Shining shine and no chemicals, or how to wash windows with glycerin
Keeping windows clean is difficult. Dust from the street, snow and rain instantly leave dirty streaks and stains on the glass.
How to quickly restore shine to windows? Experienced housewives know the secret. They use glycerin in cleaning.
This substance, available to everyone, will help in a matter of minutes to clean the glass without streaks, prevent dust from settling and the formation of condensation.
We will tell you more about how to wash windows with glycerin in the article.
Can the glass be washed with it?
Glycerin is an indispensable tool for fast and high-quality cleaning. It copes well with any dirt, and in combination with ethyl alcohol, it prevents the glasses from fogging and freezing (one part of glycerin is mixed with ten parts of alcohol).
Pros and cons of the method
The popularity of the use of glycerin for cleaning windows is explained by the following:
- the product is affordable (sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny);
- glycerin is absolutely harmless to human health and the environment;
- in combination with various components (alcohol, water) helps to achieve the desired cleanliness result without much effort.
Among the disadvantages, the fact is that glycerin cannot be used in its pure form. Undiluted glycerin covers the glass with a greasy layer, which not only prevents the free penetration of sunlight, but also collects the smallest particles of dust and debris.
How to prepare the solution?
It is very easy to prepare a solution for cleaning windows with glycerin at home. It is enough to mix two ingredients in a clean glass container:
- water (100 ml),
- glycerin (250 ml).
To enhance the cleaning effect of the prepared product, 10 drops of ammonia are added to it. All components are thoroughly mixed and the miracle tool for quick window cleaning is ready.
The recipe for the composition for washing windows with glycerin is presented in the video:
How to clean without streaks and streaks?
Adhering to a clear sequence of actions, it will not be difficult to wash the window efficiently, and, which is important without streaks, will not be difficult:
- Preparatory stage... The window sill is freed from all objects, blinds or blinds are removed from the windows. Using a vacuum cleaner or a slightly damp cloth, remove dust from the frame and window sill. A sponge dipped in soapy water will help get rid of stubborn dirt.
- Glass washing... First, the dirt is washed off with clean water. After that, the glass is wiped with a soft sponge dipped in a solution of glycerin and ammonia. To avoid smudges on the glass, movements should be carried out from top to bottom.
- The final stage is polishing... A microfiber cloth is ideal for such purposes. It does not leave lint on the surface of the frames, and stains on the glass.
After cleaning is over, the windows are left for three to four hours to ventilate. This will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of ammonia.
Alternative home remedies
No glycerin? No problem. A good window cleaner can be made from ingredients that are easily found in any home.
Lemon juice
In a glass of warm water, dilute 50 grams. freshly squeezed lemon juice (as an option, you can use 1 tablespoon citric acid). The resulting product perfectly removes any stains from glasses and frames, leaves a pleasant citrus aroma after cleaning.
Potato starch
A starch solution will help to quickly cope with dirt adhering to glass or traces of flies. For its preparation, a tablespoon of starch is diluted in a liter of warm water.
Table vinegar
Acetic water will help to wash very dirty windows quickly and without streaks. To prepare it dissolve half a glass of table vinegar in a liter of warm water.
The resulting product is sprayed over the contaminated surface, after which the glass and frame are wiped with a damp sponge. Window cleaning with vinegar is carried out only with rubber gloves.
You can learn more about how to clean windows with vinegar from this articles.
A few secrets of experienced housewives will help clean windows quickly and without streaks:
Cleaning is best done in dry, cloudy weather. Otherwise, under the influence of bright sunlight, the detergent on the glasses will dry out even before it is washed off with clean water.
The result is smudges and stains, which are difficult to get rid of.
- Rain is not the best assistant in high-quality cleaning (it will not work to rub the glass to a shine).
- When cleaning tall windows, it is better to use special mops or scrapers. You should not climb the pyramids of tables and chairs in order to get to the window - this is dangerous for life and health.
- When cleaning windows from dust and dirt, do not use dry abrasive powders. They leave scratches on the glass and frame surfaces that cannot be removed.
All the most effective and inexpensive folk methods and recipes for cleaning windows can be found in this section. You will find a lot of important and useful information about fast and effective window cleaning in this section.
It is easy to wash windows to a shine without using household chemicals. No less effective in work, but much more affordable, glycerin will quickly return crystal transparency and shine to glasses.