How to correctly replace the drain hose of a Samsung washing machine with your own hands?

foto23342-1It is not often necessary to replace the drain hose on a Samsung washing machine.

You can cope with the task both independently and by calling a specialist in the repair of household appliances.

When should the hose be changed and how is it determined? How to remove it and change it to a new one? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

When is it necessary to replace?

foto23342-2Replace the hose with a new one may be needed in several cases:

  • insufficient length available;
  • material wear.

If the integrity of the hose is broken, it is recommended to replace it completely. Repair with clamps is not advisable due to poor reliability and short service life. For the same reason, it is not recommended to build up the missing length.

A clogged hose is not a serious reason to replace a part.... If it is not worn out, it should be cleaned and replaced. But in cases where, in addition to the blockage, there are cracks and general wear, it is better to replace it in order to prevent a serious leak.

Rules for choosing a part for a Samsung washing machine

The drain part that comes with the washing machine is made of propylene. The section diameter ranges from 18 mm to 22 mm. At the ends of the hose there are rubber nozzles, which ensure reliable fastening of the part to the machine itself, and connection to the sewage system.

One of three popular types of hoses can be used for draining:

  1. Plain standard, from 1 to 5 meters long.
  2. Universal telescopic. In a compressed state - about 0.6 m, in an extended state - up to 2 m. During operation, it clogs up more often than other types, vibrates more strongly when the machine is operating.
  3. Produced by the bay. It can be cut to the desired size according to the existing notches.
In order not to be mistaken with the choice of length, it is better to measure the distance from the car to the entrance to the sewer with a tape measure. In this case, it is necessary to take into account exactly how the hose will be laid so that it does not get in the way under your feet.

For example, along a wall, not diagonally. It should be positioned freely - without sharp bends and squeezing.

foto23342-3The optimal distance from the car to the drain is no more than 3.5 meters.Based on this parameter, it is advisable to choose the location of the device itself and the place of drainage into the sewer pipe.

It is also necessary to take into account which drain option will be used:

  • temporary - with a drain in the bath,
  • stationary - with a tie-in into the sewer.

The latter is preferable, but the connection must be made in compliance with all technological points and tightness requirements.

In any organization, the drain should be freeand the edge of the hose should not be submerged in water when draining.

Preparation for the process

Depending on the model, Samsung washing machines may have a different mount and location of the drain hose inlet to the machine. Despite the nuances of the design, all machines require preliminary preparation before carrying out the main work.

This requires:

  1. Disconnect the machine from the network.
  2. Shut off the water supply to the device.
  3. Check that there are no items in the drum.
  4. Drain off the remaining water through the lower filter. To do this, open the lid located on the front panel at the bottom and drain the water through the emergency hose into a jar or rag.
  5. Disconnect the outer end of the old hose from the drain.
  6. The washing machine must be pulled out so that you have free access to the rear wall.
  7. To gain access to the interior of the machine, unscrew the screws on the back of the machine.
  8. Slide the top panel back so that it can be removed without effort.
With the panel removed, it is necessary to find the place of connection of the part for draining. And only after that, proceed to the main stages - dismantling and installing the hose.

How to remove and install a new one?

In Samsung washing machines, the drain hose is attached to a pump inside the machine. To remove it, you must first partially disassemble the machine.

All actions must be performed without the use of force. Having found the place where the hose is attached to the pump, it is better to photograph it. This will help in the future to correctly mount the new part.


  • foto23342-4if access is convenient from the back panel, then unscrew the screws and remove the rear panel;
  • if access is more convenient from the bottom, then remove the bottom panel (if any);
  • the washing machine for convenience of work can be neatly laid on its side, spreading a rag so as not to scratch the case;
  • loosen the clamp at the entry point of the hose so that it can be removed;
  • get the old hose;
  • install a new one in the same place;
  • fasten the clamp, referring to the picture taken earlier;
  • assemble the washing machine in reverse order, installing and securing all panels, as well as the hose itself on the machine body;
  • Connect the free end of the hose to the drain.

After completing the work, carry out a test wash.

An alternative is to gain access to the connection to the pump by tilting the washing machine and resting it against the wall. With this method, it is necessary to control the stability of the position of the machine.

Possible problems and ways to solve them

Expert advice will help you effectively deal with the problem:

  1. A leak is not always a sign of a torn hose. The entire length of the hose should be carefully inspected to try to locate the break. Wear on other parts can also leak.
  2. foto23342-5Ignoring even a small leak can lead to big problems, including flooding downstairs neighbors, damaging the floor, and serious damage to the washing machine itself.

    If there is a leak, the problem will only get worse, so you need to solve it immediately.

  3. Lack of skills in equipment repair is a reason to seek help from a specialist. Inappropriate actions can be harmful.
  4. When the washing machine is brought into the room from frost, it must be kept for several hours. As the residual water that was in the car and turned into ice can cause serious damage.
  5. If the length of the factory hose is not enough, it is recommended not to build it up, but to replace it with a new one of the correct size.The connection will not have the required reliability.

Do not leave a running washing machine unattended, as an abnormal situation may arise, for example, a leak.

Master's challenge: what you need to know?

To replace the drain hose you can call a foreman from a company that repairs household appliances... Such a company is not difficult to find on the Internet, it is also recommended to read customer reviews.

Turning to a private person for repair, you can get to a weak specialist or, in general, to a fraudster. Reputable companies monitor their reputation and hire only an experienced contingent.

When placing an order by phone, you need to specify the problem, then the master can come directly with a new hose and replace it very quickly. If a new hose is already available, it is worth mentioning this when calling a specialist.

foto23342-6The cost of work does not include the price of the main part and consumables, if they are needed: tips, sealant, etc. By region, prices may be lower than in the capital.

In a large city:

  • repairing the hose will cost from 1,200 rubles;
  • work on a complete replacement will cost from 1,400 rubles plus the price of a new hose.

The exact cost is determined on a case-by-case basis. At the end of the work, an employee of the company tests the operation of the washing machine and issues a guarantee. When replacing the hose, the warranty can be up to two years.

Repairing an old hose makes sense only in such cases:

Lost connection with the drain pump in the machine itselfThe technician will check the connection, tighten the loosened mount or replace the clamp. If the adapter nib is cracked, replace it too. The joints are sealed.
There is a leak in the sewer connectionIn this case, you can even turn to the help of a plumber, and not a washing machine repairman.

For washing machines that are under warranty, call the master from the service center, since even partial disassembly of the device violates the integrity of the seals.

All about the repair of Samsung washing machines - in this section.

Related videos

How to replace the drain hose of the washing machine, video instruction:


You can replace the drain hose in a Samsung washing machine on your own or call a specialist for this. Getting started on your own, you need to take care of the necessary tools and a new hose in advance. In the process, all work must be carried out very carefully, making sure that all connections are tight.



