As efficiently as possible, quickly and without streaks: my windows with Karcher

foto26913-1Window cleaning is a tedious task. However, it cannot be avoided.

To facilitate the work of housewives, various devices have been developed, one of which is the Karcher purifier.

We already wash our windows with Karcher, and you? Read about the rules for using the device in the article.

Can the Karcher glass cleaner be used?

Karcher is a German brand that produces and sells cleaning equipment. Among the wide assortment, a unique device is presented - a manual windshield wiper.

It is believed that this device is not intended for professional cleaning.but it is not. It is quite suitable for home use.

It can be used to clean not only windows, but also most smooth surfaces, such as mirrors or tiles.

Externally, the Karcher sink resembles a vacuum cleaner brush, but of a larger size. On sale you can find devices with and without a battery. In the latter case, the device will be powered from the mains.

What else besides a steam cleaner?

Three types of devices from Karcher can be used to clean windows:

  1. foto26913-2Manual wiperwhich works like a vacuum cleaner. It is he who is purchased for household needs most often.
  2. Steam generator. This is a multifunctional device that is suitable for doing household chores: washing mirrors, plumbing fixtures, tiles and even upholstered furniture.

    With its help, curtains and clothes are steamed, various surfaces are disinfected and even bedbugs are removed.

  3. Mini high pressure washers... They are used to clean windows, but only from the outside.

All three devices can be used to clean windows, but in order not to spoil the glass units, you need to follow the instructions.

Instructions for use

The manual wiper is very easy to use. Its principle of operation is similar to that of a vacuum cleaner. The main function of the machine is to suck up dirty liquid from the surface.

Step by step instructions for use:

  1. Assemble the device, charge the battery.
  2. Apply detergent to glass. This is done using the spray gun that comes with the kit. It is important to properly dilute the product with water, the recommended proportion is 1:10.
  3. Spread liquid evenly over the surface. For this, the wiper is equipped with a soft cloth attachment.
  4. Press the suction nozzle against the glass, remove water and dirt from the window. It will fall into a special tank.
  5. After completing the cleaning, empty the container with the collected liquid, rinse the tank.

When using a Karcher wiper, you should pay attention to the following error codes that may pop up on the display:

  • foto26913-3E1 - the battery is overheated or, conversely, too cold, you need to let the device cool down or warm up;
  • E2 - a turbine that sucks water is blocked; it must be cleaned to continue working;
  • E3 - voltage is too high to avoid damage to the device, only the original charger can be used to power it;
  • Lo - the battery is low, recharging is required.

In addition to the wiper, for cleaning windows you can use a steam generator... Features of its operation:

  • before proceeding with the processing of glasses, you need to remove dirt from the frames, the excess liquid is collected with a soft cloth;
  • water is poured into the steam generator, the device is plugged into the network and waiting for it to boil;
  • processing must be carried out from the top point of the glass downward - first wash the outside of the window, and then the inside;
  • excess water is removed with a scraper.
The advantage of using a steam generator is that it not only cleans, but also disinfects the surface, which is important for people with allergies.

In this case, you can refuse to use detergents. In order for the water in the steam generator to boil faster, heated liquid must be poured into it.

To clean the windows with a pressure washer, you must observe the following recommendations:

  1. Add soap concentrate to the container. It is necessary to use a liquid of the same company as the device itself.
  2. Switch on the washing machine. Hold the tip of the spray gun at a 45-degree angle to the window and apply the soapy solution.
  3. Switch on the pressure washer and switch the sprayer to common mode. Aim the tip at a 20 degree angle towards the glass.
  4. Water from the sink from the top of the window down.
  5. Let the glass dry.

The pressure washer can only be used if the seals are of good quality, the frames are in good condition, and the glass is intact. This device is suitable for cleaning windows in cottages, private houses, in the country.

In high-rise buildings, such a sink can be used by people living on the ground floor (provided that there are no bars on the windows). They will be able to clean the glass from the outside. Indoors, you will have to resort to using a steam wash.

When can not be used for washing?

Karcher windshield wipers cannot be operated in the following cases:

  • foto26913-4the device is dirty, the water has not been drained from the last cycle;
  • do not use a glass cleaner to collect dust;
  • do not process surfaces with particles of large debris - they will clog the nozzle and the device will fail;
  • no original detergent available.

If the device has been used for other purposes and is out of order, the manufacturer will not be held liable for the damage caused.

Pros and cons of using

Pros of using a wiper Karcher:

  • ease of use;
  • high-quality window cleaning without streaks;
  • small size;
  • high reliability of equipment;
  • low power consumption with high performance;
  • universality of use - the device can be used for cleaning around the house and washing different surfaces.
The main disadvantage of the Karcher wiper is its high cost. However, all the equipment of this company is not cheap. People value the brand for its reliability, durability and practicality.

Another disadvantage is the wear of napkins and rubber bands.... The more often you use the device, the faster they will become unusable. However, the parts are sold separately and are not as expensive as a new wiper.

Where and for how much to buy?

You can buy Karcher equipment in retail stores. This is a well-known brand, which is represented in most of the settlements.If the required model is not available, then it can be ordered on the Internet at online sites.

foto26913-5The price depends on the type of device, average cost of classic wiper blades for household use:

  1. Model WV 6 Premium - 8500 rubles.
  2. Model WV 5 Premium - 6,500 rubles.
  3. Model WV 50 Plus - 3900 rubles.

The price of steam cleaners starts from 7,500 rubles and can go up to 33,000. Pressure washers cost at least 22,500 rubles. All equipment is guaranteed for 5 years.

Helpful information

Tips for using wipers Karcher:

  1. Do not allow detergents from other manufacturers to enter the device. Their composition is not designed for a branded device. Failure to do so may result in damage to the sink.
  2. If the windows were installed less than 2-3 days ago, do not wash them with a glass cleaner. During installation, the joints are filled with construction foam, if it is not completely dry, its particles can get into the device and disable it.
  3. All foreign objects must be removed from the window sill so as not to touch them with the wiper handle.
  4. Dirt clogged in the drainage holes must be removed by hand using a cotton swab.
  5. It is convenient to clean the joints between the frames with an old toothbrush. No need to try to do this with the Karcher apparatus.
  6. You can put the device away for storage only after it is completely dry.

You will find a lot of important and useful information about fast and effective window cleaning in this section.

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The Karcher windshield wiper is a handy device with which you can facilitate the process of cleaning around the house. It is used to clean windows, glass and other surfaces. The main thing is not to violate the rules of operation and timely clean the device from accumulated dirt.



