How and what to remove the persistent and stubborn smell of cat urine from the carpet?

foto6229-1Whoever kept cats knows that getting rid of the smell of their urine is very difficult, almost impossible. But only almost. There are still chances.

In this case, you can use both folk methods and household chemicals. And the best thing is if you organize their combination with each other.

How to remove the smell cat urine from carpet at home? Consider what the problem is when removing the smell of cat urine, what and in what sequence you need to do to return the house to the usual cleanliness and where to run if all else fails.

Why is it so difficult to remove unpleasant odors?

foto6229-2Cat urine consists of three main components: urea, urochrome and uric acid, which gives a persistent, powerful, unpleasant ammonia odor.

The first two components are usually quite easy to remove even with plain water, not to mention all kinds of cleaning agents, but the last component is the most difficult to remove.

After all even when the palace looks clean outwardly, acid crystals still remain on it, creating an unpleasant aroma, and if water also gets on them, then the smell becomes simply unbearable.

So, since the main struggle is with ammonia acid, in no case should you use the means that have it in its composition! Otherwise, the smell will only intensify and not disappear.

If you plan to clean the carpet with chemical cleaning agents, then be sure to read their composition and exclude those that contain ammonia.

How can you clean the carpet if the cat has written?

To effectively remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet, it is necessary to choose the right means for this and use them in a certain sequence.

All means for removing the smell of cat urine from the carpet are divided into folk and chemical.

Folk remedies

Household odor control products include:

  1. foto6229-3Alcohol - This is the easiest way to work with a stain left by a negligent pet. But you can only use it if the volume of urine is small (for example, a small kitten left it).

    The puddle on the carpet is wiped dry, then filled in with alcohol and left to dry completely (preferably with a window open for ventilation).

    Alcohol, evaporating, carries away particles of smell, that is, upon completion of drying, everything should be in order with the carpet.

  2. Soda - it is used to fill the spot in a dry place and then remove it from the carpet with a vacuum cleaner or in any other way.
  3. Lemon acid - dissolves in liquid and is used to rinse the contaminated surface.
  4. Vinegar - most often used in combination with other products.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide - helps to remove residual odor, is used before working with more powerful products and when further planning the use of household chemicals.
  6. Chlorine - it is used as a disinfectant, but its main disadvantage is that it is not safe for the owners and their pet. And sometimes it even attracts cats with its smell.
  7. Iodine, potassium permanganate, tea leaves - difficult to use, as they leave behind colored spots. Therefore, they are only suitable for cleaning carpets of a certain color.


Cat urine odor chemicals can be divided into common products sold in the household chemicals section of household supply stores and specialized products available at pet stores.

The former are used not so much to remove odors as to flush out the particles of cat urine that give the odor. The latter are used to suppress odor.

Common household cleaning products that help remove aroma include:

  • dishwashing detergents - any;
  • means for cleaning fluffy surfaces - any;
  • carpet cleaners - any.

Be sure to read the composition of the products and make sure that there is no ammonia !!!

From the means offered by pet stores to suppress animal odors, we can highlight:

  1. foto6229-4Nature's Miracle - is a universal odor suppressor, also breaks down uric acid, suppresses pheromones;
  2. BIOFORCE - a universal remedy for odor elimination;
  3. "True friend" - spray for the destruction of animal odors;
  4. Odorgone (Odorgon) - to suppress any unpleasant odors.

Most zoosprays and liquids are not specifically designed to remove urine odors, but to suppress animal odors in general.

How to clean a surface: action technology

As mentioned above, the best effect when removing urine odor from carpet gives consistent use of folk remedies and household chemicals. In this case, the following stages can be distinguished:

How to remove liquid?

The main task of this stage is to try to remove as much liquid as possible. from the carpet without widening the stain left by the animal.

If the puddle was left quite recently, then first it must be blotted with dry napkins or rags. If the puddle was left by the cat for a long time, then we skip this stage - all the liquid has already evaporated, only urine crystals remain on the carpet.

We remove the maximum amount of urine with dry rags! If you immediately start washing the stain with water, the contaminated surface will expand due to the penetration of water mixed with urine into the carpet fabrics and, accordingly, the smell will become stronger!

By water

foto6229-5Ideally, if it is possible to transfer the carpet to the bathtub and turn on running water over the spot. If this is not possible, then you should substitute a basin under the carpet from below and wash the stain with a sponge or rag (a sponge is better, but at the end of the work it will most likely have to be thrown away).

If this is not possible, then the stain is washed directly on the carpet lying on the floor. In this case, you should change the water in the basin as often as possible, in which the rag or sponge is rinsed.

Vinegar solution

A solution of vinegar (6-9%) is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/3 and the resulting mixture is applied to the stain... It is advisable to do this from a spray bottle so that the impregnation goes evenly.

Then the stain is left to dry for 5-8 hours. In this case, it is desirable that the room be ventilated.


Soda is applied to the dried spot remaining after treatment with vinegar - it crumbles in an even layer.

Hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing gel

foto6229-6Hydrogen peroxide (3%) is diluted with water in a 1/1 ratio and sprayed directly onto the soda layer... It is advisable to do this with a spray gun - for uniform application. Then the carpet is cleaned with a stiff-bristled brush.

It is necessary to clean with force, pressing the brush as much as possible. It is desirable to achieve the formation of foam and deep penetration of the solution into the carpet!

At the end of cleaning, you need to leave the stain to dry, and after it dries, remove the remaining soda with a vacuum cleaner... The baking soda will remove odor-containing urine crystals.

The use of household chemicals

After using home remedies, clean the dried stain with any product carpet cleaning (without ammonia!), applying it to the contaminated area according to the instructions supplied with this product.

Most often this is adding the product to water, whipping it into a lather, applying foam to the stain and removing it with an ordinary, or better, a washing vacuum cleaner.

What if all else fails?

If all the above steps did not help remove the smell of cat urine, then the last chance is to go to dry cleaning.

Tips for choosing and working with it below:

  1. foto6229-7Dry cleaners currently offer two cleaning options - dry and water cleaning. The first does not remove odors, therefore, if the carpet allows it, it is better to choose an aqua cleaner.
  2. The leading brands in the field of modern cleaning are Italian and German companies. Therefore, it is worth clarifying what equipment and what chemistry the selected service uses.
  3. If the carpet is very large and difficult to transport, you can invite the representatives of the dry cleaner to your house, having previously specified what exactly you need to clean and that the main element of the fight should be the smell.

    In this case, it should be remembered that after cleaning at home, the thing remains wet for another 2-4 hours, therefore it will be difficult to use the carpet - you will need to give it time to dry.

  4. If a dry cleaner asks you to sign a document in which there is a waiver of claims, then you should think about choosing a service company for a friend.

Useful video

The video will tell you about how to remove the smell of cat urine from the carpet:


So, the smell of cat urine can be very persistent and difficult to remove. You can fight it with both folk remedies and household chemicals. The best thing is when both methods are combined.

If all your efforts were in vain and the smell still remains, then the last chance is a good dry cleaner, the right choice of which will be the key to success.



