in the rotation of the drum.

If the imbalance of the drum axle load is significant, the Samsung washing machine may even stop working. In this case, one of the possible error codes appears on the display: UB, E4, UE.

For machines without a display, the following state can serve as a failure signal:

  • the second from the top temperature indicator is on;
  • all mode lamps flash.

In case of an imbalance of the machine, it is necessary:

  1. Switch off the washing machine.
  2. If there is water in the drum, it must be removed through the emergency drain filter.
  3. Take out some of the things.
  4. Close the hatch door.
  5. Start the washing machine.

Incorrect installation of the household appliance

foto23781-3Correct installation of a Samsung washing machine involves not only a competent connection of communications.

One of the rules that users often ignore is a flat floor. Its surface should be flat, without slopes, grooves and other defects.

If there is any doubt about the existence of a slope, check the surface using a special level tool.

When installing, it must be borne in mind that the legs of the washing machine are subject to adjustment... If the problem is in them, then the problem legs just need to be twisted, leveling the level of the washing machine.

If the entire floor is uneven, a separate concrete platform should be made for the washing machine.

Damper wear

The dampers in the washing machine are located under the tub. They are designed to dampen its vibrations during washing and spinning clothes at high speeds.

The shock absorbers wear out with a long service life. As a result, the tank sags, there is practically no damping of its oscillations.

With such a breakdown, the dampers must be replaced with new ones. Prevention of shock absorbers wear - avoid overloading linen, washing shoes with spinning.

Objects caught between the drum and the tub

foto23781-4Small items (coins from pockets, buttons, hooks and other items torn off during washing) often end up in the space between the tub and the drum.

You can check this by turning the empty drum with your hand.... If it is difficult to do this, then there is a possibility that the interference is created by foreign objects.

First, you should check the area around the hatch under the cuff by bending its edge. If this does not work, then, most likely, you will have to partially disassemble the washing machine to find an object that interferes with rotation.

Springs worn out

Springs - elements that hold the tank from above... These are fairly reliable parts that rarely require replacement. They capture vibrations by dampening tank vibrations.

When worn, the tank is not held in the required position and dangles freely. The solution to the problem is to replace worn parts.

Counterweight malfunction

This structural element of the washing machine is located on top, under the cover. The block provides stability and reduces vibration. In the course of intensive operation, wear of the counterweight is possible in rare cases.

If the fasteners are loose, they tighten it. And if the part itself is worn out, it is completely replaced.

Vibration and knocking, which are not accompanied by grinding, can indicate problems with the counterweight.

Factory defect or engine damage

foto23781-5The washing machine motor provides drum rotation during spinning and washing. When closed, this element no longer performs all the declared functions in full, its power decreases.

Twitching of the washing machine during operation can also be caused by worn brushes. Also, regarding new washing machines, there is a possibility of the presence of a factory defect.

Professional diagnostics will help to identify a serious breakdown.

Bearing problems

Bearings wear out during operation if moisture enters. Due to their destruction, the shaft begins to come into contact with the drum itself. This causes the entire car to squeak, bounce, and move across the floor.

If the integrity of the bearings is violated, the machine must be repaired immediately., since breakaway fragments can damage important parts, which will complicate and significantly increase the cost of repair.

Master's call: how to find and how much to pay?

If you cannot cope with the breakdown on your own, you need to contact a company that repairs Samsung household appliances. You can find such a company on the Internet.

The cost of work depends on the pricing policy of the company, and does not include the price of parts that require replacement.

foto23781-6In the capital, the average price for services is on average:

  • replacement of shock absorbers or bearings - from 1,200 rubles;
  • replacement of brushes - from 900 rubles;
  • removal of a foreign object - from 1,200 rubles, etc.

If the machine is under warranty service, do not disassemble it yourself, as this will void the warranty. You can find out about the companies that support such machines when purchasing equipment in a store.

Regardless of the severity of the breakdown, it is better to trust the work to a representative of a household appliance repair company, and not to a private person by a random ad. This will give confidence in the quality of the repair performed and prevent fraud. In addition, companies give a guarantee for their work.

Find out more information about repairing Samsung washing machines in this section.

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If the machine jumps and does not stand still during the washing process, you should, first, exclude possible consumer errors. Light vibration during spinning at high speeds is normal and not a malfunction.

But serious shaking is a reason to diagnose and eliminate a defect in the equipment... In the absence of proper experience and the necessary tools, it is better to entrust such a thing to professional craftsmen.



